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Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > GM/Players Registry
I and my gaming group at Penn State University are constantly running and playing in everything from 1e D&D to Shadowrun to nWoD. We're always looking for new players and game masters and even new games.
how often and how long are you normally playing? i can get up there, but it's about a 2, three hour drive i think...
We generally play at least once and occasionally twice a week. Average session length is five hours.
ehh, ok sorry, thats prolly not worth my drive than, if i move closer to the area though, i'll keep you guys in mind.

are you currently college students up there (as in likely to graduate at some point?)
Most of us are students schedualed to grduate within one to two years
Hey Nerbert, my group and I have been running for a bit now, but due to graduation and homework, we're down to about 3 people. If you are still looking for players, or idea swapping, let me know.
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