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Full Version: my current pet peeves
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Dumpshock News, Bug Reports, Feature Requests, & Discussion
Ok about a month ago (i believe it was about a month ago) there was a poll about how we all liked the new site, I said some less then brilliant things about the colour design and blind people (sorry!). But I also said I would try and learn to live with it. Which I in large part have but there are a few things just holding me back ...

The spell checker, it is way worse then old one. It never learns even thou I click learn. It has problems with things like U.S. and U.N. (things that are frequent words in the lounge). Then there is the whole "i'm" deal.

I preferred the old once since it was faster and it marked all "failed" words at once in red instead of one at a time.

I would also like a spell checking button on the fast replay. I prefer it since I don't need the post icons menu.

The 'quote' system. I prefer the old one, and manually use it more often then not.

Then there is that colour scheme. But I recon if I wait long enough I'll just start to ignore it.
noticed a "new" one. when you spell check it doesn't take punctuation into account and always assumes it will be all no caps even thou it might be the first word of a sentence.
There's nothing we can do about the spell checker, as it is an external web service upon which we have no control.
Crusher Bob
My understanding of how the spell checler learns is that is uses cookies. If you change computers alot or don't allow cookies, then the spell checker will have some problems.
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