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Warning: this game is not for the faint of heart or weak stomached

That being said I'm looking for 3-4 runners to join another preselected group of 2-3 runner, in a horror style run. Combat expirence is a plus, munchkins need not apply.

If you are interested here are the meat and potatos:
125 build points
unlimited edges and flaws (So long as they are balanced ie. 5 edge points=5 flaw points)
Surge is welcome

Post Character Creation
150 Karma
300k nuyen
cash for Karma at a rate of 5000 nuyen to 1 karma(or vise versa)

Your runners will be either members or employees of an initiatory group call: Project Pandora, awakened or not. The group specializes in paranormal research, and banishment. That does not mean you have to have magic, quiet the contrary we need at least one person who doesn't wield mana just so you don't over specialize. I will post the specifics of the group tommorrow.

Characters will be choosen based on background and how well it meshs with your sheet. DO NOT post your sheet, just send it to me. Do post a brief background/personal description of your character.

I will award Karma weekly which can be applied without training or anything like that, and bonuses for good roleplaying.

Good luck and watch out for things that go bump in the night.

Please send your full background and charsheet to:

[edit] Please no dedicated riggers or deckers, you can rig or deck just not exclusively.[/edit]
HMHVV Hunter
Hey, I've got a character based off of John Constantine that might be perfect for this. Currently, he's involved in the selection process for another game, but I could always withdraw myself from that (this honestly sounds more suited to him). Lots of Hell imagery associated with this guy.

Anyways, what do you think?
Sounds awesome smile.gif I'll try to come up with some ideas and I'll send them in to you.
HMHVV Hunter
Here's the gist of this guy:

Name: Jonathan Hawk
Occupation: Mage
Info: Jonathan Hawk is a mage, and ever since a car accident years ago, he's dedicated himself to stopping evil and dark magic users. The source of this mission lies in a car accident years ago, in which he was knocked into a coma. During this coma, his astral form was launched into a metaplane that Jonathan is convinced is Hell itself. His ultimate goal is to help stop an impending invasion from Hell that he believes is coming very soon. He would very much like to initiate so he can find that metaplane again and scout around, but the fact that he's neglected his magical skills for so long means that he now has a long way to go before reaching that mark. Even then, he will need much more training to make a difference against Hell's forces.

This is for the GM only:

[ Spoiler ]
Name: Doctor Clifford O'Rielly.
Former Occupation: Ex K9 Special Forces and Vet Doctor.

Cliff used work fon Kin Corp Security. As a K9 Operative and Vet Field Doctor. With the introduction of the new K9 Robo Hound, Cliff's work slowly became obsolute. Approached buy a Company to assist with Paranormal Animal Research. He was accepted into Project Pandora. This was the beginning of new research and Pandora's Box.

Basing his Theasus for his final year to become a Professor on the work in Project Pandora. All his work is scrutinised by the Project Pandora's Professors as not to breach any contract clauses.

Here in Project Pandora work is hard and time to study is few and far between. His active life style keeps him in good shape and his combat train doesn't suffer much with the work he does.
Street Name: Nimble Little Minx
Info: Minx is a Quebecois human female in her late twenties. After school, she had joined the gendarmerie but quickly grew tired of the routine nature of the work and the endless amounts of paperwork. She soon found her niche as a bounty hunter. At first, her prey was human but after spending years chasing bail jumpers and dragging them back to court, she grew bored again. Seeking new challenges, she started taking advantage of the generous bounties offered by Quebec and began hunting paranormal critters.

Here is a little story I just wrote up from her POV. It's in a spoiler for space reasons only. Anyone can read it. Any thoughts and comments are appreciated.

[ Spoiler ]
Name: Leslie Carmon
Occupation: Field Scientist (human mage)

Background: Leslie was born in the middle of a native village deep in the heart of the African jungles. Her parents, both scientists, saw to it that she got a broad education as she traveled with them as they investigated the wonders of the Awakened world. However, as she reached her teenage years, evidence of her magical powers emerged. She was sent to Boston to stay with her aunt, a teacher at MIT&T, who was to see to it that she was well educated in her new powers.

Leslie still got to spend the summers on expedition with her parents, aiding her parents in the study of the paranormal. She never questioned the fact that she would follow in their footsteps when she was grown. When in class, she threw herself into her studies, hungry for the knowledge that was there to be gleaned.

She went through her schooling with flying colors. Her highest achievement, her doctorate, was overshadowed, however, by the fact that her parents weren't there to share it with her. She had gotten notice two weeks before that her parents had not returned from their expedition to the rainforests of Amazonia. Having read the excitement in their letters over her achievement and expectaton of returning to be with her, she knew that they had not stayed willingly.

Her parents' disappearance only further encouraged her on the path she had chosen. She accepted a position on the staff of MIT&T, using the resources provided to further her studies when she wasn't sharing her knowledge with her students. Perhaps one day she would discover what had happened to her parents.

As her reputation in the field of parabotany and parazoology grew, she was recruited as an advisor for various groups. One such task led her to the heart of what was soon to be come the Chicago Containment Zone in support of a Knight Errant team. It was there that she got a crash course on bug spirits. It was close, but with the support of her team, she managed to live to tell the tale...within what Knight Errant allowed to the public, that is.

With such an impressive resume, it wasn't overly surprising that when invitation to join Project Pandora came her way. The novelty of going back to a normal life had quickly worn off, and Leslie was quick to jump at the new opportunity.

Oops...that didn't turn out to be very brief.
HMHVV Hunter: Looking good his skills or what I imagine his skills are, would be very suited to the task set upon the runners.

jklst14: send me your particulars, that goes for the rest of you too. You stole my idea! I've been tossing around a shadowrun narative with Queen's another one bites the dust, in my head for weeks now, curse you!

Johnson: Project Pandora is a highly top secret organization due to the scale of the jobs it takes and the fact that they control a lv. 5 power site, and don't want the wrong people hearing about it. So he couldn't base his thesis on the actions of the group, it would be a conflict of intrests to say the least

Whizbang: The length was fine, I have a hard time being brief when there is creativity involved.

Once you get them all polished and shiney(or not too) send your characters my way for reviewing. I just got in from the hospital, my mother had an allergic reaction to...something, I really don't know what, she's fine now, but I got about 10 minutes of sleep last night so I'm a bit groggy. When I wake up I'll post a full bio of Project Pandora for you guys to mull over. If you want to get started on you sheet though, they require an oath.

Also one quick thing, this seems like common sense to me, but one of the characters that will be joining the runners I choose here, had the flaw cursed karma. I of course made him change it, because I don't feel like rolling 150 dice (or more if you buy karma) just because you needed something to balance out ambidexterity 10.

And lastly(for this post), when and if you initiate, if you take an ordeal, you DO NOT have to roll for it, unless you do it in game. It's too frustrating to lose 20 some odd karma just due to some crappy rolls.
HMHVV Hunter
An oath?

How do I reflect that on my sheet? And what would that oath entail?
I have 2 concepts

1. A mercenary( pretty much your mundane good with weapons type)
2. A combat decker...and i mean combat as in mercenary work

I'll send whatever BG you find more interesting or needed.
Name: William Burke
Occupation: Paranormal Creature Specialist

Lieutenant William Burke served in the USAS military and made a name for himself as a tactics specialist. Burke exhibited a natural affinity for leadership, prowess under fire, earning him his rank in a very short period of time. After his tour was up, he returned to his home town of Seattle, and was hired by Lonestar to serve in the SWAT division. It was during this time that SURGE swept the globe, setting of a malignant gene within Bill's DNA, giving him the gift of magical sight. (ASTRAL SIGHT). With this gift, he was able effectively hunt and track some paranormal creatures. This prompted him to reevaluate his chosen career and lead to his decision to leave Lonestar. Now working freelance, he offers himself out as a Tactical Leader/Advisor/Hunter/Tracker for Paranormal assignments and has found that hunting these magical creatures, curbs his appetite for danger, not to mention provides a comfortable livelihood.
QUOTE (Kiedo)

jklst14: send me your particulars, that goes for the rest of you too.  You stole my idea!  I've been tossing around a shadowrun narative with Queen's another one bites the dust, in my head for weeks now, curse you!

Umm, great minds think a like? smile.gif

While I have the character concept, I'll need a bit of time to put some stats together. I'll send them in as soon as I'm done.
HMHVV Hunter
I'm sending my NSCRG files and a word file with my 20 questions/character history.

Advance notice: He does have a custom weapon (a shotgun). The stats are on another word file I'm sending (as well as the NSCRG file)
HMHVV Hunter
Sent and sent smile.gif
HMHVV Hunter: Oath means that when you initiate the first time you have to take the oath ordeal(which can only be taken once). Stuff recieved now you just need to send in your karma-ized sheet

Hobbegoblin: There won't be much use for a decker so send me the merc.

Streak: I don't care what the other people on this forum say I like surge. It's because I like to customize things to my own personal liking (which is why I like linux so much) and surge is a means to an end so to speak. That really didn't have anything to do with your character but I felt it needed to be said, send him in when you get a chance.

jklst14:I can live with that, after all I am a genius, lol. But take your time I haven't set a deadline yet, and you guys have ALOT of karma to spend, but you'll need it.

HMHVV Hunter
A question about the karma: does this mean we get 150 Good Karma and 15 Karma Pool, or 135 GK and 15 KP?
The Grifter
I've got a rigger I'd like to get in if you need one.
By the way, is this game going to be forum based or chat based? Can you posted the info on your plans for the game please Keido!? Thanks man! sarcastic.gif
HMHVV Hunter
Oh damn...

If it IS chat based, I can't do it. I don't use IRC.
I despise IRC beside that would mean I'd have to coordinate everybody to be online at the same time, and if there was someone say in the UK that would mean when I'm up and ready to run it would be some ungodly hour of the night for them. So it's forum based. I'd really prefer everyday posters, but if you can only squeeze in once everycouple of days thats fine too.

As far as karma goes it's 135gk and 15kp, if the other way it might be too easy. But trust me you'll need every last karma you get.
Name: Paladin
Role: Adept - Hunter of Evil Things™ and Orc Underground Activist
Asset DC598 always loved his job. He was cold, calculating, and fast. He was the best assassin Ares had. Then they sent him someplace he wouldn't ever return from.

The job was a simple one. There was some leader down in the Orc Underground, some modern day Martin Luther King Jr., was causing problems. He kept claiming that Ares was a racist company and in return, Ares wanted him eliminated. Being that Asset DC598 was an Orc, he seemed the perfect assassin to go into the Underground. That was their mistake. Asset DC598 tracked the leader's every move for a month. Also during that time, he heard every speech and message the orc leader had to give. It spoke to Asset DC598, the message reached him, down to his soul, and told him that what he was doing was wrong.

Asset DC598 went AWOL. He left his old life of assassination behind him and decided to take the high road. He used his time and skills to help those who couldn't help themselves. He went to O.R.C. demonstrations and stood up for the rights of his people. He was doing what was right and with his old life dead, so was his name. Now he was Paladin.
I don't have time to post a full backstory, but a character I've been knocking around is based on Van Helsing, though a much more evil take on him. Basically, a non-magic witch hunter style character with magic resistance edges, who's surged to be dual natured. Intense hatred of magical threats of all kinds, and a pitbull mentality. I can post more detailed information (and the backstory) later tonight if I get the time.

HMHVV Hunter
I added my karma and all that stuff, but NSRCG is acting goofy - giving me 55,000 extra nuyen after I finalized the karma usage. Not sure what you want me to do about that Kiedo, but just thought I'd let you know.

Other than that, I've applied the karma and am ready to send it if you're not bothered by the goofiness of the program.
With initiation, what is your opinion regarding magical groups? Is there a limit to the number of times you'd want us to initiate?

And do you allow the purchasing of adept powers at 20 karma for each power point?

QUOTE (jklst14 @ Apr 27 2005, 11:03 AM)
And do you allow the purchasing of adept powers at 20 karma for each power point?

Why on earth would you want to do it that way? Not only does it cost more, but you don't get any Metamagics.
Why on earth would you want to do it that way?  Not only does it cost more, but you don't get any Metamagics.

I was just curious and I also think it might fit the character concept better. I'm not even certain if I'm going to be an adept or not so things are still in flux
jklst14:After the third initiation an adpet cannot learn any more new meta magic techniques and after a certain level(9?) it becomes cheaper to buy the adept point. If you want to just buy power points you more than welcome to.

Your initiation will determine you "rank" in the group and what type of assignments you are given. If your magically active I'd like you to initiate at least once, so you'll actually be a member of the group and not just an employee.

HMHVV hunter: we'll just ignore the extra nuyen so send it my way.

JaronK: That movie was horrible but the real Van Hellsing was cool. Send it my way for a review, when you finish him. We've already got a John Constantine submitted. If I choose one of those characters it will be one or the other(can't have two movie heros cramping each other's style, lol).

Ecclesiastes: Yeah you've hit a sweet spot, because I'm from houston.

A brief description of Project Pandora
The Truth
Started by the Draco Foundation, Project Pandora is one of the items on the "private" portion of Dunkelzahn's will, designed specifically for two purposes; protect the Philosopher's circle(a lv.5 power site), and fight any agents that seek to bring about a paradigm shift in the mana structure(ie, blood magic, the great ghost dance, ect.). The director of Project Pandora is Jack Crowley, direct desendant of Alister Crowley, one of the most influencial magicians of the early 20th century. The group's classified nature is to prevent discovery of the Philosopher's Circle, and to divert public attention from any real awakened threats, and was partially responisble for the VITAS outbreak story designed to cover the presence of insect spirits in Chicago. Jack Crowley has, over the last ten years hand picked every member of Project Pandora, which now has 19 members.

Group Info(for character creation)

Membership Restrictions

Stictures (For conspiritorial group)
exclusive membership
material link

19 members

patron: Draco Foundation

The group's cover
Project Pandora is a group of awakened organized by DIMR, for the furthered research of the adictive qualities of astral space.
HMHVV Hunter
So what's the oath that we have to take as members of Pandora?

BTW, I mistakenly labelled the group as "Operation Pandora" in my sheet, just so you know.
HMHVV Hunter
Sheet has been sent.
You must swear to protect the Philosopher's circle(a lv.5 power site), and fight any agents that seek to bring about a paradigm shift in the mana structure(ie, blood magic, the great ghost dance, ect.), and not tell anyone the true nature of Project Pandora. I'll type up a cool sounding version a little later.
Kiedo: Do you want full sheets already? Or just backgrounds for now and then those that get selected can do sheets once you picked the players?
[edit]I'm going to choose based on background, but if your BG flows impressively with the sheet, then send it in it could only help[/edit]
Well i sent in my full character sheet for your review at your leisure! biggrin.gif

I'm just going over my notes and am double checking that I've got everybody. If your not on my list and have submitted at least an idea please pm me and I will add you to the list.

Rollcall(in order of who posted first, I'm pretty sure)

HMHVV Hunter: Jonathan Hawk(20Q and sheet)
jklst14: Nimble Little Minx (brief background and in character sample)
Johnson: Dr. Clifford O'Rielly (brief background)
Whizbang: Leslie Carmon (Brief background)
HobbeGoblin: "Texas" Jack O'Shea (brief background)
Streak: William Burke (20q and sheet)
Ecclesiates: Paladin (Brief background and sample sheet)
JaronK: (pitched idea)

again if I've missed anybody please PM me and I'll rectify it.

Additionally, the runners that "have the buy", those that you in the selection process will be joining, I need you all to email me you sheet and background so I can begin compiling my list and offline data.

Since I'm ready to get started I'm going to set a deadline, but since I want to be fair I won't make it tommorow. So the deadline for submitting characters is Saturday, April, 30 2005 at midnight. Monday I will tell you all (y'all as we say down here) who made the cut. Hint: I've recieved 3 awakened characters and 4 mundane ones.

Good luck and happy running,
I have Email the Character and the 20Q to your E-mail address. I have altered the background slightly to accomodate the Security of the project.
Man this is wierd, all of the mundane characters that have been submitted with the notable exception of one, are either EX-military or EX-lonestar, and one of them is both. Is there some kind of correlation to mundanity(is that even a word?) and the military?
Looking to play =)


[ Spoiler ]
I was thinking about changing my character concept from a paranormal bounty hunter to a thief who specializes in swiping things for the Pandora Project (i.e. evil artifacts that need to be destroyed, ancient texts/scrolls etc...)

Below is the revised information on the new character concept. Let me know what you think about the change.

Code Name: Nimble Little Minx
Real Name: Ellie
Occupation: B&E Specialist/Thief/Face/Adept
Brief BG: Before joining the Pandora Project, Ellie was a shadowrunner specializing in all manner of larceny. She has a certain knack at always being able to either sneak her way around or sweet talk her way into almost any situation. These skills proved quite useful, first to the dragon Arleesh and then later to Dunkelzahn's organization who have employed her skills to retrieve dangerous artifacts so that they could be properly destroyed.

Here is a story that I just recently put together from her POV. It's in spoiler for space reasons only. It's loosely based on the first edition module, "Bottled Demon" Warning: It does contain a fair amount of profanity.

[ Spoiler ]

HMHVV Hunter
Anything else you'd like to see for Jonathan Hawk? Any more fleshing out of the background?
Kiedo i sent the character sheet in a PM

"Texas" Jack O'Shea, former UCAS special ops officer. Left the service as the border skirmishes were dying down between the Sioux Nation and the UCAS, to become a mercenary in hot zones around the world. For Jack it isnt about the money, and death doesnt hold a keen interest for him either; it is the adrenaline rush that only armed conflict provides. Being a mercenary also means exotic locales, exotic drinks, and exotic aint a bad life, but when the offer for a stable job presented itself, Jack now in his 40's decided it was time to settle into a less active life. Boy was he wrong.
QUOTE (Kiedo @ Apr 28 2005, 04:41 AM)
Man this is wierd, all of the mundane characters that have been submitted with the notable exception of one, are either EX-military or EX-lonestar, and one of them is both.  Is there some kind of correlation to mundanity(is that even a word?) and the military?

Guess the military or police work are some of the easier rationalizations for a combat oriented character.
That's very true, at least it's not a bunch of street sams with katanas. It's really interesting reading the submissions too, I've noticed a pattern with some of you and some reoccuring symbols in all your characters(every last one of them). I was looking for one really bad apple for the right amount of tension, and I think I might have found him, but everyone for the most part is playing the "good" guys. The one thing I'm disapointed in is that I haven't gotten a crazy person yet (ie fights evil because the voices in his/her head tell them to), or a man of the cloth, I figured a priest would be a perfectly reasonable character for this run.
Oh man... Now I'm so tempted to bring in Bishop, my character who used to be a Templar, but went AWOL when he saw how the church was working for itself and not God.

And now I just may. The last version of him was more military based, but I could do a hermetic that believes his Elementals are Angels (read Threats 2 for more info on the Templars).
HMHVV Hunter
Hey, I put down that my guy can be an ass sometimes.

Or were you really going for "evil" for bad apple?
I'm crazy OOC. Does that count? biggrin.gif

Ghost Dragon can sometimes create tension, just because of how he is. He usually doesn't start fights, but he only tries a little to avoid them if someone else wants to start one.

If you're looking for someone truly evil, I have a character called Biomage who is a real bad apple. Then there is one I have yet to put on paper.. the very essence of evil. I haven't bothered because I figure he's too mean for people to enjoy a game with.

Name: Ghost Dragon
Real Name: Erased from record. Alias: Yoji Hakomoto
Occupation: Sorcery/Pistol Specialist
Background: Before he ended up joining the Pandora Project, Yoji was a shadowrunner on the run from his previous employer, the Yakuza. Taken by the Yakuza at the age of 14 as atonement for a botched legal defense, Yoji was trained as an assassin and mage. One day, Yoji decided to turn his back on all of it because the deal he had made in exchange for his father's life didn't seem like it mattered anymore, and it was under dishonorable circumstances. He spent his life savings up to that point to make himself disappear. He left Tokyo and showed up in Seattle under an assumed name and SIN, and thanks to a large payment to a Matrix gang, no one followed him, at first. Eventually, the Seattle Yakuza took notice of Yoji's work in the shadows, and he started looking for ways to hide from their suspicious eyes. That's when he found the Pandora Project, or rather, its members found him.
When I mean bad apple I don't mean truely evil, I was thinking more along the lines of anti-social disorder with a pinch of arrogance to even it out. I have to be pretty tight lipped about the function of such a runner but I'm still wieghing wether I should include one or not, I've got the perfect one in mind too, if I decide to go that route.
Well, that's a good description of either Ghost Dragon or Biomage. Biomage doesn't care about innocents that get in the way. Ghost Dragon does. Oh, and Biomage IS crazy, though not a raving madman.

Name: Biomage
Real Name: Frank Stockton
Occupation: Sorcery/SMG/Cybercombat/Martial Artist
Background: Frank used to be a successful bodyguard. He was just starting his own bodyguarding firm, until one day, a lone mage set off a Force 10 Fireball spell on one of his clients as the client was entering a limousine. Biomage was caught in the blast, which took his right arm. His reputation was ruined, and so was his arm. At the same time, Frank had his Awakening that day. In his dazed state, after having his arm burnt off, Frank looked up in the direction that the Fireball had come from, and he saw a man who was glowing. He had sensed the Fireball spell just before it had hit, though he couldn't explain why. No one would hire Frank's team afterward. His live-in girlfriend got out early, believing that Frank was a failure and blaming him for their money problems. Frank sold his small business and purchased a large number personal enhancements in the form of a new cyberarm and some bioimplants. His one goal then became hunting down the mage that ruined him and making sure he screamed loudly at the pain and suffering inflicted before Frank would finally let him die. So far, the search has turned up little, but Frank poors a large portion of his extra nuyen into it anyway.

Two questions:

Do we apply street index to stuff we purchase with our extra 300 000 nuyen?

And as employees of Project Pandora, do we need to buy all our own equipment? (i.e. ammo, armor, guns etc...)
The Merc "Texas" Jack can be the one with a bad tude. I'll just roleplay him like a Gunny i once worked for. Sort of like Jesse Ventura's character in Predator. Not afraid to" nudge" someone with the butt of his shotgun to get them to move.
Jklst has a good question about gear. Especially for us mundane types (Gun-rocks) I am mostly interested in the armor persay. Are the gun-rocks issued a vest or Jacket (Armored hopefully) That has a corp logo or god forbid a badge? Not saying Jack will wear it all the time especially since he "likes his own clothes"....or is this a pretty much casual work place? I can see the G-R's in armor all the time but Mages usually skate on the official dress code thing. either way its cool.

Oh by the way my brother borrowed my SOTA book, then went away for vacation. Anyone have the info on the vests and pouches in the section that deals with Merc's? In particular...shotgun shell holders(I think i saw them there)

Oh current issue boonie cover/hat has loops in it that can hold shotgun current boonies have the same?
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