Feb 9 2005, 08:45 PM
Hey all.
New to the forums, but not to Shadowrun.
I've been wanting to GM a Shadowrun campaign idea I've had cooking for years, but have no one near me interested in playing the game. Apparently, however, WebRPG is capable of supporting Shadowrun online, so I'd be interested in running the campaign that way, if people are interested in giving it a go.
Feb 9 2005, 11:18 PM
Sure, I’m interested.
How many characters will the campaign need, what skills, how often to post/update, etc?
Feb 10 2005, 12:02 AM
i'd be up for it, depending ofcourse on when you played..
i am, however, a newb still, (trying to work my way into a few games)
Feb 10 2005, 12:07 AM
I've always preferred to be a part of campaigns that are as much character driven as story driven. People can feel free to contact me with ideas they have as far as concepts and then we can discuss their place in the Sprawl. Obviously not every concept will fit, but don't be afraid to brainstorm.
I'm looking to have between 4 and 6 players, any classes, but certainly a mixture so we can keep our bases covered. I hate running NPC deckers and the like, so diversity should reign.
The timeline I'm trying to focus on is the time leading up to, during, and following the Renraku Arcology shutdown. The Arcology will probably be a major character in the story. I can neither confirm nor deny...
I'm also not interetest in immature players that seek to cause trouble. I'm pushing 30, so let's have some adults, or at least people who can contribute and not disrupt.
Hat Trick
Feb 10 2005, 03:56 AM
Er, what times do you plan on playing?
Feb 10 2005, 06:20 AM
Times and dates at this point are negotiable. I set my own schedule at work so I can be very flexible. I'd rather it be a weeknight. I don't want to dork out on the weekend if I can avoid it
We won't be beginning until on or around March 1st, which gives me time to prepare the details, speak to all the players and brush up.
Feb 19 2005, 10:46 PM
This is the first thread I've clicked on here, so I don't know how everything works here yet. I do know though that I would love to join a shadowrun game online.
What kind of power level for characters are you looking at? Are archetypes good, or should I do my own character? Is it a play by post thing or an online chat thing?
Feb 21 2005, 07:55 PM
Hey thanks for replying everyone. I'm finishing up a job assignment tomorrow, and will be able to give details as to the nature of the campaign on or about this Friday. I will be able to give you specifics then.
We'll be using WebRPG to play live, online. I've tested it and it has a lot of potential. I'll have to invest some time building maps and putting together all of the dialogue boxes, so we'd probably play one a week or biweekly, but our sessions would be long. Four hours is probably a good estimate.
Dedicated roleplayers and people who enjoy telling a story are welcome. I'll just drop boulders on power gamers and the disruptive.
That said, feel free to think about concepts and character ideas, and send them to me PM.
I've already received one and it was great, so keep em coming.
Thanks guys and gals (though gals are unlikely)
Feb 21 2005, 10:59 PM
QUOTE (RudyHuxtable) |
We'll be using WebRPG to play live, online. I've tested it and it has a lot of potential. I'll have to invest some time building maps and putting together all of the dialogue boxes, so we'd probably play one a week or biweekly, but our sessions would be long. Four hours is probably a good estimate. |
That puts me out of playing. I can do PbP or PbEM, it allows me to whip up a post/reply and then post at my convenience. I can't devote a solid block of time like that.
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