Jun 24 2005, 01:41 PM
One of the guys in my Shadowrun group is working with a MIT group that found a new state of matter at MIT. Kind of funny really. I asked him about what he was working on out there and in a couple of week's they're work is going to be in the Journal Nature.
Jun 24 2005, 03:24 PM
Cool. Gasseous golf balls!
Jun 24 2005, 04:03 PM
If anyone has access to Nature he's mentioned in the Achnowledgements:
(Peter Zarth)
Acknowledgements We thank P. Zarth for experimental assistance and C. Stan
for contributions in the early stages of the experiment. We also acknowledge
discussions with the participants of the OCTS conference in Ohio, and thank
J. Anglin, Z. Hadzibabic, D. Kleppner and A. Leanhardt for a critical reading of
the manuscript. This work was supported by the NSF, ONR, ARO and NASA.
As he explained it, they've made a gas that's superconducting that will help in the development of room temperature semiconductors. As of right now though it's purely for experimental purposes.
Damn my job feels so mundane by comparison.
Jun 24 2005, 04:11 PM
so is he looking for 'runners to go in and jack the research for his new start up company?