Feb 6 2005, 10:51 PM
Any interest in an IRC campaign? I started an in person group on a compaign, but we never finished due to distance and travel so a few of us are going to run it via IRC. We need a few more players, new and experienced. Players involved are both. Times to be determined based on whats good for everyone.
We will probably use Yahoo conference, because thats easy for me.
I'm up for it, but i think you know that...
Feb 8 2005, 08:36 PM
Nitpick: IRC != Yahoo. IRC is Internet Relay Chat, which is its own medium (well, set of mediums) as compared to Yahoo.
If it's actually on IRC, I might depending on the time. If it's on Yahoo, I'm not interested (hate that program, heh).
Feb 10 2005, 05:43 AM
I'd be interested. I haven't played for a while, but I've got a few characters I can dust off. I've also been working on a tow-truck driver, and possibly a handy-person/telephone repair character.
Feb 10 2005, 05:55 AM
Tanka-Sorry, its Yahoo. I know it sucks, but its easy for us computer incompetent and its what will be easiest for the group so far.
Aku-youre in
Harry-sounds good. We are pretty open with characters, especially if they are original.
Feb 18 2005, 04:15 AM
Urg. The least you could do is an AIM chatroom or somesuch.
Not like you couldn't look up a "How To" for IRC.
Ah, well. If you do need that how-to, I could probably do a quick write up with a few screenshots and put them on my domain.
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