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Me personally, I got 17 different titles upon my shelves
Shadowrun 3rd Edition (as well as several 1st and 2nd Ed. books)
D&D 3rd Edition (plus some odd 2nd ed. books)
D&D 3.5
D20 Modern
D6 Space
Star Wars 2nd Edition (WEG)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles & Other Strangeness (revised edition)
After the Bomb 2nd Edition
Beyond the Supernatural
Top Secret S.I.
Ninjas & Superspies
Bubblegum Crisis
Heroes Unlimited 2nd Edition

Grand total of 160 various core books, suppliments and adventure moduals.

By "on my shelves" I'm assuming books I own, some in boxes, some on my shelf. There are perhaps 90 books in my collection. I'm not counting my Battletech books, which was a fair number (I lost a bunch of those).

Big Eyes, Small Mouth
AD&D 2nd Edition
D&D 3.0
D&D 3.5
D20 Modern
Shadowrun 2nd
Shadowrun 3rd
Robotech and Sentinels
Macross II
Mage: The Ascension
Heroes Fifth Edition
Kobolds Ate My Baby
Deadlands (pre-D20)
Mechwarrior 2nd Ed.

I've played several sessions in nearly all of them, but for long-running campaigns, I've only played the various D&D flavors and Shadowrun. I'll soon be starting a Heroes game smile.gif
AD&D 2nd Edition
AD&D 1st Edition
Star Wars (West End Games)
GURPS (hiding in the back of a drawer out of shame)
Mage: The Ascension
Paranoia XP

D&D 3.0
D&D 3.5
D20 Modern
D20 Future
Star Wars D20
most of the core books of the old WoD
Shadowrun 3rd
D&D 3.0
D&D 3.5
SR 2
D20 Modern
D20 Future
D20 Starwars

oh yeah, Fuzion....
Das Schwarze Auge 4th Ed*
Myranor (DSA-spin off)*
Shadowrun 2.01d*
Shadowrun 3.01d*
Cyberpunk 2020*
Mutant Chronicles*
KULT 1st Ed*
In Nomine Satanis/Magna Veritas*
GURPS Discworld
GURPS 2nd Ed*
TriStat dX
Ex Machina
Ars Magica 1st Ed*

* = German
Shadowrun 1, 2, and 3
AD&D 2nd Edition
Star Wars D6
Dark Shadows (where did that come from I wonder?)
D&D 3.5 (bleah, sometimes you gotta play any game you can find a group for)
Little Bill
Ah, I like "mine is bigger than yours" posts. Mostly because I usually win.

From TSR:
Dungeons & Dragons 1st edition
AD&D 1st edition
AD&D 2nd edition
Star Frontiers
Buck Rogers in the XXVth Century
Top Secret/S.I.
Dragon Magazine (issues 1-250 + assorted other issues)

From WOTC:
D&D 3rd edition
Wheel of Time RPG
Star Wars RPG (Revised corebook)
D&D 3.5 edition

From West End Games:
Paranoia 2nd ed.
Star Wars 1st ed.
Paranoia 5th ed.

From GDW:
Traveller: The New Era
Twillight: 2000
Twillight: 2000 2nd ed.
Traveller: 2300
2300 AD (Traveller: 2300 2nd ed.)

From Steve Jackson Games:
GURPS 3rd edition (with many world books)
GURPS 4th edition
GURPS: Traveller
Car Wars

From FASA:
Star Trek RPG 2nd Edition
Battletech (and Aerotech, Citytech, etc)
Mechwarrior 1st edition
Mechwarrior 2nd edition
Mechwarrior 3rd edition
Shadowrun 1st ed.
Shadowrun 2nd ed
Shadowrun 3rd ed.
Earthdawn 1st ed.
Doctor Who RPG
Renegade Legion (assorted games)

From Chaosium:
Call of Cthulhu 5th ed.

From Imperium Games:
Marc Miller's Traveller (Traveller 4th ed.)

From Mongoose:
Paranoia XP

From Palladium Games:
Robotech (original & the Sentinels)
Ninjas & Superspies
(I used to have some Palladium RPG and Rifts books but got rid of them)

From AEG:
Legend of the Five Rings 1st ed.
Legend of the Five Rings 2nd ed.
Seventh Sea
Stargate SG-1
Legend of the Five Rings d20 version
Assorted issues of Shadis magazine

From Games Workshop:
Warhammer Fantasy Role-Play
Warhammer 40K (assorted books and minis)

From Task Force Games:
StarFleet Battles
Prime Directive

From White Wolf:
Werewolf: The Apocolypse

From Livingroom Games:
Earthdawn 2nd ed.

From Last Unicorn Games:
Star Trek: The Next Generation RPG

From Eden Games:
Buffy the Vampire Slayer RPG

From Miscellaneous Publishers (which I don't remember off the top of my head):
Dark Inheretance (d20 version)
Traveller d20 (assorted books)
Time Lord (another Dr. Who RPG)

All told, I have three 6'x3' bookshelves full of RPGs.
Mad Jack
QUOTE (Little Bill @ Apr 25 2005, 12:46 PM)
Ah, I like "mine is bigger than yours" posts.  Mostly because I usually win.

From TSR:
Dungeons & Dragons 1st edition
AD&D 1st edition
AD&D 2nd edition 
Star Frontiers
Buck Rogers in the XXVth Century
Top Secret/S.I.
Dragon Magazine (issues 1-250 + assorted other issues)

From WOTC:
D&D 3rd edition
Wheel of Time RPG
Star Wars RPG (Revised corebook)
D&D 3.5 edition

From West End Games:
Paranoia 2nd ed.
Star Wars 1st ed.
Paranoia 5th ed.

From GDW:
Traveller: The New Era
Twillight: 2000
Twillight: 2000 2nd ed.
Traveller: 2300
2300 AD (Traveller: 2300 2nd ed.)

From Steve Jackson Games:
GURPS 3rd edition (with many world books)
GURPS 4th edition
GURPS: Traveller
Car Wars

From FASA:
Star Trek RPG 2nd Edition
Battletech (and Aerotech, Citytech, etc)
Mechwarrior 1st edition
Mechwarrior 2nd edition
Mechwarrior 3rd edition
Shadowrun 1st ed.
Shadowrun 2nd ed
Shadowrun 3rd ed.
Earthdawn 1st ed.
Doctor Who RPG
Renegade Legion (assorted games)

From Chaosium:
Call of Cthulhu 5th ed.

From Imperium Games:
Marc Miller's Traveller (Traveller 4th ed.)

From Mongoose:
Paranoia XP

From Palladium Games:
Robotech (original & the Sentinels)
Ninjas & Superspies
(I used to have some Palladium RPG and Rifts books but got rid of them)

From AEG:
Legend of the Five Rings 1st ed.
Legend of the Five Rings 2nd ed.
Seventh Sea
Stargate SG-1
Legend of the Five Rings d20 version
Assorted issues of Shadis magazine

From Games Workshop:
Warhammer Fantasy Role-Play
Warhammer 40K (assorted books and minis)

From Task Force Games:
StarFleet Battles
Prime Directive

From White Wolf:
Werewolf: The Apocolypse

From Livingroom Games:
Earthdawn 2nd ed.

From Last Unicorn Games:
Star Trek: The Next Generation RPG

From Eden Games:
Buffy the Vampire Slayer RPG

From Miscellaneous Publishers (which I don't remember off the top of my head):
Dark Inheretance (d20 version)
Traveller d20 (assorted books)
Time Lord (another Dr. Who RPG)

All told, I have three 6'x3'  bookshelves full of RPGs.

Wow that looks almost exactly like my book shelf.
Little Bill
QUOTE (Mad Jack)
Wow that looks almost exactly like my book shelf.

You mean there's someone else out there who owns both Time Lord and TSR's Buck Rogers? And here I thought that particular insanity was uniquely my own. spin.gif

While I have several different ones i'm just gonna list the important ones.

SHADOWRUN 1,2,3, and soon 4. nyahnyah.gif
QUOTE (Little Bill @ Apr 26 2005, 09:03 AM)
...and TSR's Buck Rogers?  And here I thought that particular insanity was uniquely my own. spin.gif

I loved that game! They tweaked AD&D 2 enough that it really worked great. Not to mention the absolutely WONDERFUL setting they came up with.

Black Barney and the Free Enterprise ruled.
QUOTE (Little Bill @ Apr 25 2005, 09:46 AM)
From TSR:
Dungeons & Dragons 1st edition
D&D (original pamphlets)
AD&D 1st edition
AD&D 2nd edition 
Star Frontiers
Buck Rogers in the XXVth Century
Top Secret/S.I.
Dragon Magazine (issues 1-250 + assorted other issues)

From WOTC:
D&D 3rd edition

From West End Games:
Paranoia 3rd ed.
Star Wars 1st and 2cnd ed.

From GDW:
Twillight: 2000 2nd ed.

From Steve Jackson Games:
Car Wars

From FASA:
Star Trek RPG 2nd Edition (loved this had all the books)
Battletech (and Aerotech, Citytech, etc)
Mechwarrior 2nd edition
Mechwarrior 3rd edition
Shadowrun 1st ed.
Shadowrun 2nd ed
Shadowrun 3rd ed.
Renegade Legion (assorted games) I had the board game, didnt know they made an RPG.

From Palladium Games:
Robotech (original & the Sentinels)
Ninjas & Superspies

From Games Workshop:
Warhammer Fantasy Role-Play
Warhammer 40K (assorted books and minis)

I just edited the list to reflect mine.
Little Bill
I win. I always win. Is there no one on this planet to even challenge me?!

Actually you lose. You didn't have the original D&D in pamphlet form. I'm sorry, but with out those you are not a 'true' rp'er.

Thanks for playing, have a nice day smile.gif
Hey question anyone else here have Systems Failure?

With all the games listed so far and the sad fact that I have most of the ones listed (I currently have 6 six foot by three foot bookcases what a pain to move) I was just woundering if anyone else had this one.

By the way do I get extra points for having D&D 1st edtion signed by Dave Arneson?

Just woundering he has been a friend for a little under 4 years now.

I figured I could ask unless everyone here is a Gary Gigax fan in which I guess I would be deducted points for knowing Dave.
Get Dave to sign a copy of DNA/DOA. wink.gif
I can do that! Yes I have the book I guess I should not often one gets a chance to have ones books signed by the people who worked on them.

Which means I guess I should get Bitrunner to sign the ones he worked on as well.

Living near Orlando I have found 2 people who have worked or are working for the shadowrun line as well as other games pretty cool I think.
Dear me... I don't think I could list all my books, because by the time I inventory them the list would have changed...

In either case, I have two and half 6 foot tall bookshelves filled with gaming stuff. From D&D boxed sets to Star Frontiers to Battletech/Mechwarrior to an entire shelf and half of just GURPs books, nevermind In Nomine, Traveller, Star Wars (multiple editions), Star Trek(LUG), Warhammer (Fantasy and 40k), every white Wolf game (though not all supplements) ever published including my prized first edition soft cover Vampire from 91, a shelf and half of Shadowrun, A handful of Earthdawn, Milleniums End, Alternity (Stardrive and Dark Matter), 2300, Twilight 2000, Killer, Paranioa, Legend of 5 Rings, The complete 7th Sea collection(Roll and Keep) with a couple of d20, d20 Moderm, a signed copy of Call of Cthulu, the entire Planescape RPG collection, Cyberpunk, TNMT, and a Robotech book or too... At least those are the ones I remember, not including anything in storage.

I consider myself a connoisseur and collector of fine gaming material... smile.gif
QUOTE (Casazil)
Hey question anyone else here have Systems Failure?

Used to have it. Had to sell it for food along with several SR books at one point.
Cynic project
QUOTE (Little Bill)
I win. I always win. Is there no one on this planet to even challenge me?!


I know someone who has a room with RPG books. Nothing but them. It is full of sleaves and boxes and it is a large room. I think he has around half of the D&D books, it is just crazy. He owns every White wolf,Shadowrun, EarthDawn, Gurps and Heroes book.
Add Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay to my list.
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