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Full Version: Order of the Stick, by Rich Burlew
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > General Gaming

Dude! Awesome stabbity death all over the place.
Yea, been reading it for quite awhile now smile.gif I like it because it makes fun of D&D 3/3.5 edition.
It even makes fun of how they completely removed any semblance of tatics from 3e, and replaced it all with a system that easily falls vulnerable to a few mathematical formulas. (Not kidding, either; there are people who rig up spreadsheets to maximize abilities.)
Yeah, he's really got a great sense of humor and a knack for plotting smile.gif
And the artwork isn't bad, really -- it's just what it means to be.
You know, this is sheer brilliance. It's like 8-bit Theatre, except better.
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