Jun 27 2005, 02:40 AM
I feel like running a mostly freeform game.
Characters will be required, cash will be tracked, rolls will be determined by me or by the plot.
This should be a straightforward extraction... until it hits the fan of course.
Interested? Post a concept, about a paragraph long.
Jun 28 2005, 05:15 PM
I am interested but I am dry on concepts right now, anything else for me to go on?
Jun 28 2005, 05:20 PM
You will likely get a bigger response if you post this with Recruitment: in the thread name.
Jun 30 2005, 07:48 PM
QUOTE (Slacker) |
You will likely get a bigger response if you post this with Recruitment: in the thread name. |
Wow that was helpful. Once upon a time OOC was how you recruited people. There is no rule that says you still cant.
Jul 1 2005, 03:28 AM
Considering Shadow remembers me from when we moved to these forums, he is correct.
Shadow - Phobia : Snakes would be a bad idea.
This will be a personelle extraction, from a research facility.
A Rigger and a Face are the only *required* archetypes, though magic-types would be helpful. Deckers are questionable depending on the teams skills.
Books are SR3 CC MiTS M&M Rigger 3 SRComp New Seattle
Jul 1 2005, 03:26 PM
Any character Gen guidlines?
Jul 1 2005, 03:51 PM
I got a guy that wouldn't be bad for this
Johnathan Smith
[ Spoiler ]
1) Where's your character from? Russia
2) Does your character have a family? Mother still alive in Russia
3) Does your character have an ethnic background? Russia/American
4) What does your character look like? 6', silver hair short, deep dark blue eyes, 220wt
5) What does your character dress like? Looks sophisticated when he wants to, and normally does, wear small round glasses when reading or doing detailed work, he doesn't have that bad of eyesight. I'd only give him a -1 when doing vary detailed work without the glasses on
6) Does your character have physical quirks? He has learned to take live at a more leisurely pace, despite his quickness. But certainly can still keep up with the young boys when required
7) Where did your character learn their Active Skills? Russian military
8 ) Where did your character learn their Knowledge Skills? Russian military
9) Where did your character get his goodies? Russian military / contacts from his military history
10) Where does your character live? Russia, well has just moved to Seattle with no residence yet
11) Who are your character's contacts? Ex Russian military personal mostly
12) Who are your character's enemies? Just the normal people who hate everyone, maybe someone in Russia but haven't made any enemies in Seattle yet
13) How did your character learn magic? N/a
14) What are your character's likes and dislikes? Likes upscale bars, but there still has to be the right kind of cliental drinking to mingle with.
15) What is your character's moral code? Vary good one. Never leave a Friend behind,
16) Does your character have goals? Learn more about his father, he just has a name and a city "Seattle"
17) Does your character have personal beliefs? He has seen to much death, suffering, greed and corruption to believe in any higher all for the greater good being
18) Does your character have personality quirks? Really doesn't like dealing with people that don't think before they do something
19) Why does your character run the shadows? It's what he's good at, 15 years military service will do that to you/ and it's where he is trying to make contacts to gain info on his father
20) How does your character view his/her role as a shadowrunner? Means to and end, and make him feel more live when he is in the fray maybe about to die. ;o)
Jul 2 2005, 04:14 AM
Standard Priority, Sum To 10, Points or Becks V2 starting characters.
No time or rating limits on the availability, just availability 8.
Cultured Only Bioware, Beta Datajacks or Beta Cybereyes/limbs are fine, as long as it doesnt get too wacky.
ECU in Limbs is not tracked, within reason.
Jul 2 2005, 04:46 AM
Character concept:
Edward Laughing Wolf, aka Canis Chromus
Cascade Ork male
Rigger: Vehicle and Drones
Brief Background:
Ed grew up in a salvage yard and spent most of his youth repairing machines and refueling smuggler’s transports in the Salish-Shidhe. He has managed to make enough from building and selling vehicles to strike out on his own – attracted by the big city lights he moved to Seattle.
More details on request…
Jul 3 2005, 04:42 AM
that will work for the moment.
Anyone else in?
Jul 5 2005, 07:33 PM
Type: Close Combat/infiltration
Name: Gun
Weapon of Choice: Knives
Gun is a 'made man' in the mob who is moonlighting (with permission) as a Shadowrunner. He works a night job at the Blue Lagoon club which is owned by the Dons niece.
I sent the character to your hotmail addy.
Jul 6 2005, 12:42 AM
not recieved
Send to morsdraconis at
Jul 6 2005, 04:22 PM
Jul 7 2005, 01:58 AM
recieved, under review
Digital Heroin
Jul 12 2005, 07:51 PM
Name: Seta Drake
Street Name: Umbra
DescriptionConcept: Freerunning Athelete's Way Adept
Most people would expect that when an up and coming University of Washington track star has his scholarship revoked because it is discovered he is an adept, that that guy would be quite depressed. Seta was anything but. He took the media attention garnered to him during the scandal and turned it on its heel. How? He started a revival of the art of Parkour.
Several now legendary trideos, a feature length sim-flick, and a very publicized twelve hour police chase brought Seta Drake more than his fifteen minutes, and along with it came corporate sponsorship. He became the face of Ares for a disenfranchised generation unable to connect with big league atheletes.
But sooner or later it all had to end. Two years he was in the bright lights, and it only took one to fall into the shadows. Why settle for one man, after all, when a whole team of younger, hipper freefunners came along? Seta took it in stride, though. He took his newfound obscurity and his connections to the streets, entering a world many fallen atheletes before had come to. While you may think he would be bitter, not a hint of it will be found. After all, there's still the occassional autograph to be found, and there's always tommorrow to look forward to.
Jul 13 2005, 07:03 PM
Hey BG any word?
Digital Heroin
Jul 16 2005, 08:47 AM
Guess this is a no go then?
Digital Heroin
Jul 18 2005, 10:34 PM
Regardless, I'm out... don't want to commit to too much...
Jul 21 2005, 12:18 AM
Hurricane Dennis took out much of my time and severely limited my internet access, as did all the preparations preparing the art gallery I work in for the storm.
Anyways, Im back, and sorry about that. Who is still in?
Jul 21 2005, 01:45 AM
QUOTE (Thomas) |
Character concept: Edward Laughing Wolf, aka Canis Chromus Cascade Ork male Rigger: Vehicle and Drones
Brief Background: Ed grew up in a salvage yard and spent most of his youth repairing machines and refueling smuggler’s transports in the Salish-Shidhe. He has managed to make enough from building and selling vehicles to strike out on his own – attracted by the big city lights he moved to Seattle.
More details on request… |
I'm still in...
Digital Heroin
Jul 21 2005, 02:10 AM
Hell, I've got more to appologize for, was an ass for the reactionary stance... Lord knows I'm flaky as hell, and a hurricane's never fun to deal with.
I can toss someone in, but Seta's gone to something probably more suitable for him, as he's a lower level type concept...
Jul 26 2005, 08:19 PM
I am.
Jul 27 2005, 12:41 AM
That makes 3.
Opening IC post sometime this week, depends on the schedule I have to work.
Last call for alcohol.
Digital Heroin
Jul 27 2005, 01:13 AM
What are you requiring as far as chargen?
Jul 27 2005, 01:37 PM
No more for me, thanks. I'm start'n ta see snakes...
Jul 27 2005, 04:02 PM
Deleted post
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