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Full Version: Where to run this thread?
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Dumpshock News, Bug Reports, Feature Requests, & Discussion
We are using dumpshock forums as a "base of operations" for an IRC campaign to post any needed information, meet times and what not.

Under which section should this be run?

Welcome to the Shadows?
Community Projects?
or Game Gatherings?
I would use the GM/Players Registry forum, but that's just my opinion.
thanks fortune

didnt want to put it in the wrong area and have someone get all butt hurt

It's cool. Either in the GM/Players forum or Welcome To The Shadows would seem to be appropriate. If the Admins think it is in the wrong place, and it bothers them enough, they'll move it to what they think is the proper location.

As I said though, I think the former is the best place, as your thread will mostly be dealing with logistics as opposed to being an actual game or community project. smile.gif
QUOTE (Bastard)
thanks fortune

didnt want to put it in the wrong area and have someone get all butt hurt


Yeah, people around here can get a little touchy. But man, I couldn't help but laugh at that quote.... butt hurt... HA!
Thank you for the input...I thought GM Registry...but then we will have a bunch of people asking where are we meeting? why does this say OOC? Blah, blah, blah...

I will start it there, but if it gets retarded I will have to move it. smile.gif

Thanks Big E, I am glad you see the world as I. wobble.gif
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