It's that time once again. Convention season is rapidly approaching, SR4 looms large on the horizon, and we're recruiting for fresh meat!
If you're a dedicated individual looking to join the conevntion team experience, send me a "resume" to me at Please include the fopllowing info:
Anyways, I need some information, and I'd like it sent to a new email
address I've set up for the sole purpose of playing Shadowrun Human
Resource Manager: So please send the following
info to that address.
Real Name:
Primary Nickname: (This is the Handle you'd like to use regularly,
and will probably be used for any of our fun badges)
Other Aliases: (Other Handles you use, and where you use them.
Namely for people who post to various message boards so I can keep
track of who you are at different places)
Address: (We need this for a couple reasons. For one, shipping swag
if necessary, and two this will help us to pair up potential GMs with
local and regional conventions who might come to us with an interest
in GMing)
Phone Number: (Basically, in case we need to get in touch with you
for some reason.)
Games Familiar With: (A list of games, both FanPro and non Fanpro,
that you would feel qualified enough to GM. This is mainly to help
us gauge experience and how broad your interests are. Freelancers
can also add any games they've written for if they like).
Convention Experience: (How many years attended major conventions
(Gen Cons, Origins, Essen, etc, and if applicable, how many years you've GMed at conventions.)
Con Availability: (This is a general availability for conventions.
If you know you can never make Origins, for example, don't include
it. But if they're a chance you can, and be interested, include it.
Also include any local and regional cons you might be interested in
attending at and/or GMing at. This list helps give us a pool of
people we know have an interest in GMing at certain events, and will
be the first people we approach to GM before looking for new