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Full Version: cock-fighting in 2063
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
Senor 187
A couple of my players have decided to run cock-fights in Aztlan to make a few extra pesos.

The only thing is - they've decided to use cockatrices!

Two questions: Does the paralyzing touch power of cockatrices work against other cockatrices? What would be the damage of a spur on such a beast?
Hmmmn, I would assume they're mostly immune to their own poison. Rule of thumb with beasties ...

If you don't want to figure out the damage codes, just figure out a plot that doesn't need them! Have their fixer offer mutated beasts instead of cockatrices. Maybe have some decadent people offer to supply 'gladiators' to fight the beasties.

In our game, we tried to set up a pit-fighting operation. What we found is that a little bit of cyber/bioware/magic went a long way to beating a "normal" z-zoner.
Phylos Fett
Does the paralyzing touch power of cockatrices work against other cockatrices?

Critters, p 25 - Cockatrice have Immunity (own touch).

What would be the damage of a spur on such a beast?

A regular Spur would add +1 or +2 to the Power. A Dikoted Spur would add one Damage Level and an additional +1 to the Power.
Senor 187
Maybe they should just use chickens.
Chickens with dikoted spurs?

QUOTE (Kagetenshi)
Chickens with dikoted spurs?


And ally spirits?
Herald of Verjigorm
But can you give the cockatrice a dikoted Slivergun cyber-wing?
Were you talking about a cyber spur? or a regular chicken/cockatrice spur? or a metal spurr strapped onto a chicken/cockatrice?

Remember cyber and metacritters don't mix well.
I would guess a metal spurr strapped on to the chicken's natural spur. That is done now in cockfighting.

Dikoting the spur might make the fights too quick. It is a show, after all.
Maybe spurs wouldn't be a good idea. The fights would be too quick. Maybe puts quills on them, so that the attacker gets poked if it attacks wrong?
Senor 187
You've obviously never been to a cock-fight.
My parents wouldn't let me go.

Is it anything like a cockroach fight? Or putting a bee in a bottle with a wasp?
Senor 187
Cockatrice have Immunity (own touch).

Yes, but that doesnt say they are immune to the touch of another cockatrice.
QUOTE (Sammiel)
Cockatrice have Immunity (own touch).

Yes, but that doesnt say they are immune to the touch of another cockatrice.

Generally speaking, the poisons are not individual specific -- one Rattlesnake's venom is going to be the same as another's (so far as I know).

That being the case, I imagine the parallel holds true here as well.

That would make sense for poisons, which make sence in general.

Anyone know if the paralyzing touch is magical or poison based? Magic never has to make sense.
Hot Wheels
Just remember to wear protection.
A Second Chance at Eden is a compilation of short stories, the first of which has a really good bioengineering pit fight story.
i think in 2063, it would be more like all the scarry metacreatures with cyber and bio and ESPECIALY combat drugs.

bets would be laid with people taking into account the creature, suspected modifications and also the ferocity or the unmodified creature.
Whew, take a mutt of the street, give it a hit of Kamakaze and watch it eat someone's prize pit bull...
QUOTE (Ed_209a)
Whew, take a mutt of the street, give it a hit of Kamakaze and watch it eat someone's prize pit bull...

like the pitbull wouldnt have modified orthoshin, sharpened teath, and equipped with venom sacks and fangs...
Yeah, but at that point are you really talking about a pitbull anymore?

Hot Wheels
When you cross breed it with a muskrat and a rat?
At which I think any cats involved would be getting one hell of a mixed message...

Not the cyberzombie kittens with MBW-4. They don't care what it is as long as it's fun to play with.

QUOTE (Kagetenshi)
Not the cyberzombie kittens with MBW-4.

I suddenly has a picture in my head of a Sony Aibo, growling at me.

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