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Full Version: My new game
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > General Gaming
Fygg Nuuton
So I am working on a game, and as of now it's in the develpoment stage. When it goes online I'd love for people to help out with testing and such.

Heres a quick link to the temporary forums: Middle of Nowhere

I would love to see some familiar faces around.
Sweet. I'd like to test it if I have the time.
Went over and checked it out, damn cool. I signed up and posted.
Fygg Nuuton
thanks shadow, it's good to see people like what they see, even if it's only a small amout of content.

panzergeist: everyone who signed up for the forums before the alpha goes live will be in for sure, but i'll be letting other people in anyway so i'll send you a link then
The link is no longer working. sarcastic.gif
Fygg Nuuton
the link is down because that host gave me, the owner of the website, a trojan, and I didn't want anyone else to get one.

will be the home of it, however, there is no forum at this time, unfortunately
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