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Full Version: Next online game recruitment
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Welcome to the Shadows
Crimson Jack
I've never played SR online before and thought I'd give it a go, but it appears that there is no recruitment going on right now for a new game. Is this right? To be honest, I seldom come to this section of DSF and am not sure if this is how or where you start looking for a game? Any new games starting up soon?
Large Mike

Games start up with no set schedual. None of us are a member of any strictly-regulated organization regarding the running of games.
Something usually pops up every 2-3 weeks. Your best bet is to check regularely. If you join a game, you'll likely be expected to post every two days at least anyhow.
Crimson Jack
That won't be a problem. I'm on here daily normally. Thanks for the info.
I'm recruiting for a ganger campaign....Streets of Sorrow. Check it out if you'd like.
Fygg Nuuton
im recruiting for a play by chatroom if thats your bag
Digital Heroin
I've tried to recruit for chatroom, actually, a room I host, but alas, little interest there seems to be...
Fygg Nuuton
dunno about that. i have a group together, andcould always use a player / gm
Digital Heroin
What venue do you use?
Fygg Nuuton
AOL instant messenger chat. its common and rolls dice for you. and noone has presented a better venue
Digital Heroin
Well now, I may have a better venue indeed... free registry, has a dice roller (including a private roll option), built in private messenger, and the system stores player info... of course I'm going to have to contact the owner of the site, since it seems my room's been cut... but that's because no one ever went in there...
Fygg Nuuton
message me with your AIM name so i can get in touch with you please
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