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Full Version: Sickest way I've ever seen to win $100,000US
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > General Gaming
I came across this one this morning, and... words almost fail me. Some Scottish Company, called Traffic, back in November, released a little piece of software called JFK Reloaded.

It's not your classic First Person Shooter. Essentially, it's a JFK Assassination simulator. You play the role of Oswald in the Lone Gunman Scenario from the original Warren Commission.

The simulation features highly accurate ballistics modeled on Oswald's Mannlicher-Carcano, and ricochet and bullet deflection based off of the materials in the environment.

When you download it, there's a free demo mode, and you can unlock the full package for $9.99US. The real kicker is that Traffic is currently holding a competition to see who can most accurately match the shots that the Warren Commission Report concluded that Oswald took. The Contest runs through 2/22/05, and the prize is $100,000US.

Their website is if anyone's interested.
Not bad. Personally, I would call a game where you play Jack the Ripper and were out to commit the murders and leave as much evidence behind as the real case file in exchange for $100,000 sicker.
Yeah, but no one's made that game... yet
Give me a programming team and two weeks...
Two weeks?

Sheesh, how much coffee are you planning to feed them?
*blink blink* Do I dare ask whats next?
Thats is I am calling it right now. Someone, more likely a French company (sorry frogs), will make a 9-11 simulator. SHortly there after you will have a homicdal shooting rampage in there offices. I am just warning you now. hehe
Pffft. As if armchair pilots haven't played chicken with buildings in flight simulators for years.
Austere Emancipator
Ever since the first time I played MS Flight Simulator on a 386, must have been in 1993. I'm sure I demolished the Golden Gate Bridge a hundred times with a Learjet trying to fly under it.
I still remember getting a 747 to do a loop d loop
Let's not forget trying to see how big an airplane you could successfully land on a skyscraper roof.

See, the thing is, people will do these crazy things of their own volition. Heck, if they had made the buildings and figures something you could plop down and just called the game "sniper" - perhaps with a selection of rifles - and added no defined goals, odds are a JFK level would've likely been made by the community shortly after. Humans are morbid little buggers like that.
Crimson Jack
See, the thing is, people will do these crazy things of their own volition. Heck, if they had made the buildings and figures something you could plop down and just called the game "sniper" - perhaps with a selection of rifles - and added no defined goals, odds are a JFK level would've likely been made by the community shortly after. Humans are morbid little buggers like that.

Reminds me of the game Postal. That one generated a bit of a stir.
Sequal promises to be much better.
"It's a sick world and I'm a happy guy."
In a bit of thread first aid, I'm going to chime in and say that I really don't find this game to be that bad. The name is a little over the top, but it's quite a good tool for convincing people that the shot is or is not feasible.

Fresno Bob
I agree with fact, I think that that is the entire reason this game was created, to disprove the "lone gunman" theory.
To add to my original thought, I'd've found it worse if it were a non-controversial killing, such as Gavrilo Princip's assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, that were being recreated (not that there isn't plenty of room for conspiracy theory there, but it centers around the possibility of conspirators rather than the actual act and the identity of the person who committed it).

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