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Full Version: Here is a product design I think would work out we
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > General Gaming
Kovu Muphasa
Here is a product design I think would work out well.
It is based on all the AD&D Miniatures box sets out there.

The set includes
o A set of the Quick Start Rules
o a Plastic Ready to Use Figure for each of the Characters in the Run
o A Plastic Lone Star Patrol Car
o Counters [Fire, Smoke and Movement]
o 4 Map Boards [Bar, Office, Park and Matrix
o 12d6
Cost $25 to $35
Ancient History
Why, why here, and why post it here?
Kovu Muphasa
I had no Idea where else to place it.
No matter where I place an Idea like this I seem to place it in the wrong Aria.
This is why I sugested a Forum just for this stuf
If it's a Shadowrun idea, post it in the Shadowrun forum.
Kovu Muphasa
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