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Full Version: When will they Release SRM00-5 & SRM01-01
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun Missions
When will they Release;

SRM00-05 - A Dark and Stormy Night
It was a dark and stormy night - traveling near Glow City in the Redmond Barrens during a hail storm is not your idea of a good time, especially when things go bump in the night!

SRM01-01 - Double Cross
Mr. Johnson has some serious personal problems with a certain corporate executive. He would like for you to help in reducing these problems – permanently…

Convention GM's want to know???


P.S.: I do not say it enough, but I really appreciate the hard work you folks do maintaining these boards and answering our questions. Thank You.
SRM00-05 is available now - it can be ordered through normal channels until it appears on the website...

SRM01-01 through SRM01-03 are also available through the normal channels - these will not appear on the website, except for the intro story and information how to order - story arc adventures must be ordered using the format on the website so that we can track who's participating...

SRM01-04 should be available soon, it is going through the post-premiere tweaks...
Ok I'm a newbe on this site but have been playing SR since 1st edition came out so consider myself somewhat of a vet sarcastic.gif

I've been looking around the site for a couple of hours now and looks like I'm going to have to take a couple of months of vacation to catch up on all this great stuff.

I'm definitely going to look into the commando ways, since IMO there just cant be enough spotlight on this great system.

One thing I cant seem to find is a listing of the "regular channels" mentioned in the above post and it would also be excellent if there was a list current commando's so one could catch up with some of these and get some input on whats happening in my own area(Denmark).

Both questions have probably been asked a thousand times before so a couple of links would be be sufficient.

Thx in advance.


QUOTE (Ghost_dk)
One thing I cant seem to find is a listing of the "regular channels" mentioned in the above post

The regular channel for aquiring SRM modules would be the one described in the 'Requesting an Event' section on the Events Page for SRM.
Playing SRM modules at home is considered an event, just as an convention event.
The best way to find out about everything about Commandos in your area is to visit Commando HQ.
I just did that and guess what. Not a single one. Just another incentive to become one.
Become an Adept of the Commando way.
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