Feb 21 2005, 07:04 PM
Any players or GM's in the Omaha, NE area? I only know one other person IRL who knows the system and it gets pretty boring just playing with one player and one GM (we make the most of it, though).
Feb 22 2005, 08:57 PM
I have in-laws in Omaha. I could let you know when I will be down there for a pick-up game, or something...
Feb 23 2005, 08:40 AM
I'm stuck here too, I know there are a few others in town.
Feb 24 2005, 08:15 PM
Chance, know anyone who'd want to play? (including yourself?)
Feb 25 2005, 04:56 AM
As much as I'd love to play, with my work schedule and a baby coming its pretty hard. Another dumpshock member Ninjaphoenix had a game here in town, I'm not sure if he still does.
Mar 6 2005, 04:47 AM
Actually, my work schedule has just drastically changed and freed up weekend for the next few weeks. Interested in playing?
Jun 16 2008, 10:16 PM
Is there a group still going? I just got my SR4 core book and am looking for a group, preferably in Bellevue.
Jun 23 2008, 09:25 AM
My sister and her husband were in medical school at Creighton in Omaha, and I know they mentioned at one point that a lot of their classmates played the same kind of games I do. So you could go throw a flyer or something up at the school I guess.
Real Dave
Aug 3 2009, 01:22 PM
I'm looking for new players for my Ghost Cartels game. We meet every other Saturday, and we'll start the second arc (PacRim) in early September.
Drop me a PM if you're interested in playing.
Jan 24 2010, 02:51 PM
Any groups still active? I used to have 2 groups out here but they both fell apart.
Mar 1 2010, 10:59 PM
I've started running Shadowrun Missions at Gameshoppe in Bellevue. The plan going forward is to run it the last Sunday of the month, perhaps more if interest is there but last sunday for now. I also have a weekly SR game that I run that could stand another player or so however by mutual agreement of the group I'd need to talk over any new members before we added new folks and for that I'd probly want to correspond with folks a little bit. Not trying to sound elitist or anything but there is a horror story behind my madness.
Mar 5 2010, 03:19 AM
Looks like I am going to be transferred to Omaha late this year. Looking forward to any games that might be out there.
Mar 5 2010, 09:16 PM
Maybe its time I dragged myself into the new edition.
Mar 6 2010, 07:04 PM
QUOTE (Derek @ Mar 4 2010, 09:19 PM)
Looks like I am going to be transferred to Omaha late this year. Looking forward to any games that might be out there.
My condolences.
Although you could do far worse.
Mar 19 2010, 10:12 PM
So is the a regular group in Bellevue looking for a new SR4 player.
Apr 2 2010, 01:56 AM
Chance sorry i didn't address this sooner.
The game I run at the gameshoppe is open to anyone that wishes to play serving up modules from Shadowrun Missions for whoevers interested. Our next meeting will be on the 11th, game starts promptly at 4:30PM and I try and be there around 4:00 to answer questions and the like. I'd love to have more players and the 11th will be a running of the introductory module so it's a good place to jump in for folks.
Apr 5 2010, 09:22 PM
When I get there late this year, I will start contacting all of you that said you run/have games in the area.
Oct 20 2010, 07:52 PM
Just wanted to say that all in the area are welcome.
Oct 20 2010, 09:32 PM
Thanks for bumping this, I am actually in the process of moving, and will get there later this week.
Oct 21 2010, 04:15 PM
I have also been kind of remiss on updating this thread on our current situation.
As it stands we run Shadowrun Missions every Sunday at Game Shoppe in Bellevue NE. Everyone rolls in about 4PM for a prompt game start at 4:30. Show up early if you have questions or need character help. If you have any questions about how to get to the Game Shoppe or pretty much anything that cna't be answered in person feel free to drop me a PM here.
Nov 13 2010, 11:38 PM
I'll be running either Burning Bridges or Block War 5ish at the Game Shoppe in Bellevue tomorrow. New players and returning players welcome.
Dec 12 2010, 06:23 PM
I am bumping this thread to remind folks that we pretty much play every Sunday at 4:30PM at the Game Shoppe, come one come all.
Jan 7 2011, 05:03 PM
Seeing as the Omaha area has come up, anyone know of any groups in the Lincoln area?
Feb 16 2011, 01:34 AM
My group runs on Sundays either Shadowrun or other games. We've moved to my apartment so we can accomodate a later start time (6pm). PM me if you want details.
May 15 2011, 03:25 AM
I'm bumping this to let everyone know there are still active SR gamers in Omaha, we're meeting Sundays and running a mix of Shadowrun Missions and a home game. Message me if you want details.
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