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Full Version: MSN chat game?
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Welcome to the Shadows
Fygg Nuuton
I'm looking for a game (123 pts+) thats played on MSN chat, AIM or even ICQ.

if your running one or want to run one email me! thank you smile.gif
Fygg Nuuton
/shameless bump
I'd be interested in the same thing. MAYBE GM position, later on in the year. wink.gif
Given that an IM game would require us all to be awake at the same time, posting time zones might prove handy.

I'm in NJ (USA), so I'm EST (GMT -5:00, IIRC).
East Coast, USA baby!
I am in US EST as well. (GMT -5).
I'd join you except that I am on the West Side. When 9pm rolls around for you guys and many people think begin to unwind, I am just getting home from work...
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