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Full Version: Starting AIM game
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Welcome to the Shadows
Alright, everybody, here's the deal. First, pleased to meet you all. On to business, I've recently picked up some Shadowrun stuff from a guy who had to liquidate his gaming stuff. I've been a fan of cyberpunk in general for a long time, and when I read Shadowrun, I thought, "wow. This is some pretty cool stuff." My social conditions being what they are (nobody does RPGs where I am, mai dii), I'd like to run a game over AIM, and since this is the premier SR forum, I figure, good place to start.

I've been GMing stuff like D&D and mainly 7th Sea for some time now, so Shadowrun's a bit of a departure for me, but like I said, I've always been a follower of cyberpunk stuff, I saw Blade Runner, read Neuromancer, and I think I can make it work. I like to run a character-driven game with a strong cast of NPCs and a well-developed (and well-planned) storyline.

My reservations are as follows:
- I plan to do this at about 6 or 7 PM central time on Sunday nights, and sessions may run for four hours. To my knowledge, nobody does anything on Sunday nights - perfect night for telegaming. If this is a bad time for you, then perhaps it can be negotiated with the others and I, but please don't commit if you can't make a regular showing. I have done AIM games in the past, and for some reason, people don't seem to take internet appointments seriously. If this is your case, then I apologize in advance, but I don't want you in my game.

- I would also like all the players to meet and create their characters together, so that the characters have some connection to each other, like being related or serving in the army together, that makes them loyal to one another. This also ensures that each character fulfills a niche in the team.

- This may disappoint some, but I would like to create the characters using only the point-based creation system in the Companion, and to otherwise stick to only what's in the Core Rulebook. As such, the game will take place in 2060. I do own the other sourcebooks, but on the whole, all they seem to do is raise the stakes on the arms race - the Ares Predator gives way to the Savalette Guardian gives way to the Ruger Thunderbolt, and I don't even own SOTA '64 but it wouldn't shock me if there's a full-auto handgun in it. And don't even get me started on the stuff in Man and Machine - I've read of people getting initiative scores in the 30s. There are exceptions to this, and if you approach me with one (like the Hook Hand in M&M or some of the cars in R3), I'll listen to it, but I'd rather you didn't open the sourcebooks unless it's for something really small or something really important to your character. Eventually, sourcebook stuff may be phased in.

The first session will be on Sunday, and we'll probably use it for character creation. I'm looking for four, maybe five players. If you have any questions, please e-mail me No, seriously, do it - I check my e-mail like every 20 minutes. Thanks for reading.
Hey there. Like you, I can't find any roleplayers. I've been looking for an SR group for a while. I mostly like to play in Magicians.
I would absolutely want to join this game should it happen.

I'l admit, I haven't memorized the entire corebook like some people, but I understand the game very well and I would not slow down everyone else, I don't think.

My AIM is Jeremymia. Give me an IM with what I need to know, if you would.

I have also e-mailed you.

Thanks; Looking forward to playing.
I'm in.

I've done a fair bit of tabletop gaming (Warhammer and 40k) and RPG's.

AIM is ShadowMagus13
Why is it that everyone who has posted interest all have a join date with in the last three days....

I might be interested, any more details you can give us, like type of campaign?
Well, the reason me and Shadow Magus joined today is because I joined specifically to respond to this topic. Jaochi (or Ohrmazda, as we know him) posted a message on Gamefaqs, and I followed the link, for obvious reasons.

SMg (Shadow Magus) is another friend of mine from Gamefaqs, so I invited him to play as well, so he signed up.

Don't know about that first guy.
I might be interested, any more details you can give us, like type of campaign?

It'd just be a vanilla SR campaign taking place in Seattle, 2060. Beyond that, I'm honestly waiting on character ideas, and I'll go from there - I don't really have a plot in mind higher than resolving the background problems of the characters, though I'll probably tie it together into something larger.

Why is it that everyone who has posted interest all have a join date with in the last three days....

Probably because I've mentioned to people I know that I planned to do this, and they're trying to pull one past me . . .
If you'd forgive the occasional incursion of work into my attendance, I'd be interested in joining.
If you'd forgive the occasional incursion of work into my attendance, I'd be interested in joining.

How often are we talking about?
Sometimes once a month, sometimes more, sometime not at all. I have an erratic work schedule. Looking for a new job, but that's moving along slowly.
If you could change it, that'd be great, but missing over a quarter of the games . . . I'm afraid that's a bit much.
I'm very interested in joining this campaign and am fairly certain that I can attend almost all of the sessions. I've got a fair amount of Shadowrun experience in the past, from AIM-based Shadowrun to a Shadowrun MUD, Awake 2040, and practically an entire lifetime of roleplaying/tabletop RPG experience.

My AIM screen name is Infinitevector.
What's the timeframe for starting up?

EDIT: NM. I saw that it's this Sunday. I'm out. Can I swing by to watch?
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