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Full Version: FLGS on Long Island
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > General Gaming
Anyone have any idea where I can find a gaming store in Nassau County on Long Island? I know that Barnes and Nobles and such stores sell D&D, but not if they sell Shadowrun.

And I wanna buy a guide.
To be honest, you'll have to call around. There are fewer & fewer hobby shops on LI, and if you find one that does sell RPGs, your best bet is to pre-order through Previews with them.

Your best bet is to call Compleat Strategist in Manhattan, confirm they have what you need & go pick it up during business hours. The staff is knowledgible, courteous & quick with an order. I've never been disappointed with them. biggrin.gif
Meh, Jesse + Manhattan = Sick Jesse.

Oh, and last I went into the city it was 8.50 for a round trip. Now its even more, I believe, and that's just to get into Penn Station. Shipping and Handling is less.
Babylon (Zone 9) to Penn Station (Zone 1) is $8.00 off-peak one-way, since 3/1/05, but here's a little secret;
Take the train into Jamaica (which is slightly less, $5.75) then the E subway to Lex & 53rd--transfer there to the downtown 6 train to 33rd st. & walk west 2 blocks. Yes, it's a schelp, but it's better than taking two buses & two trains for a 2 3/4 hour trip.
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