Jun 2 2005, 02:37 AM
I and my gaming group at Penn State University are constantly running and playing in everything from 1e D&D to Shadowrun to nWoD. We're always looking for new players and game masters and even new games.
how often and how long are you normally playing? i can get up there, but it's about a 2, three hour drive i think...
Jun 2 2005, 05:58 PM
We generally play at least once and occasionally twice a week. Average session length is five hours.
ehh, ok sorry, thats prolly not worth my drive than, if i move closer to the area though, i'll keep you guys in mind.
are you currently college students up there (as in likely to graduate at some point?)
Jun 2 2005, 08:33 PM
Most of us are students schedualed to grduate within one to two years
Jan 4 2006, 08:00 AM
Hey Nerbert, my group and I have been running for a bit now, but due to graduation and homework, we're down to about 3 people. If you are still looking for players, or idea swapping, let me know.
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