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Full Version: Recruitment: Domini Umbra
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Welcome to the Shadows
Frater Inominatus
I am looking for somewhere between three and five serious minded (meaning serious about role-playing, not Steven Wright impersonators) role-players for a three adventure “campaign starter.” This will be three adventures intended to balloon into a campaign using character backgrounds and in game activities.

Here are character creation guidelines:

125 build points (Standard Availability/Ratings restrictions))
Race: Any save Otaku
Magic: Any
Attributes: 50 points max
Skills: Any
Resources: any
Edges and Flaws: Six points

Exceptions can, and will, be made for outstanding story line.

As with most dumpshock GMs, I prefer character driven stories so make them interesting. Step outside your comfort zone and try something you’ve not attempted before (though not a requirement). Creative storytelling will take you farther than anything, followed by interesting/unique concepts.

Deadline for submissions is 0000 on 5/31/05. Completed characters will be due at 0000 6/4/05. First post will start on 6/11/05. I look forward to gaming with you. Game on!
can i ask some questions?

1. Where is this taking place? ie..Seattle

2. What is the scope of the game? ie... Standard Shadowrun, Newbies etc.

Frater Inominatus
Questions are encouraged.

It will begin in Seattle but will not necessarily stay in Seattle. As to the scope of the game? It will begin as a "standard" Shadowrun game but the characters will quickly get caught up in a power struggle playing out in the shadows.
I have a char who been through a few runs on here, so he has karma and a bit of cash. Will you still accept him? (If not, I'll just write up a new character)
Frater Inominatus
How much Karma and cash? I am not opposed to established characters so long as they are not "over the top." PM me the particulars...
I've got a troll merc I'm currently running in another game I could retool alittle bit.
Frater Inominatus
Send me the particulars.
Not the most successful background creator but I will give it a shot.
I would like to join the game. I have in mind a pseudo-Rigger Physical Adept smuggler, who is an amnesiac 'immortal elf' (and chose a new name following his loss of memory, making him start from scratch with his magic).
Frater Inominatus
Johnson: Being a good writer isn't a requirement, fire away...

nick01200: That would be interesting...
I am on it.

BTW how do you want characters to be submitted? SR3 format or XML or HTML?
Frater, due to some unexpected commitments,I'm going to have to drop from this game. Good luck.
Frater Inominatus
Johnson: Post it here or send it via PM.
Frater Inominatus
As this is my first attempt to run on Dumpshock, you’ll forgive the novice mistakes I make. I neglected to give an accurate description of the campaign. I would like to remedy this oversight. To those of you who have already submitted characters; if you would like to revise or submit new character ideas; feel free to do so. So here we go… again:

In the corporate jungle there are fish of many sizes. Guppy research assistants swim the shallows, doing their best to stay out of sight of the Bass Research Directors who, in turn, keep out of the Shark Executives looking for lunch.
The world of shadows has its hierarchy as well. A delicate balance that those in power seek to maintain. What would happen should one of these… Sharks decide to expand their feeding ground?

You will be playing in a "criminal" campaign. The bad guys are going at it and they want to make you an offer you can't refuse. This does not mean you must be a criminal. Plenty of good guys have been roped into working for the bad guys.

Character creation is the same, I will post it again her for simplicity’s sake.
I am looking for somewhere between three and five serious minded (meaning serious about role-playing, not Steven Wright impersonators) role-players for a three adventure “campaign starter.” This will be three adventures intended to balloon into a campaign using character backgrounds and in game activities.

Here are character creation guidelines:

125 build points (Standard Availability/Ratings restrictions))
Race: Any save Otaku
Magic: Any
Attributes: 50 points max
Skills: Any
Resources: any
Edges and Flaws: Six points

Exceptions can, and will, be made for outstanding story line.

As with most dumpshock GMs, I prefer character driven stories so make them interesting. Step outside your comfort zone and try something you’ve not attempted before (though not a requirement). Creative storytelling will take you farther than anything, followed by interesting/unique concepts.

Deadline for submissions is 0000 on 5/31/05. Completed characters will be due at 0000 6/4/05. First post will start on 6/11/05. I look forward to gaming with you. Game on!
So, youre looking for the typical shadowrunner ? or mafia, yakuza, triad types?
Frater Inominatus
More typical shadowrunners, perhaps with ties to the underworld. Though I don't want to stop someone from running a mafioso or a yak, so long as it can be worked into the story.
My character sheet. It is HTML. Sorry about this, but just same everything in each spoiler tag as a different file under the filename listed.

No, he is not really carrying that much ammo, but the character generator I'm using lumps it all in under weapons, and I don't feel like tinkering in the html to get it all into "Uncarried Gear".

"Bob Cavalier.htm":
[ Spoiler ]

[ Spoiler ]

[ Spoiler ]

[ Spoiler ]

[ Spoiler ]

[ Spoiler ]

[ Spoiler ]

[ Spoiler ]
I have a character, but he was created via the priority system, with standard SR3 rules. I's that acceptable? If so, i'll send him in.
Frater Inominatus
Certainly. Though you may want to compare the character to one created with point system. The point system tends to allow for a wider variety of character (mechanic wise). But, by all means, submit...
Let me see what I can come up with...
A polecat.

Not related to the domesticated cat in any way. Oh, and it's spelled 'Totem'.
QUOTE (nick012000)
A polecat.

Not related to the domesticated cat in any way. Oh, and it's spelled 'Totem'.

Thank you for that. Was miss informed.
My current character concept calls for a Wolf Shamanist/Russian Mafiya hopeful new to Seattle, looking to use Shadowrunning to establish credibility and connections to earn his way into organized crime. I am working on moving the character sheet and background into a digital form for transmission, but so far i'm psyched about the background. Lemme know if that would totally not work.
Do you want both our BG and sheet posted here, or just the BG for now and sheet later by email/pm'd?
Frater Inominatus
Sicarius: The concept sounds great and will fit in well.

Sicarius & Mallet: Post the background here and PM me the Character Sheet.
Here's the concept idea, I will need to write it out with a little more characterization later today hopefully. Hence the idea goes like this:

[ Spoiler ]

Thats it in a nutshell, though I will be filling it out later like I said. Hope ya'll like the idea.
Frater Inominatus
QUOTE (Johnson)
I am on it.

BTW how do you want characters to be submitted? SR3 format or XML or HTML?

Use HTML...
Frater Inominatus
Ten days to post backgrounds and submit a character sheet...
If this is how long it takes to get all the preliminaries done, I can only hope that the game will go on for a very looong time. wink.gif
Frater Inominatus
It is more a matter of when my shcedule changes and I will have free time than an attempt at being thorough. Sorry for any inconvenience, annoyance, etc, ad nauseum.
So, er, how many players are we shooting for?
<------------ Victory is mine! thanks Frater.

Here you go Frater. CS is pmed to you.

[ Spoiler ]
Os' History:
[ Spoiler ]
Frater Inominatus
Tziluthi: "Around" 4, a little more or less is ok though.

Sicarius: To "spoiler" type [ s p o i l e r ] at the beginning, and [ / s p o i l e r ] at the end. Don't put the spaces like I did. I put them in so it wouldn't work...
Frater Inominatus
To All: We have four interested players
Musashi Forever

(in no particular order) If you all will agree we can get started. If another player wants to join before the deadline I will work at integrating them into the story.

One word of warning: My posts may be sporadic until the first as my schedule has not changed. By sporadic I mean I am never certain when I can get online. Usually it isn't a major problem but it IS a problem you should be aware of.

All those in favor, raise your right hand...
::raises right hand::

Ow! The box they keep me in isn't very large, I'm afraid.
I'm in like.... well whoever.

and I got no beef with sporadic schedules. We do the best we can.
Flipshow had approached me about this game...playing two Yakuza not so good standing with local Yak gumi. I'm not sure if he PM'ed or what to you, but if the clock is ticking let me throw our hands into this. Basic concept is one senior Yakuza and a subordinate Yak (me) We start on the outs sort of, of the local gumi as we are new arrivals from an absorbed yak clan in japan. If it interests you let me know ok.
Frater Inominatus
Hobbegoblin: I didn't get anything, which doesn't mean it wasn't sent, but PM me the sheets and that will fill out the roster and we can get started.

There is one other item of business before we get started. Contacts. Here's what I need:

Appearance: (Ht., Wt., Hair, eye, etc…)
How you met:
The basis for your continued relationship:
Sphere of Influence:
Area of Operation: (Redmond, Seattle; Denver Co., etc…)

Once Hobbegoblin and flipshow are done we will get going.
::Shudders, looks at the contact list, shudders.::

NO problem, heh.
[ Spoiler ]

QUOTE (Frater Inominatus)
To All: We have four interested players
Musashi Forever
(in no particular order) If you all will agree we can get started. If another player wants to join before the deadline I will work at integrating them into the story.

What about me? I sent you a sheet ages ago, and I know you got it because you replied saying so.
Frater Inominatus
Just an over sight Nick012000, I got it. I also amended the list. My apologies.
Frater Inominatus
If everyone would send me the "contact" information for your various fixers I will set up the OCC and IC legs with my first post. You can send the other contacts once we get started.
It should be in the Contacts.htm part.
Frater Inominatus
Yup, Nick012000, I have yours and Sicarius'. I do not have:
Tziluthi (Os)
Foxx (Stien)
Mushashi (Razz)

For those with many contacts, just send me your fixer's info and we will get started.

Hobbegoblin and Flipshow, are you still interested?
Frater, I am definitely still looking to participate in your game.
I sent you a PM as well as one to Hobbegoblin.
Frater Inominatus
O.K. I am going to use the Recruitment thread to hand out Karma. So look here periodically for yours.

Foxx, Tziluthi, Musashi Forever, Sicarius, Nick012000: 2 for playing, advancing the storyline, etc...

Foxx, Tziluthi, Musashi Forever, Sicarius, Nick012000: 1 for consistent posting

Foxx: 1 for outstanding storytelling

I am also working on karma awards for your backgound stories, which will be forth coming... soon.

I forgot one award,

Tzilutui, Musashi Forever: 1 for humor, I'm going to start using "Bubba" as a discipline tool.
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