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Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Dumpshock News, Bug Reports, Feature Requests, & Discussion
Person 404
As it stands now, poll-threads will get bumped to the top of the list whenever a vote is added. I generally don't care about poll results (at least, not enough to want to check every time a new vote comes in), so is there any way an option could be added to only bump polls when new posts are added?
Not currently.
Person 404
Is there any way to configure the boards to allow such an option? Any idea if it's in a planned update of the Invision package?
This would be a rocking feature, were it added to the boards.
Kanada Ten
One could also simply have the icon be a different color to indicate only poll tally increases.

Though I don't know which is easier to implement.
QUOTE (Person 404)
As it stands now, poll-threads will get bumped to the top of the list whenever a vote is added. I generally don't care about poll results (at least, not enough to want to check every time a new vote comes in), so is there any way an option could be added to only bump polls when new posts are added?

Well, oops.

Found where I set it so they won't bump if a vote is added without replies. This has now been set in the Lounge and Shadowrun forums.
Thanks! That one's been killing me wink.gif
Kick ass - Thanks, Dvixen.
Kanada Ten
Found where I set it so they won't bump if a vote is added without replies. This has now been set in the Lounge and Shadowrun forums.

They still get bumped to the top on my end in the SR forum with just a vote...

(Netscape 7.1 if it matters?)
fixed. should stick now that I hit enter.
Kanada Ten
Yep, fixed.

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