Apr 7 2005, 02:47 AM
I know a while back a lot of people where playing CoH, any of you still playing? How about WoW?
I have a couple of characters on each...
WoW (boulderfist server)
Kelvaris 46 pally
I recently started playing CoH again (thanks Morganna) and I have two characters,
CoH (Infinnity and Virtue server)
Ion Bolt 16 energy blaster
Firewatch 4 fire blaster
Look me up and say hi!
Apr 7 2005, 05:40 PM
Yes I play WoW on warsong server one character Tillgar.
Apr 8 2005, 04:11 AM
Issah 48 Paladin on Doomhammer.
WoW FTW!!!
Apr 8 2005, 04:17 AM
Pelloa, 56 NE Hunter on Garona
Apr 8 2005, 06:13 AM
From what I understand, should I purchase and log on to either of those games, my soul would just be sucked from my body and stored in my computer, accessable to me only when I was playing aforementioned game. Eating, sleeping, working; trivial.
To be quite honest, I'm just afraid to try either of them. Too much fun, too addictive, for me to be able to handle.
Apr 8 2005, 05:02 PM
It i salways good to know your limits.
Apr 8 2005, 06:43 PM
WoW EQ1 EQ2 Soul what's that?
Apr 8 2005, 06:58 PM
You know, so long as you have WoW I've found that having a soul is largely overrated...
oh and obvously I play. Launacion on Stormscale.
Apr 12 2005, 02:39 PM
Countrygravy 60 Mage
Laurana 60 Rogue
Been thinking about starting a druid but being a healer seems like too much responsibility.
Ol' Scratch
Apr 12 2005, 05:16 PM
I play
<twitch> WoW
</twitch>, and my only true "main" character is a dwarven hunter by the name of Longshanks on the Cenarion Circle RP realm, with a troll shaman alt named Bonedancer on the same server. The gods only know that I've experimented with everything under the sun, though.
Apr 14 2005, 02:07 AM
All these WoW players .. geez.
*strikes a heroic pose*
Ms Permafrost (43) Ice/Storm/Ice Controller
Lt. Payne (17) AR/Devices Blaster
The Canadian Chill. (12) Ice/Devices Blaster
Aurea (7) Martial Arts/Super Reflexes Scrapper
All my heroes are on Virtue so feel free to drop me a line!
Thanks for coming back, Shadow, I'll catch you yet ....
Apr 14 2005, 03:49 AM
QUOTE (KillaJ) |
Been thinking about starting a druid but being a healer seems like too much responsibility. |
Just a point here in wow playing a druid is cool Taurens get a hp bonus and soloing to around 20 is easy.
I'm 31 and WoW players on Warsong are useally friendly enough to help ya out with hard quests or just a group to help ya move up the exp ladder.
Apr 14 2005, 08:37 AM
I bought WOW on the release day. I was was concerned that I might loose my soul to the computer because I've been playing RPG all my life.
... amazingly after 3 weeks I lost intrest and used my time fiddling with SR adventures and my characters. I was even had friends playing on the same server... and my girlfrind was out of the country !!
I enjoyed the whole setting.. but something was missing for me...
and the thought of spending days and weeks to hit the max level 60, just to see everybody else do the same - threw me off as well...
I'm sure that it's the social aspect that captures people... It just (thankfully) didn't do it for me

no advice..
enjoy life
Apr 14 2005, 01:01 PM
but something was missing for me...
I believe the "missing factor" was challenge...risk...accompishment one of the main draws for alot of people interested in SR to begin with as a "gritty"/harder RPG ;>.
I too was "looking forward" to WoW for years as an MMO veteran, only to be incredibly disappointed in a game that couldnt hold my interest longer then 2 months.
Apr 14 2005, 06:09 PM
I used to play COH on Virtue, but since I'm in the UK I moved to the Euro version and now play (under this name) on Defiant
Apr 14 2005, 10:35 PM
Playing only WoW.
Olvi is the name and Argent Dawn is the server.
He`s a level 35 Dwarf Warrior and practising Tailoring and Enchanting.
Omega Skip
Apr 14 2005, 10:42 PM
I'm not playing that WoW thing... oh shucks, who am I kidding? I'm completely addicted!
kackling kactuar
Apr 16 2005, 03:40 AM
I bought WoW with the intent of buying a computer that can handle it right after, but stuff happened, and I ended up still stuck with this crappy machine and a game that refuses to play on it.
Incidentally, I happened to have invested in the Collector's Edition, so I can actually sell the game on eBay, get back everything I spent on it, and still turn a profit.
Apr 16 2005, 05:44 AM
QUOTE (kackling kactuar) |
Incidentally, I happened to have invested in the Collector's Edition, so I can actually sell the game on eBay, get back everything I spent on it, and still turn a profit. |
You should have sold it when Blizzard stopped selling it on the market. You would have made a fortune.
kackling kactuar
Apr 16 2005, 05:53 AM
I'm pretty sure that the market price hasn't dropped any. If anything, it has went up.
In any case, I don't need the money and might have the chance to play again in the future, so I'm reluctant to part ways with it just yet. Plus the artbook that came with it is pretty damn sexy.
Apr 16 2005, 09:38 AM
Proud owner/producer/head on-air personality of WPRP, the Pirate Rock of Paragon City. (Internet radio station based on CoH)
Using my secret identy of Simon Kiver AKA NanKnight
(lv 25/26 MA/Regen scrapper)
(PM me if you want instructions on how to tune in)
Hocus Pocus
Apr 18 2005, 06:49 PM
I was going to get WOW but was but off by the sever instability, bugs, and lack of dev involvement when I visited numerous WOW sites. Is it really the case?
I was in COH since beta, left in december, renewed this month and will probably cancel it in this month as well. A great game, but paying 15 bucks a month is what will end my subscription again, that and the fact my SG went bust. I love this game and to date think it's the best setup. Just got done with Guild Wars and I'll probably go to that now for a bit once it releases. If I can find a career instead of my old meager job and can start to afford a monthy fee I'll go back to COH
(virtue server)
Mecha Man
static dude
Apr 18 2005, 09:05 PM
It's hard to say. For all the poaching they did from other MMO's they didn't seem to pickup anyone that learned anything useful as far as a communication method goes.
There have been a few updates. and they are focusing on power-giving bugs and exploits before repairing the power leaching ones. Personally, I think the long heard excuse from every MMO I ever played, "We didn't know that change was going in." is complete bunk. If it's not communicated, even if it's changed that variable name from kermit1 to Kermit1 it needs to be in the notes, period, flat out.
Also, I think a lesson all MMO's need to learn is to tell players how things should be, lift the mechanics veil, otherwise we won't know it's broken and most complaints will be whining instead of mathematically appropriate and accurate testing.
Apr 20 2005, 07:01 PM
QUOTE (Hocus Pocus) |
I was going to get WOW but was but off by the sever instability, bugs, and lack of dev involvement when I visited numerous WOW sites. Is it really the case?
No. They have, and are running the best MMO experience out there, flat out. Anyone who says differently is to used to EQ.
The devsa are involved inteh community but they do not bow to the wishes of every loser who can post on the boards.
They have no more or less serv instability then anyother game. But they give you FREE days when the server goes down. So you do not pay to play on days youcan't access the server. On all the ones I have played (UO, EQ, EVE, AO, etc) no one has ever done that.
The game had more content and less bugs at launch, than EQ had after 2 years. Trust me, once you play this game there will be no going back to others. Unless of course your a power gamer who feels his or her class should always be the "best" (regardless of what class you play).
It is totally worth a look. Hell 1.5 million people are playing it an dliking it.,
Apr 20 2005, 07:03 PM
Echo that Shadow.
My biggest complaint is they keep underestimating volume. Other than that, it's a great game. I have a few alts and I keep finding stuff I missed along the way, it's great.
Hocus Pocus
Apr 21 2005, 05:22 AM
ya'll got me interested in it again, but I went to the offical WOW server and the whole first page is riddled with complaints. Cheif among them honor system. People still seem to be complaining about the lag, severs down, and now nerfs and such. It totally put me off again to it

I hope this game can get on track soon.
Apr 21 2005, 02:25 PM
Don't worry about the Honor system. It just went in. So of course people are complaining (for a good example, look at the SR4 threads here) because they don't know ANYTHING about the system yet, it's too new.
Lag is a part of the MMO world, sadly.
It's really not that bad, some nights are of course worse than others, but I've not died due to lag but once in the months since it started and I've been playing since before retail launch (open beta)
Servers are down because maintenance is every tuesday, people always bitch because they have a short attention span.
Remember most people wouldn't know a balance from a nerf if it bit them ont he face.
Here's a tip for any MMO player that wants to be happy with their game, don't read the forums. Unless you are looking for a specific thing, or want to make a suggestion for improving the game, don't even bother with the general forum. I find I like the game a whole lot more when I don't read the forums.
Demonseed Elite
Apr 21 2005, 03:03 PM
I've got a 60 Human Rogue on the Deathwing server.
May 4 2005, 04:15 AM
Curious: has anyone checked out Guild Wars? Is it as good as the hype proclaims it to be?
I thought about giving it a go, but the character classes seemed pretty bland and uninspiring when I looked them over.
May 4 2005, 03:30 PM
I'm considering it. I've heard gameplay was very similair to Diablo 2 couple that with the lack of monthly fees, just buy the content upgrades when you want them make this sound like an interesting venture.
May 4 2005, 11:28 PM
QUOTE (scoundrel) |
Curious: has anyone checked out Guild Wars? Is it as good as the hype proclaims it to be?
I thought about giving it a go, but the character classes seemed pretty bland and uninspiring when I looked them over. |
Two years ago (maybe sooner) 30 or so employees (including the founders) jumped ship from Blizzard and started a new company. Guild Wars is the first game out out by said company. I don't know if I can afford it, but I would hazzard a guess to say that it is an excellent game.
May 5 2005, 01:12 AM
Advance purchase was 10$
Hocus Pocus
May 14 2005, 06:43 AM
i like guild wars...any questions just send my way...right now I'm too druimk...bnut in the futre I can comment on it...i like it...linear more but still a good game
May 16 2005, 06:56 AM
Ok then Hocus, I'm on GW as well.
You got a Guild running? I'll join yea.
Guild Wars is good. It's different. Everytime you leave town, it gives your party (wiether it's just you or you and your friends/hirelings) a completly seperate map. so that means you're not going to run into anyone else.
It's also cheap. $50 MSRP but I'm sure you can find it cheaper. And that's one time. no monthly fees. You can solo (or group by hiring henchmen) or join up with others online.
Also, skills. Don't like the way your characters stats are laid out? You can reorganize them about 15-20 times per level to play with it. You learn skills (special attacks) from various NPCs or from trains based on what stats you have.
For me, it's nothing new but I'm also not regretting this purchase.
May 16 2005, 10:29 PM
Having heard nothing but praise for it, I'm sold. I'll be giving Guild Wars a shot after I'm done with the SAT in June. God knows I need something interesting to do over the summer.
If enough people play, maybe we can start up a Dumpshock guild or something.
May 16 2005, 11:25 PM
QUOTE (TimeKeeper) |
It's also cheap. $50 MSRP but I'm sure you can find it cheaper. And that's one time. no monthly fees. You can solo (or group by hiring henchmen) or join up with others online. |
You're kidding me. No monthly fees?
But how do they earn their money?
May 16 2005, 11:39 PM
Expansion packs
May 17 2005, 12:49 AM
there is no MMO but
Pirates of the Burning Sea. and it's not even out yet.
Hocus Pocus
May 18 2005, 05:11 AM
there is supposed to be like 3-4 expansion packs a year all costing roughly the same as the original GW. Thing is you are still supposed to be able to play the game if you don't buy the expansion packs, just that you won't have access to new areas and items and such. But it's tailored for PVP and you should be competetive despite it.
Me? i like the PvE aspects. I like being able to log on a few hours, play, and actually get a coupla missions done and enjoy a sense of accomplishment.
Forming a guild? sounds cool. I'll warn ya when I tell other in-game before I join a guild. I'm not on much cause I got a wife and kid, i got 256k ram so I lag, and I'm not competetive in the least. That usually kills all ovatures for me

S'why on all the online games I've played I'm usually the healer

gimmie a tell if ya see me on.
-Mardi Magnanimous
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