Jan 26 2005, 11:52 AM
Johan De Boer, a tall well tanned South Africa, has been your contact over the last 12 - 24 months. He is not Mr Big league but he sure does keep the credits rolling. There has not been a day that you have been short on money, always a little cash in hand. Nothing to call yourselves rich or even well off.
Johan has never put you in a situation that he cannot get you out. He has on occasion miss calculated the odds, but never left you in the lurch.
[ Spoiler ]
Johan is an added level2 contact for free. Nature of his business is to get the right person for the job. He seems to be very well connected around africa. Always has a name of a person who is willing to help.
You all know how to use OOC and IC. So lets get your characters acquainted, as to how he will help the team and what are his known skills, and what your team would have learnt about you over the last couple of months.
Jan 26 2005, 10:52 PM
So, from his name I take it he is white? Sounds South African.
Jan 27 2005, 10:37 AM
James Tyrell was the name in your history...
It looks like we are already to go.
Jan 27 2005, 10:24 PM
My character goes by the street name Anansi. He is a physical adept, specializing in covert operations and suchlike. Not a big combat guy.
Jan 28 2005, 09:05 AM
I think I may have made a mistake here.. Brief run down of Johanesburg.
Large City, approx 70km by 90 km very civilised. about 2 million people.
Jan 29 2005, 06:47 AM
Do we live there, or at least in South Africa?
Jan 31 2005, 06:55 AM
Your current accomadation is situated in South Africa.
Jan 31 2005, 10:21 AM
Any body packing concealled weapons that will be found on a pat down will have to hand them in concealability 10 or higher will get past no problem.
Jan 31 2005, 02:43 PM
Seems I'm in too. My character's a adrenaline junkie face with bits of rigger thrown in. Left a detailed bio a few posts back in the recruitment thread, so I won't clog the forums with a re-post.
Jan 31 2005, 03:04 PM
Great, Bio is not much of a thing that is out there but everyone could explain what what one another would have learnt about one character.
Jan 31 2005, 04:10 PM
What you know about Xola:
Short skinny black dwarf. VERY VERY in touch with Nature to the point he not only finds civilization rather discomforting, but it tends to find him discomforting in return. He'd rather pick leaves and plants from someone's garden or from the outskirts of town (the idea of land-ownership still confuses him), and make his own stew dinner than consider eating or drinking anything made for him. He carries leaves of different medicinal uses with him, and always seems to have some hidden wisdom from the universe. He's the classical shaman/mediceman type. But that's only his persona. When the numbers come to crunch, Xola is the stealthiest, deadliest animal in the forests, and that's where he likes to be. Trained by Leopard himself, Xola is able to sneak up to your achilles and bite it in half before you're even aware he's in the same world as you.
Feb 1 2005, 09:41 AM
Please could you siable your signatures in IC please.
Note to all
Everyone knows this please no Signitures in IC and OOC. thanks.
My bad. Consider it removed.
What you know about Kelly:
She's an elf that left Tir Na Nog because - as she put it herself - the place was dreadfully dull. She deflects probing questions about what she's been doing since then with jokes and quips. She seems to live for speed, her whole body almost radiating barely contained glee whenever she's moving at several hundred klicks. Her flying and driving seems to rely more on her lightning reflexes and raw skill than having had any formal training, often resulting in some quite bumpy rides. Beyond that, she's friendly and cheerful, but unrefined. Her humor, demeanor and style of clothing is distinctively lower working class. She finds killing disasteful at best, herself never carrying anything more lethal than gelrounds in a small sidearm. Anyone who ever actually killed someone while she were watching in anything but self-defense were usually in for scathing remarks for a few days, or an extra bumpy flight right after they ate. Even so, she rarely seems to carry a grudge past a few days. Especially not if there's a pretty face or a new breackneck adventure sport around to distract her.
Feb 1 2005, 01:48 PM
I just need to inform you all. Any dice roles to please be added in spoiler tags.
In such as a preception skill and other thing that would require a dice role. if I request a dice role please edit it into the spoiler of your post.
Feb 3 2005, 07:00 AM
Sorry I didn't post IC yesterday. I was cought up in work.
Feb 5 2005, 12:49 AM
I can't understand what the hell Johan is saying. What is our mission?
Feb 7 2005, 09:14 AM
HE is talking about diamonds that are circulating the markets that are not serial coded. They are high quality, but they are illegal.
So what's the hold-up?
Johan get distracted by the aforementioned stripper?
Feb 7 2005, 02:52 PM
No Weekend is relax time for me. I try and run this from Monday to Friday. I have been exeptionally busy. Normal quite time of the year but I have to have a proposal for Network upgrade by Monday next week.
But guess what its monday...
Feb 10 2005, 12:10 PM
Now that I have revved the Telekoms company and told them to repair my line for 2 months they have finally done so and guess what.. It works... Lets get back to business
Feb 11 2005, 10:00 AM
Just for clarification...
I know that some of you have spent your money. So here is 5K for any other little thing you may need. What ever that will be. |
"No shopping for new clothes or anything, just remeber there is a 1k each. So Kelly no spending the others money!" |
Do we have 5k per head, or 1k per head, totalling 5k?
Feb 11 2005, 10:08 AM
1k per head, totalling 5k.
Feb 11 2005, 10:29 AM
Yep. 1k per head. Sorry thats why I played it in.
You all should have cash at the normal calculated via the rule book.
10% of balance +3d6 X 100.
Then there is the 5K bearer bond with 1K each of you, you will all have 1K plus cash, depending on the role of dice and the 10% of remaining balance, some will have 2K to 3K...
The 1K is extra that you may need for some small goods that you may have over looked.
Feb 18 2005, 06:43 AM
You all have 4 days to get what you need, so let me have the list. If there is anything.
I will proceed to cover the next 4 day, on Monday.
Feb 18 2005, 11:33 AM
About those 3d6x 100 + 10% surplus starting money: Seeing as I can't remember having run into that rule in the pnp campaign I'm in, who rolls those 3d6? And does the rule of six apply?
[ Spoiler ]
She'll be buying a few narcojet darts (sr3, pg250) for her rifle. The amount depending on how much starting money she has.
Etiquette vs. Availavility 4/48hrs:
02 02 04 04 04 05 - 3 successes.
In case we have to starting money ourselves:
01 05 06 = 1233:nuyen:
And if rule of 6 counts:
01 05 11 = 1733
Feb 18 2005, 11:45 AM
Aes the role is pritty much a standard starting character rule. After spending you money you get 10% of the left over. The you role 3d6* 100 starting cash. Rule of one and six don't apply.
Feb 18 2005, 07:29 PM
In that case, she'll do a little shopping:
[ Spoiler ]
Using the previous roll and the 1k advance, she'll get herself a spare clip of narcojet darts for the rifle, just in case. 10 darts @ 170 will leave her with 533
left over.
Feb 21 2005, 07:17 AM
Aes I have taken 2 Success to speed up time to 24 Hours
Feb 25 2005, 11:38 AM
It Some people have not posted By monday if there is no reply in IC I am going forward, I am not going to wait for posts to be made.
Feb 25 2005, 11:41 AM
I think you should just post boss. We've all done like 5 posts of "waiting for a meeting". Let's see some action, there's only so many ways of saying that 'we wait'.
Feb 25 2005, 06:36 PM
Indeedy. Waiting.
Mar 3 2005, 06:55 AM
I on it just the lost the whole post on Tuesday when all our lines went down.
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