I'm gonna start a campaign for a team of players, this will still be one of my first games GM'ed, and we're playign online usign irc. My players are also very green to Shadowrun, we've played a few small mission before.
Anyway I've asked them to make a character each (they're only 3 as that's all we can get to play regularely on our group, it suits this campaign fine though).
Anyway I told them that they'd be part of a "military" special ops unit, they needed at leats one sniper, one spotter/thief/infiltrator(low on cyber), and one assault guy to do shooting and well.. assaulting
I gave them free apartments with the job (Doesn't matter much as you'll see later ), and they got a free aptitude edge for their "special" skill. for the spotter/infiltrator/electronic guy this was abit more free, while the sniper and assault guy, well I guess you can figure out what skills they had to choose
At first I thought I'd act out the first chapter, but then I figured I wanted more control of that part, and Ididn't want a team full of dead runners before we even started.
so the intro goes somethign like, the team are as they aware one of the most secret level of Ares Black ops teams, a Beta team, Alpha teams get the lighter jobs, while beta teams get the shit that needs to be totally black.
A week or so ago they where asked to do a liquidiationof a high ranking executive, an Ares executive who had sold some secrets and gone bad in fact. now this didn't seem unusual at the time.
As they went on the mission eveyrthign seemed smooth untill their forth teamleader, and leader, went into the building and discovered she was surrounded by sentry guns. She was cut down before she managed to mention anythign to the other team member on the radio.
The sniper did however discover the enormous heat developement in the room using his infra scope. later he also saw that the heat signature disippated into a multitude of gun barrels.... bla bla bla... the team somehow discovers that the whole thing is a death trap with the only purpose to kill them. and manage to escape.
They Manage topick up one of the 1 mill of unctraceable nuyen escape packets that Ares has hidden aroudn for teams who need to go under quick.
and well that's where they are now.
LEft with nothign but 1mill nuyen, they can't go to their apartments to pick up any more of theior gear, and they're hunted by their employeer. (Simply because they had started tobecome veterans, and new of too many skeletons inthe closets).
Now being rather new to the game, and me being quite nice to them before. they're nto quite as paranoide about the world as they should be
So how do I make them aware that this is a dangrous world, they SHOULD be paranoid, and not trust anything they're odl employeer has touched, including their own bodies.
I'mplannign for the first run to just let themdo what they want, and eventually let them meet a johnson. And hopefully they'll tell them they used to be a black ops unit for Ares,wich will of course terrify him, and he'll tell them tostay the hell away form him.
Now somehow I gotta make them paranoide enough that they go see some kind of street doc who check them out and find they have cortex bombs installed (cliche yeah I know..)
I figure they'll need money to get rid of these, since they'll need a rather high end cyberdoctor, preferably an ares facility.
I haven't tought much about that yet, and I figure I'll see where they'll be headign for the first run before I set anythgin in stone about that, leave it a bit liquid.
but the big question is, how do I make them totally paranoid
I want them not trusting anythign or anyone, not even their own shadows. I want them to know they're hunted, probably even by a Delta team, but I should probably not introduce them right away, maybe a few runner teams first to soften them up. then I send a delta team at them, wich they dont' even know exist (hey, they where the Elite.. or so they thought)..