Jan 31 2005, 09:43 PM
do any of you kids play warhammer at all?
Ancient History
Jan 31 2005, 10:07 PM
Jan 31 2005, 10:09 PM
my roomate in college was trying to get me into it, but it's a bit expensive for me right now, and i suck at painting. if you need proof, i can take a picture of the one model i DID try and paint...
Feb 1 2005, 02:34 PM
I play 40K, Inquisitor and Battlefleet Gothic.
Almost all of the models I possess have been throw-aways, gifts or severely discounted. It's the only way I can afford the hobby.
Feb 1 2005, 04:49 PM
I play Fantasy Skaven ( costs way to much) and chaos (mostly moo cows)
Feb 1 2005, 07:21 PM
Ive got a LOT of warhammer 40k stuff, mostly eldar. havent gotten any new models in a while. havent been able to play my genestealer hybrids in a longer while.
I mostly play eldar.
Feb 3 2005, 05:58 PM
QUOTE (Teulisch) |
Ive got a LOT of warhammer 40k stuff, mostly eldar. havent gotten any new models in a while. havent been able to play my genestealer hybrids in a longer while.
I mostly play eldar. |
I've got a Deamonhunter army in the works for W40K, and a BattleFleet Gothic fleet at the shipyard.
Haven't actually played yet due to lack of space, but once I move in a month or so, me and a friend have a campaign all planned out.
Feb 3 2005, 07:35 PM
My local group had a campaign all worked out, but our schedules became to infrequent to make it work...
So, now my Dark Eldar rely on short "40K in a Flash" games to get their needed slaves...
Mr. Johnson
Feb 6 2005, 03:57 AM
I used to play but haven't picked up a game since 4th edition came out. I have about 6000 points (that's not a typo) of 3rd edition space wolves. Also I sometimes bring out a 2000 point armored company. Doubt I will play again for a looong time-- all my 40k stuff is for sale. Problem is, most of the stuff is A+ painted so I don't want to let it go for the kind of money I've been offered.
Crimson Jack
Feb 9 2005, 02:33 AM
I used to, but sold all of my minis online for college.
Feb 9 2005, 09:34 AM
Let's see here...
I'm working on learning Warhammer, Bretonnians to be exact.
I play 40k sometimes, I have a Space Marines army, but reciently lost my codex, and I also have Eldar, probably about 15 pounds worth, mostly in plastic and resin.
P.S. Anybody want to buy some Eldar?
Feb 10 2005, 06:24 PM
I myself Play Fanatsy (Dark Elfs) Though i did used to have a large Tau army. I Don't Play 40k anymore though i still follow it. Also had a few Gothic Fleets, Imperial, Eldar, Space Marine and the starts of a Tau Fleet but i stop at the same time as i did 40k.
I did a Inquistor model based on the female black and white in the book this was my first draft of her, never round to doing a second
Inquistor Model Side note: Who here Plays Battle tech and is there any good Forums for it?
Feb 20 2005, 06:27 PM
Awww a fellow Druchii =)
I'm Dark Elves.. about 2800 points of them and Brettonian 2000 on the nose with them. Both are Fantasy.
Mar 10 2005, 08:11 AM
Couple weeks late (compared to everyone else), but I'm a fairly big 40k player. Been into it for 5-6 years or so, as finances allow. I've only just started to get interested in tournaments, though, starting with Gencon's Rogue Trader last year (first tournament ever, first time with a new army, and I still managed a solid middle-of-the-pack score).
I play 13th Company (without a single Wulfen), Imperial Guard (normally as Drop Troops with three full Stormtrooper squads, occasionally run as a slightly more conventional force with a pair of Chimeras; never the stereotypical gunline with 3+ tanks, though)... and I'm currently working on a DIY Marine Chapter (a very, very, young Chapter, with a heavy recon/scout theme to it).
Mar 11 2005, 10:44 PM
I used to play 40K a lot. My army was mainly Orks, thought I have a Tyrannid army as well. I have pretty much given it up for Warmachine. I just love that game. It is lots of fun and you don't have to spend nearly the amount of money on it that you do 40K.
Mar 12 2005, 06:47 AM
I've gotten extremely mixed reviews of Warmachine. I can safely say I like the look of the mini's, and I love the fluff of the game (we've been in an Iron Kingdoms d20 game for a while, now). I'm all for a vaguely WWI feeling skirmish game, in the setting that I know, etc, etc. It's the rules that my other gaming friends are so polarized about.
One of my buddies is absolutely in love with it (and keeps trying to get me involved). He's going to try and drag me up to our local gaming shop today, in fact, to "make" me watch and maybe get in a game. I mean, he's bought me an army, more or less, disguising it as his own interest in Cygnar (but asking me which units I thought I might like, etc), he's so desperate to get me into this game.
One of my buddies started playing it, got disgusted, and literally threw his miniatures away in distase. Painted mini's. Very, very, well painted minis (he's gotten Best Appearance at about 2/3 of the 40k tourneys he's gone to). An entire Khador army. Gone. Without warning, or much explanation -- he just tossed them one day, then mentioned it in passing as the most natural and reasonable thing to do, the next time Reid asked him if he wanted to play. "Nah. I threw my mini's out. That game sucks ass."
Personally -- obviously somewhere between the two camps -- there are two things potentially holding me back.
One is the inclusion of what I can't help but call "special characters" in every little fight, ever. I love the mini's for them, don't get me wrong (Caine would be a natural choice for me to have leading my gunmage-heavy army)... but it strikes me as just a little weird that you have to have one of each side's legendary three or four commanders in every little skirmish. It's also my understanding that the special hero/leader/whatever you choose often sets the flavor and feel of your entire army; I'm a little afraid that most armies will be very similar, and I hate that.
Secondarily, I...well...I really don't like steampunk giant robots. I'd be trying to make an army with little or none of those. I like guys. Guys with rifles, or maybe magical pistols. Soldiers. Vaguely realistic soldiers. I've been interested in trying to just make a gunmage and rifleman (or is it longrifleman?) army, some trenchers and trench-gunners. An almost-real looking infantry force... but I understand that without giant robots to fight the enemy's giant robots, no matter how good or how many or how well equipped the rest of your force is, you lose.
But, hey. I dunno. I might check it out today, and have a good time. There's just no tellin'.
Mar 13 2005, 04:46 PM
I used to do tabletop for warhammer, and stil have several of the books.
Mar 13 2005, 05:15 PM
QUOTE (Critias) |
I've gotten extremely mixed reviews of Warmachine. I can safely say I like the look of the mini's, and I love the fluff of the game (we've been in an Iron Kingdoms d20 game for a while, now). I'm all for a vaguely WWI feeling skirmish game, in the setting that I know, etc, etc. It's the rules that my other gaming friends are so polarized about.
One of my buddies is absolutely in love with it (and keeps trying to get me involved). He's going to try and drag me up to our local gaming shop today, in fact, to "make" me watch and maybe get in a game. I mean, he's bought me an army, more or less, disguising it as his own interest in Cygnar (but asking me which units I thought I might like, etc), he's so desperate to get me into this game.
One of my buddies started playing it, got disgusted, and literally threw his miniatures away in distase. Painted mini's. Very, very, well painted minis (he's gotten Best Appearance at about 2/3 of the 40k tourneys he's gone to). An entire Khador army. Gone. Without warning, or much explanation -- he just tossed them one day, then mentioned it in passing as the most natural and reasonable thing to do, the next time Reid asked him if he wanted to play. "Nah. I threw my mini's out. That game sucks ass."
Personally -- obviously somewhere between the two camps -- there are two things potentially holding me back.
One is the inclusion of what I can't help but call "special characters" in every little fight, ever. I love the mini's for them, don't get me wrong (Caine would be a natural choice for me to have leading my gunmage-heavy army)... but it strikes me as just a little weird that you have to have one of each side's legendary three or four commanders in every little skirmish. It's also my understanding that the special hero/leader/whatever you choose often sets the flavor and feel of your entire army; I'm a little afraid that most armies will be very similar, and I hate that.
Secondarily, I...well...I really don't like steampunk giant robots. I'd be trying to make an army with little or none of those. I like guys. Guys with rifles, or maybe magical pistols. Soldiers. Vaguely realistic soldiers. I've been interested in trying to just make a gunmage and rifleman (or is it longrifleman?) army, some trenchers and trench-gunners. An almost-real looking infantry force... but I understand that without giant robots to fight the enemy's giant robots, no matter how good or how many or how well equipped the rest of your force is, you lose.
But, hey. I dunno. I might check it out today, and have a good time. There's just no tellin'. |
I would suggest trying it. You can make a viable army without Warjacks and the number of Warcasters available now means you have a lot of leeway in army composition. The game is well balanced so armies tend to very alot. There are no real killer combinations. It just take practice a little more strategy than 40K. In Warmachine, army composition won't necessarily win you the battle, unlike 40K. You can have an inferior army and still win with better tactics.
If you are going to start out, only use the box set for a while. It is 350 points and will get you used to focus point allocation, then start to branch off and add infantry. Just don't play once and give up if you get beat by a more experienced player.
Apr 7 2005, 02:43 AM
While I love the miniatures of 40k, and i have enjoyed the game the few times I played it, I can't stand the rules. They suck, to put it politely. You can't ambush, you can't split your squad up, there isn't enough variation in weapons and armor to make it interesting.
What I would like to do is use the mini's and make up a more realistic ruleset with a great variable in the dice and rules. I really love the idea of 40k, I just think they made the rules to simplistic.
Apr 7 2005, 02:06 PM
The rules that exist for ambushing are vague, at best -- often the scenario itself will state that one side is "ambushing" the other, etc, etc, regardless of whether the army list backs that up or not ("uhh, your mob of orks rushing at me on foot is stealthily 'ambushing' my IG light infantry?"). There have on occasion been units with special rules for cover and placement (not just the basic "infiltration" and "move through cover" stuff), but people almost universally complain when that's the case.
My old Space Wolf Scouts, for instance, could come in via the Reserves rules -- but when they came in, they'd pop onto the board from my enemy's table edge (behind his army, mauling the rear armor of their vehicles, assaulting artillery crews, that sort of thing). It was a neat rule, and a very cool unit. The problem? No one else -- none of the other scout-style units -- could do that. Ditto the infamous "disruption chart" for an all ranger/sniper Eldar themed army, that could make enemy units start play already haven taken fire, make them start pinned, force them to be held in reserve ("pinned off the board somewhere"), stuff like that.
They were great units, and very characterfull and usefull -- but something that unique just serves to piss everyone else off. Because even though my Wolf Scouts were sneaky enough to circle around behind your army, they weren't able to do the stuff those Alatoic Rangers could (and no matter how adept they're said to be at disrupting supply lines and trapping enemy units, they couldn't pull my trick). It made for some weird rules, and some very bitter/grouchy players.
And as for splitting up a squad? It's easily house ruled, or even just built into your army list. Instead of running a ten-man Marine squad (or whatever), take two five-man squads. There's no rule that says you can't set them right next to each other for most of the game, as long as it's clear to your opponent (when he shoots at them, or whatever, for clarity's sake) what's going on -- then in the last few rounds, have one "half" stand and shoot, and the other "half" charge into an assault or whatever.
Which, granted, is a clumsy way to have to do it...but is a way to make it feel like it's what's going on.
Oh, and there's also the Cityfight rules (terrain specific to urban combat), which very expressly did allow you to split units up, and that sort of thing.
But, anyways, yeah. I agree with you completely. In an effort to appeal to more gamers and keep games fast moving, they've over-streamlined their rules in various editions of the game. It's the nature of the business, though, and everyone who plays 40k plays it for the fluff and the minis, not the rules (which is unfortunate, but the way it is -- those who try to play it for the rules or the genuine tactical challenge go mad fairly swiftly, and drop out of the hobby).
The Grifter
Apr 21 2005, 05:10 PM
I have a 2500 Point Dark Angels army. I tend to play quite often.
Mad Jack
Apr 26 2005, 01:53 PM
Orks (40k) and Dark Elves (fantasy)
Apr 29 2005, 01:35 AM
Does Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay count?
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