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mattness pl
Chaosium appeal for scanning handouts

Maybe Fanpro will do something similiar for Shadowrun?
It would be nice if I can do something useful for other fans of my favorite RPG smile.gif
QUOTE (mattness pl)
Chaosium appeal for scanning handouts

Maybe Fanpro will do something similiar for Shadowrun?
It would be nice if I can do something useful for other fans of my favorite RPG smile.gif

what exactly is a handout? are they like newsletters with plot ideas and stuff or are they actual books for playing?

'cuz FP's definitly already providing PDF versions of the books...what else do they have that they could turn into PDF?
You mean like all these record sheets etc.?

Shadowrun PDFs for Character sheets, and all the other sheets for games.
Handouts are 'in-game' items, like a facility map printout, text messages, ID cards, newsfax clippings ect. that help in the game's story. Several of the old FASA modules & the SR Missions files on the 'official' site have them. Look for "Player Handouts" in the back of the scenario. Fortunately, they give clearance to photocopy the page/item so you can have it ready.
The Sector Passcards seen in the Denver boxed set are considered 'handouts'.
QUOTE (BookWyrm)
Handouts are 'in-game' items, like a facility map printout, text messages, ID cards, newsfax clippings ect. that help in the game's story. Several of the old FASA modules & the SR Missions files on the 'official' site have them. Look for "Player Handouts" in the back of the scenario. Fortunately, they give clearance to photocopy the page/item so you can have it ready.
The Sector Passcards seen in the Denver boxed set are considered 'handouts'.

sweet, i knew what a handout was group has never use any so we've never bothered learning the term - all we ever give to the players are maps and we call those "maps" rotfl.gif

Shadowrunners don't want handouts... they want a hand-up! smile.gif
The Grifter
Don't you mean a handgun? wink.gif
How about a left-handed monkeywrench?
This is getting out of hand.
The Grifter
But, on the other hand....
*sigh* I gotta hand it to you folk...
Bullet Raven
Give Mysterio a hand for finding another joke to add wink.gif
You guys are a handful. How's Adam supposed to handle you all?
I admit these forums are handy
Just as long as no one starts calling each other handsome...
hell in a handbasket
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