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Full Version: Physical Mage...say what?!
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > General Gaming
I was just informed by a friend about these 'Physical Mages'. I've been playing 3rd edition for a good 6 years or so and I've never heard of this. I think they are 2nd Edition stuff, yes? If someone could please clear up where these horrible things come from that would be great. What I mean is, what source books should I look in? I don't need the exact page I just need books if possible. Or just tell me all you know about physical mages nyahnyah.gif

they're listed as magicians way adepts now. Look in MiTS. Basically, they can have adept powers and cast spells and conjure, but they're not as good at either, because they have to sort of split their abilities.

This should probaly be in the SR forum BTW. You'l lget lots of fun response about the Love/hate people have for these guys there
Ancient History
They're called "Magicians Way Adepts" now. First appeared in the 2nd edition product [i}Awakenings[/i], in Third Edition you can find them in Magic in the Shadows. May also want to check out the adept section of State of the Art: 2064 and the Underworld sourcebook.

Incidentally: Whatcha say whatcha say whatcha say WHAT.
--Rage Against The Machine
UW sourcebook has some neat stuff in it just in general anyways. Love the triads.

AH - Rally round the family..... pockets full of shells
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