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Full Version: OpenRPG shadowrun - players needed!
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > GM/Players Registry
hey all - am starting an OpenRPG shadowrun game and need 1 more player. Game will run from 7ish BST (probably on tuesdays BST=GMT+1). Reply if interested biggrin.gif
Hmm...depends if that's AM or PM... GMT -6 here.
Bullet Raven
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Sounds great to me! It depends on when it is, though. I believe that 7:00 PM your time is 1:00-2:00 PM for those of us across the pond, so saturdays and sundays are really the only days that would work. I might know a few other local gamers who would be interested, too.
oops - sorry for late reply, but have been stupidly busy this month and it slipped my mind. the game is currently running, but one of the players had to pull out due to RL probs. Hence i have 1 (at most 2) slots free for people available at 7.30 my time on tuesdays. current crew includes a face, a sammy and a dog shaman. E-mail me from this site if interested and i'll give you any other details you need! again, sorry for being lame and forgetting to reply to my own thread! sarcastic.gif
and for those cuirious, according to my may, that would make it 1 pm on the east coast (6 hour time difference)
actually, 2PM east coast i think - time diff is 5 hours twirl.gif
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