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Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Community Projects
I'm starting a new, bi-monthly E-Zine similar to Adam Jury's Shadowrun Supplemental. It will feature new fiction, gear, archtypes, articles on GMing and more.

One of the most exciting parts of this project is that we've got a PROFESSIONAL graphic artist designing the look of the magazine. From what I've seen so far, the presentation will be on the level of anything you will find on a magazine rack at any book store!

Like TSS, we need submissions from fans. We need art, fiction, house rules, new gear, contacts, and almost anything else you can think of to "fill out" the issues. If you'd like to submit something, please send me a PM with your idea. Thanks.
Ancient History
Not that I discourage this project, but what, praytell, will be the difference between your own publication and TSS?
Good Question.

First of all, TSS isn't exactly a "regularly published e-zine" anymore. Adam and Co. still release great content, just in a different format now. Secondly, while there will be similarities as far as content (gear, fiction, ect.), we've got a couple of things lined up that will set this project apart. We will have content that hasn't been seen before, including a serialized full color comic book. We've even got a HUGE surprise for the first issue. We hope to have the first issue released by the end of March. I hope that everyone here will have a chance to put something into this project (that includes you, Ancient History smile.gif ).

On a side note, I'd like to express the fact that this project is NOT a replacement, an alternative, or in competition with The Shadowrun Supplemental. Adam has provided us with YEARS of hard work and material (hell, he even had MY first Shadowrun art in it - issue 12, in the review of Cannon Companion). If anything, I just hope to stand next to TSS and offer something cool.

Maybe it's possible to work together with Adam instead of doing the same work twice.

Adam has been busy of late, but is in the middle of getting people to help him out (myself being one of those people). If you would like to come on board, talk with Adam and lets get everything published from one sorce so it is easier for people to find what is out there. Just my two cents.

But, if you still feed it is best to branch out on your own, more power to you and maybe you can at least get hooked up as a Dumpshock Matrix site or something to make yourself more visable.
It seems as though the everyone would rather see a consolidated effort as opposed to something different. So, my (very small) team has been discussing alternatives. One member asked a very good question.

"Is anyone doing the NAGEE anymore?"
QUOTE (Kenshi)
"Is anyone doing the NAGEE anymore?"

Nothing has been done with NAGEE for a long time.
Last I heard, Gurth wasn't planning on releasing anymore NAGEE issues. That said, he just bought a Mac, so he's probably going to rediscover how fun publishing is when you're on a Mac. wink.gif
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