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I've been brainstorming recently, and I have an idea that I would like some input on.

Many of you are familiar with the DnD Computer game "Neverwinter Nights". One great feature of the game is the map engine that allows a GM to run a game over a network. It makes creature spawn and the like easy. What I want to know is, is anyone aware of a modern tileset that can be used with the neverwinter game or possibly another map utility that would work much the same. I'm looking for the ability to create my own maps, the "fog" that clears as a char proceeds through the map, networkable (preferably with the ability to hide objects from players while having them visible on GM comp), and ability to insert random "ninjas" as I see fit.

If none exists would any tech-head types have any idea how difficult it would be to create this program from the ground up. Scale of 1 - 10, 1 being excel spreadsheet 10 being windows operating system.

Thanks if advance for time and responses.
Straw Man
I'm actually already at work on a project that's kinda close to what you're mentioning.

The answer is "it depends". Mostly on your ability to learn. It's certainly possible, but requires a significant outlay of effort.
If you are JUST looking for a way to use modern tilesets and placeables with Neverwinter Nights, go to and search for the d20 Modern Mod project. They used to set up shop over at, but I can't seem to find them anymore. You could use NWN with the d20 Modern Mod haks to make maps and place characters, although you wouldn't be able to have them interact using Shadowrun mechanics. It's do-able (in fact, I'll be working on using that with my own gaming group in the near future for certain modules).

If you don't know how to use *.hak files, you'll have to learn.

The first Vampire: the Masquerade game for PC also had a GM mode with multiplayer, but the interface is rather obtuse. It has most of the "look" that one would need for a modern setting, along with the ability to lay down creatures and such. The big sticking point is that map-making is difficult.

I suggest creating a group of creatures with no AI to simulate NPCs... otherwise, they'll all start attacking each other willy nilly. Or you can have the game continually on pause, and just have everyone log in as a GM.
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