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Full Version: Iowa city/ Cedar Rapids Gm and players
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Looking for people to start a campaign in the Iowa city cedar rapids areas
I used to run a fairly consistent game in Ames but I have moved on to a bigger city for academic reasons.

My heart goes out to you -- I doubt that many people in the area suffer from dumpshock. I recommend just dragging some friends into the game.
Im in the Des Moines area right now, and i got a kick ass group, but i am going off to college, i doubt i will be able to drag my freinds into this, so do you have any other suggestions?
There's always gaming stores and assorted academic or unofficial clubs. Keep your eyes peeled. If you find a gaming group playing something else and join up, regale them with dramatic Shadowrun stories from time to time; a well portrayed run will often convince people to try a new setting or system.

I can put you in touch with about five to ten people in Ames with extensive experience and no GM if you like, but that's a bit of a drive just for Shadowrun. Sadly, I know only one person in Iowa City and she's only there for the summer and has precisely no interest in the game.
I went and checked out the gaming stores in IC and CR, and they all said that basically the only game that people play is magic, so i was kind of screwed on that aspect, so I was wondering if there was another website you would know of that could possibly help me. ANd thanks for all your advice, it is very helpful.
QUOTE (Whiteout)
Im in the Des Moines area right now, and i got a kick ass group, but i am going off to college, i doubt i will be able to drag my freinds into this, so do you have any other suggestions?

You may be surprised at how many gamers you will find at college. Good luck/
Sorry for the delay -- I think that and are both viable sites, but I don't think you'll have much better luck here. I'd keep your ear to the ground, like Jray said, you'd be surprised at who's interested in these sort of games.
Another thought. If all they play at the gaming store is magic you could try recruiting a few bored looking magic players. Have pre-made characters, dice and a killer run ready and you should be able to snare a few players.
I run a game in Iowa City. It's a tailored version of the Ghost Cartels campaign. We play weekly (about to go bi-weekly) and we're in desperate need of a Face.

Let me know if you're interested and I'll tell you a little about the game to see if you'd be interested.
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