Jul 19 2005, 10:11 PM
Currently my Strategy Tactical game is Silent Storm 2. A kick but game set in WW2. However this just popped up on my RSS,
UFO Alien AftermathLooks like X-Com revamped, anyone played it?
Jul 20 2005, 01:28 AM
I played the demo. It got sort of mediocre reviews as far as I know.
Jul 20 2005, 02:58 AM
Sadly the out-of-combat elements seemed downplayed compared to the predecessors. Though the story progressed through research, it seldom did very much and most of the time you fought repetetive battles without any strategic content.
Just my opinion *shrugs*. At least you should be able to pick it up cheap.
Crusher Bob
Jul 20 2005, 09:30 AM
It's ok for the first third to half of the game. The problem after that is that the aliens all have really uber stats and all carry area of effect plasma cannons that can wipe your team your team out in a shot or two.
Late game sample: Alien groups spots your team first, (they have max spotting skills, so they will see you first) then they fire their cannons. If there is more than one alien, you will probably lose some of your team. Then you fire back, maybe killing an alien. Then they rape you with the plasma cannons again...
If you can pick it up for cheap, it might be worth it, as the first part of the game is ok.
There may also be some user made mods that help rebalance the game, I'm not sure.
Oh yes, and the spawn of death. Occasionally, your team will spawn surrounded by uber aliens with plasma cannons. Total party kill in about .25 seconds.
Jul 21 2005, 06:47 PM
I heard bad reviews on it ... while I am an XCom lover to the core, the Spawn Of Death and uber-cheating-AI pretty much sucks. I hear silent storm 2 kicked ass though