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Full Version: SR3 web based character generator
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I'm testing out a web based shadowrun 3 character generator,
and looking for some beta testors.

If anyone is interested, email me at with "SR3 BETA" in the subject somewhere.

this looks pretty good so far...everyone should check this out
Skill selection was a breeze with the organized layout. This is some good work!
Some very nice work. I'm impressed.
The Grifter
Yah, I thought it rocked too.
Ok, so its still not "complete", and i heard a lot of great suggestions from people, like using the point system, and having an xml export of the character sheets.

right now it seems ok on my pc, running firefox, but anyone can go register their own account and create characters and print them out from the browser.

Its got a lot of equipment in, but by no means all, ( and i'm thinking i'm going to have to put together a firearms tool for equipment, picking out the firearm and accessories for it ), but its ready for a second round of beta testing.

thanks for all the help from the first round of testers.


That's a pretty cool thing, especially the browse character feature. I could see this being very helpful for a GM.
Absolutely awesome.

I noticed some bugs .... I was wondering if you would consider making a bug list so that we do not keep reporting the same bugs../ feature request pages.

Noticed bioware missing... I can choose alpha grade used wired 3. the possiblity of putting in a max availablity would be cool as well.

Very Nice work.
Well, that was nice. I wish I had high-speed at home though.
Is there any plan to distribute the source under license?

It looks very nice. One suggestion: Everywhere where you need to allcate points, e.g. for your attributes, every click on '+' or '-' is a full server-roundtrip, lasting a bit of time... It would be nice if you could either use javascript for this (easy to do) or, instead of the '+' and '-' links, include a bar of links with numbers on it, so for an attribute with maximum of 6, include a list of 6 Links with numbers 1 to 6 on it. That way you don't have to click 5 times to get to the 6.
Two more things:

1 I didn't see a delete function for characters... I tried a few things with some chars but don't need them anymore. Did I miss it or is it not there?

2. It would be very nice if there was the possibility to switch priorities later in the process, so that when I see I need more points for skills I could switch the priority with, e.g., ressources.... A check would be neccesary, wether the other category has enough room for changing it to a lower category but it should not be hard to do
1 I didn't see a delete function for characters... I tried a few things with some chars but don't need them anymore. Did I miss it or is it not there?

oops, yeah thats just a feature on my admin account, i never gave users the ability to delete their own characters. I'll probably be bored sometime today at work and add it later on.

2. It would be very nice if there was the possibility to switch priorities later in the process, so that when I see I need more points for skills I could switch the priority with, e.g., ressources.... A check would be neccesary, wether the other category has enough room for changing it to a lower category but it should not be hard to do

Yeah, the way i intended it, you can go back and change your priorities, but not switch them on the fly, and it should then reset the categories that get changed. Like swapping skills and resources should reset skills you've already chosen and equipment you've already bought.

I'll look into putting in a check or some way to switch them on the fly.

It looks very nice. One suggestion: Everywhere where you need to allcate points, e.g. for your attributes, every click on '+' or '-' is a full server-roundtrip, lasting a bit of time... It would be nice if you could either use javascript for this (easy to do) or, instead of the '+' and '-' links, include a bar of links with numbers on it, so for an attribute with maximum of 6, include a list of 6 Links with numbers 1 to 6 on it. That way you don't have to click 5 times to get to the 6.

i have the javascript for it lying around here somewhere, i had a demon the fallen character generator that i never finished that it worked well in.
QUOTE (Kagetenshi)
Is there any plan to distribute the source under license?


nah no plans on that, heh i've still not really heard back from anyone at the company as to whether the character generator is kosher with them. I'd love to release the code to the people that do shadowrun missions at conventions, d20 has their RPGA with some sorta character database for convention goers, it'd be cool to have SRM with their own character database ::shrugs::

eventually i'll probably put a section in for those interested in setting up a personal database with php/mysql on their localhost. but probably not till i feel its "complete"
QUOTE (Nyxll)
Absolutely awesome.

I noticed some bugs .... I was wondering if you would consider making a bug list so that we do not keep reporting the same bugs../ feature request pages.

Noticed bioware missing... I can choose alpha grade used wired 3. the possiblity of putting in a max availablity would be cool as well.

Very Nice work.

yeah sure, i can add a bug list.
mostly what i've heard so far is :

1. attributes don't reflect bonuses from cyberware ( something i haven't wanted to wrap my head around with cyberlimbs at all because of the rules minutia, but will eventually put in for most cyber. right now the generator doesn't keep track of any bonuses to attributes or skills )

2. there's a get rich quick bug that i have yet to try and duplicate.

3. the wrong combination of clicks on links will log you out,
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