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Full Version: SR 4 for Missions ?
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun Missions
In light of the announcement of Shadowrun 4th Edition:

Will SR Missions switch to 4th edition when it is released ?
OK, so obviously, I've been away on vacation for the past week or so...

I honestly am not in the loop on this and so i cannot tell you any plans. If FanPro decides to keep Missions running, then as the official campaign, it would pretty much have to be converted to 4th Ed.

how this will be done is unknown at this time - i'm not going to make any comments at this time about converting characters or starting new ones, or about converting current adventures.

what i CAN say is that if it keeps going, and we convert an adventure that you've already played, you don't get to go back and replay the adventure, just because the mechanics changed.

the world and the setting are not changing folks - just the game mechanics themselves - and no, it's not D20 either!
Hope you enjoyed your vacation.

At least I'm not the only one having no idea what the future will bring smile.gif
Dark father
SR4 starts in august. When do you think the 1st story arc will end?

I know that it will take some time for everyone to finish all the scenarios (I'm about to run SRM01-02 for my 2 groups). I have 2 main preocupations : that Fanpro will continue the campaign, and that players won't lose everything they did. With the coming of the new edition, a strong campaign like that would be a good way for players to discover the setting and the new rules.
QUOTE (Dark father)
When do you think the 1st story arc will end?

I seem to remember reading something about 2 years-
No idea if that included the intro adventures or just SRM01-xx ...
originally, this Gencon would have marked the halfway point of the first story arc...we may end up accelerating that...

i would ask one thing - for all of you out there - if you truly enjoy the SRM program, then please write as such to Rob Boyle at FanPro. Email, snail mail, do whatever it takes. I'm hoping that the more Rob sees that the campaign is desired by the players, rather than just hearing it from me, that it will carry more weight. this is an important time people, i cannot overemphasize this. If you have friends that also play in the campaign, get them to write as well. Because realistically, I'm not seeing the numbers - there are maybe a dozen people out there that are ordering adventures for home games, and another dozen that run conventions or game days. You, as the players, need to write and express your support of the program, as well as voting with your dollars when you purchase FanPro product.

When Rob gets back, I'll be contacting him to discuss the role of the campaign and such, but until then i'm pretty much in the dark as all of you.
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