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Full Version: What's The Next Fan Sourcebook?
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Just wondering what YOU'D like to see... smile.gif
Shadows of the Past.

Cap. Chaos look back at what has changed while he has been in charge of Shadowland. What gear, cyber, spells, metamagic, etc, was avalible in 2050, what the issues were, suggested runs, Big time runner of the year, biggest runs of the year (As in SOTA64). Then work your way up to around the 'present'.

The book would serve two purposes. #1, create a simpler enviroment for NooBs who don't want to worry about a ton of complex rules. #2, flesh out some portions of the universe that were ignored for a while, like the 2061 elections.

QUOTE (Club)
... like the 2061 elections.

As far as I know, the (UCAS) elections were held in 2060, and again in 2064. The 2057 elections were an anomaly, as they were held in an emergency because of the previous year's scandal. The normal election cycle wasn't reset though.
Close enough. I'm lucky I got anywhere near, as I live in Canada.

Quick, when is our next election
IIRC, In Canada an election can be called at any time, but must be called within 5 years of the previous one. The last Canadian Federal election was in 2004. There are rumours that one might be called for this year, but that is very doubful.
Congrats, you get a no-prize.

Correct. And there is (Or maybe was by now) this one independant candidate who can make or break the entire government right now. FUNNY situation.

I want a prize, damn it! nyahnyah.gif biggrin.gif
Looks like a lot of people want new places to 'Run. What are your suggestions?
> For my personnal opinion, not a country : SoNA and SoE are released, SoA and SoLA are in developpment, so no need a country, or one which is not describe or not enought like eastern european country.
A city can be a good idea. Or after we have smaller things, such as corporate enclave, arcology, university, etc. It depend on what do you think saying "place".
> Daegann
Is there ANY work being done on the Renraku Arcology Mapping Project?
A Target: Astral book would be nice, with a few strange and not-so-strange Metaplanes, and even Places of ..., that can be used by a GM in a hurry.
QUOTE (Club)
Shadows of the Past.

Cap. Chaos look back at what has changed while he has been in charge of Shadowland. What gear, cyber, spells, metamagic, etc, was avalible in 2050, what the issues were, suggested runs, Big time runner of the year, biggest runs of the year (As in SOTA64). Then work your way up to around the 'present'.

The book would serve two purposes. #1, create a simpler enviroment for NooBs who don't want to worry about a ton of complex rules. #2, flesh out some portions of the universe that were ignored for a while, like the 2061 elections.

IIRC, good ol' Cap didn't get to be SysOp until after The Neo-Anarchist's Guide to Real Life, which was "set" in '53. So he got that position around '54.

Before that, it was SYSephan OPus.
Digital Heroin
Deeper Shadows

A locational book focusing on hidden little gems, urban or otherwise, the forgotten or forbidden locations of a world where the shadows are already quite deep.
Ok here is a thought I myself would be willing to pay for a book say 30 to 40 bucks if it was made like this.

I would imagine it would have to be big like the main book due to the amount of material in it.

Call it something like the players guide to the shadows in it is everything to make characters.

Now by everything I mean priority system and all things that go with it races racial bonuses ect ect.

Put the point system in there for those that feel it is the way to make a character. No offence but I use the priority system because A) It is how I learned the game B) it is not listed as an optional rule.

Magic section with every spell ever to exist in Shadowrun that is still viable (although the return of hellblast and sleep would be nice among others) in detail (I.E. descriptions of all spells) all in one location.

All the decker stuff decks, programs, so on so forth in the decker section.

All the rigger stuff in the rigger section. (sorry don't play riggers too often so don't know what stuff would be necessary in this type of book)

Adepts get a section all powers in detail.

You get the point I'm sure but only the info needed to build a character.

Rigger 3 revised keeps rules and modifications and types of transportation all of that stuff that comes after you put the character together and are ready to spend money.

Same thing for deckers, mages, adepts, sammies so on and so forth.

This book is just to make the character the money is usually the last thing needed so the players can go to the other books for that part.

Have several arctypes not the ones in the main book some new ones say like 25 to 40 of them covering all the different types of characters from razor guys to elementalists from full rigger to specialist riggers and so on.

I go to make a mage or and adept I now have what 4 books to go through for spells and or adept powers. (yes I know most are listed in a single book but no descriptions.)

If you stick to just the basics needed to put the actual character together I don't think it will be to big and it won't make the other books obsolete.

I think this would be a good idea and tossing in a massive arctype section will hopefully give ideas as to how to make a large variety of characters via the priority system. (heck I have like 30 or 40 characters and most are different types I have a couple that are close to each other but not many)

Just a thought now to everyone who wants to rip into me over this go for it I'm sure there will be some fall out from the point system fans among others so have at me. eek.gif
Is there a source book for the far east? Maybe with Tokyo, Chiba, Singapore, Beijing, Hong kong, etc in it? This could be really cool for pacific rim runs.

Or how about a south American source book?
Demonseed Elite
Both are coming soon, Zephania. wink.gif
I'd like to see an update and cleanup on cyberware and rules.
I'd like to see a listing of all cyber, old and new and what year it would have been first available as special loot and what year it hit the shelves.
Also, i'd like to see some new cyber, stuff to close the gap between magic and machine as far as upper end power level.

Give us in game reasons why vision mag and smart lnks don't work together, aside from game balance (which situational vision mods easily overcome).
Finally answer what so many have asked for over the years, a dual weapon capable smartlink rig.
Awsome, I've just GMed a run based in Hong Kong and out of the blue completly unplanned one of the new characters history was ex hong kong police... Ah the fun he had being the only character to speak chinese...
I thought this thread was on the subject of potential The Next Fan Sourcebooks?
Digital Heroin
I'm actually outlining Deeper Shadows in my head... have been for a while. Got plently of little locales to explore for it, I just need to get off my arse and write, which is easier now that my recent uber-project is all but done.
Deeper Shadows sounds like a worthy project.
Digital Heroin
Thing is, it doesn't even have to be super secret government installations... abandoned an NYC subway station could just as well make the book, if there's something interesting about it... which there will be...
Might be nice to get some European locations to go with the SoE book!
Digital Heroin
I've got one very cool one in mind for Europe... more specifically somewhere where they speak French, eh...
Hoping that SoA focuses on the Far East, whaddabout Shadows of the Middle East?

Or Shadows of Africa.
Crimsondude 2.0
SoA includes info on the Middle East.

For some reason, I don't have a lot of faith in the idea of a Africa SB.
I would so like to see a sourcebook on the world/atmosphere in low tech shadowrun, like in around 2030, concerning the crash, how the companies dealt with it, the upcomming of the term shadowrunners and so on.
How about one big "Update book", where they go back over previous source book locations and materials (some haven't been touched on in years) and give us a look at what's happening now, how things have changed, new players, etc...

For Example: One chapter on Renraku Arcology, One chapter on the Will, one chapter on Bug City, etc...

This way it would give us updates on older source material, without have to reprint a whole "new" book (like "New Seattle").

I mean I for one would like to see/learn how things are going in the renraku Arcology these days. Are some people still held captive? Do some drones still control some floors? I know these things have been hinted at, but one full chapter on the subject would be great.

Anyways, that is something I would like to see.
I'm really starting to wonder if people look at the titles of these threads...
Deeper Shadows, definitely cyber.gif
QUOTE (Synner @ Mar 29 2005, 08:47 AM)
I'm really starting to wonder if people look at the titles of these threads...

You're definitely not alone in wondering that. ohplease.gif
Lately I've been working on a comprehensive background for the Tampa Bay Metroplex in the Sixth World for a campaign I'm curently running. The porblem is I don't live anywhere near Tampa and have never visited. I've just used a lot of online resources and some travel guides. Anyone interestted in looking over it give me an e-mail.

I'd definitely appreciate some feedback from people who actually live in the area of Tampa.
mattness pl
QUOTE (Casazil)
players guide to the shadows

Sounds good to me smile.gif . Something like Player Handbook.
One book - all gear. And magic (spells/spirits/adepts powers).
The ONLY book needed to create character.
I never GMed outside home - to many books to carry with. One "compendium to play" would be nice.
Stop dreamin', mattness - that's impossible biggrin.gif
Shadows of Africa - online. Also, there may be an Israel book coming, but that's just an idea for now. smile.gif
I'm with Casazil & Mattnesspl on this, a "player's book to the Shadows" sounds like a good idea.
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