Little Tim
Aug 16 2003, 10:39 PM
Well, that was fun.
Street Map (Thanks to Multimap for image)
Five seconds on the matrix gives a basic street map of the area. Using the knowledge of the area you fill in some of the buildings around the target.
The area itself is light commercial. The building were small office buildings, shops, and showrooms, all 3-5 stories tall. The area to the south of the target is an old personal storage yard. The small storage buildings have been taken over by squatters.
Girl's picture
Aug 17 2003, 01:28 AM
we didn't get as far as scheduled because of, like, a national emergency and a forum change craziness, and since I'm leaving for a vacation tomorrow, I'm going to drop out of this first run; it may be best just to ignore my posts.
Aug 17 2003, 11:06 PM
sorry to hear that, Gunner. Have a nice vacation, and we'll catch you when you get back!
Little Tim
Aug 19 2003, 01:00 AM
After years of squatters, gang fighting, and the weather, most of the buildings in the area have broken roof doors, open skylights, or just large holes in the roof you could use to gain entry. But be sure to watch for traps.
Aug 19 2003, 01:15 AM
Izzin? Kimo?
Aug 19 2003, 01:29 PM
Im here and back, sorry about the 4 day outage.. My time was cut short so I could not warn prior to Friday, but I had a wedding.. Im back and in full force now.
I dont know, but i was thinking something as simple as using sleeping pills in excessive quantities. (Dont have a critter book near, or I would attempt to find a critter who had a stun/sleep venom type attack and use paranormal knowledge of how to extract the venom.)
Little Tim
Aug 19 2003, 11:31 PM
Heh, it looks like I won't have any time to do post this week. In addition to my classwork I have been selected for jury duty. So my free time will be next to nill. I'll try to post some Q&D floor plans and 'guard' locations on the assumption of someone looking on the astral and some normal surveillance. Depending on how long it takes me I'll try to have those done by tomorrow evening.
Aug 20 2003, 02:16 AM
Skee's going to call his contact, Marid, and try to get an illusion fetish. It won't be of any use tonight (Skee needs 4 hours of mediation to tune it to his aura first), but it may come in handy the next night. Normally, Skee'd be able to make his own fetishes, but there isn't enough game time to compensate for that (I'll have to do rethink my strategy someday

Just trying to move things along. If we've got more to discuss in the bar, assume that Skee gets up and does his thing afterwards.
Take your time, Tim. I think we're doing OK so far. If need be, the rest of us'll fill up the free time with RP

phelious fogg
Aug 20 2003, 02:30 AM
Alexander has Jean Claude waiting outside in his taxi to give him a ride.
Matrix Monkey
Aug 20 2003, 11:37 AM
I'll have a lot less time to post in the next couple of weeks as well, on account of me getting married next saturday...

Priorities and all that
Aug 22 2003, 12:43 PM
Grats Monkey.. on the nuptuals..
Been there done that 10 years ago! =)
Aug 26 2003, 04:34 PM
Before I forget again... best wishes this weekend, Monkey!
phelious fogg
Aug 26 2003, 06:46 PM
Congrats on getting hitched
phelious fogg
Aug 26 2003, 06:46 PM
congrats on getting hitched
Little Tim
Aug 28 2003, 02:00 AM
Sorry about the extra long delay. I'd rant about the past week but I'm sure you have been through the same or worse.
You can see the Q&D floorplans here:
Floor Plans This was done with the assumtion of some astral recon and a good old fashioned stakeout. Just so you know, windows are marked in blue, door are marked in red.
Level 1
This area used to be a small store. The front windows have been blockaded by some old tables and cinderblock. The side door has been bricked up. The back door is still open, but there is always someone there. A hole bas been made in the women's restroom allowing access the to staires that go up to the offices above.
Level 2
The gang members have stuffed the rotting cubicals full of garbage and crud.
Level 3
The gang has turned these offices into living space. There are usually 4-6 here at any given time. There is almost always a man on or around the balcony where you have seen an assualt rifle with a huge scope bolted on. You did see a young girl in the woman's restroom while you were projecting. (Hmm, I hope at least one of you is able and willing to project.)
Level 4
Fire and rain has damage this level. A pile of wrecked furatrue has been arranged in one of the rooms to grant access to roof via a large hole. In the large office you did see a sleeping man who had a steady aura of one of the awakened.
While you were watching the building you did see a weak watcher spirit check all the surronding building and watch the people passing by for about an hour.
Aug 28 2003, 04:50 PM
Skee can project, and IIRC, that's what I planned to do anyway, so we're set with that.
Matrix Monkey won't be available until after this weekend (most likely not for another week or so, if he's lucky

). Still, we've got enough to work with until he gets back.
Matrix Monkey
Aug 28 2003, 07:39 PM
Yup, I won't be able to post until next friday (the 5th) at least, so for game purposes I propose Little Tim handles my actions until then, if he's ok with it?
(I probably would've gone for physical recon, using my ruthenium gizmos and so on)
cya next week!
Matrix Monkey
Sep 4 2003, 11:25 AM
so... is this run dead in the water or what?
phelious fogg
Sep 4 2003, 11:43 AM
I dunno.. but you said you couldnt post till tommarow so i just assumed we would be waiting untill then to continue
Matrix Monkey
Sep 4 2003, 12:58 PM
Ah my mistake then, sorry

I was assuming you guys were going to continue the legwork without me so was just a little surprised to see that there weren't any new posts...
Anyways, back to enjoying the first week of married life... sorry for the delay!
Sep 4 2003, 03:35 PM
QUOTE (Matrix Monkey) |
Ah my mistake then, sorry  I was assuming you guys were going to continue the legwork without me so was just a little surprised to see that there weren't any new posts... Anyways, back to enjoying the first week of married life... sorry for the delay! |
Well all that newlywed sex must be quite a distraction.
Matrix Monkey
Sep 5 2003, 10:16 AM
QUOTE (Buzzed) |
Well all that newlywed sex must be quite a distraction. |
OK, I'm officially back now

I'll follow up with an IC post later on today, thanks for waiting anyways
And just so you don't miss out on the festivities (thanks for all the good wishes btw),
here's a link (clicky!) to some pictures from the wedding last weekend
Little Tim
Sep 5 2003, 01:13 PM
Nice pics. That little kid yours or did you just steal the baby for the picture?
No problem about the delay. I have school work and I've been forgetting the check this every day. SO no harm on my side at least.
If you guys start telling me you're doing for the legwork I start describing what you see out there. But if all of you think the assumptions I made for the legwork are good enough, we can move on to planning and the run itself.
Matrix Monkey
Sep 5 2003, 02:39 PM
Nah, she's my sister-in-law's

Assuming we're not roleplaying the legwork in full: Cat's trying to get to the rooftop of an adjacent building, taking all his electronic goodies with him to perform a full sweep of the target building and its surroundings.
Gear: ruthenium bodysuit under regular clothing + secure jacket, 2 ares predators, laser mike, tracker + signals, electronics toolkit.
(the guns would be concealed under his jacket as good as possible and the electronics gear stuffed into a backpack)
Stealth-wise: he parks his bike as close to the target area as possible while trying to avoid any run-ins with the gangers.
If need be, he'll find a bum at the edge of the slum and hand him a little cash in trade for some shabby old clothes, to draw less attention getting to the target.
Once arrived, he'll try to get onto the rooftop to do his thing, discarding the bum's clothes for some added stealth provided by the ruthenium suit.
Matrix Monkey
Sep 5 2003, 02:42 PM
Also, Cat's calling up his merc contact Julius to find out more about the gangers -- have they been involved in any shadow activities recently, did anyone hire them to do the kidnapping and so forth.
Sep 5 2003, 04:49 PM
Yippie! We're back on!
MM:Hope you had fun! Nice pics. Where'd you go on your honeymoon, anyway? Oh, and how long have you been using Postnuke?
Tim:As for Skee, I'll just assume he did an astral recon and told everyone about the girl and guards on the 3rd floor, and the sleeping mojo-man on the 4th. The only other thing I'd want to know is if the girl looked healthy/uninjured, and whether or not Skee was able to make a positive ID.
Is it also safe to assume that he was able to get the fetishes from Marid?
phelious fogg
Sep 5 2003, 05:21 PM
For a few hours Alex will watch the gangers go in and out from a squater shack in the area.. Just curious whats going on there, listening in when he can. Other than that he spends a few hours there and goes home and into bed
Matrix Monkey
Sep 5 2003, 08:00 PM
QUOTE (Spookymonster) |
Yippie! We're back on!
MM: Hope you had fun! Nice pics. Where'd you go on your honeymoon, anyway? Oh, and how long have you been using Postnuke? |
Heh, thanks

We didn't go very far on our honeymoon for budgetary (sp?) reasons, we're going to start building our own home soon, so a lot of money is going that way...
I started using postnuke in december last year, I'm pretty happy with it so far
Little Tim
Sep 8 2003, 05:41 PM
Also, Cat's calling up his merc contact Julius to find out more about the gangers -- have they been involved in any shadow activities recently, did anyone hire them to do the kidnapping and so forth. |
There hasn't been any word on anyone hiring them, but they have been trying to get the Mob's good side. Police and private security have stepped up night patrols in the middle class area just to the south, hurting their main drug trade, so they might also be doing this just for the money.
For a few hours Alex will watch the gangers go in and out from a squater shack in the area.. Just curious whats going on there, listening in when he can. Other than that he spends a few hours there and goes home and into bed |
A couple of the squatters are real pissed, the gang kicked people out of two of the storage cells three days ago. They were seen moving a couple of bikes and a bunch of duffle bags into the cells. There is some sort of remote security on those cells because when one of the squatters tried to brake in, thinking there were drugs within, three gangers rushed out of the gang's 'hideout' and beat the crap out of the guy.
As for Skee, I'll just assume he did an astral recon and told everyone about the girl and guards on the 3rd floor, and the sleeping mojo-man on the 4th. The only other thing I'd want to know is if the girl looked healthy/uninjured, and whether or not Skee was able to make a positive ID. |
Physically the girl seemed to be ok, no signs of any physical trauma in her aura. But emotionally she seemed close to breaking.
Is it also safe to assume that he was able to get the fetishes from Marid? |
Sure, I can't think of a reason why not.
Sep 9 2003, 12:20 PM
Any sign of Izzin?
Sep 16 2003, 04:33 PM
Matrix Monkey
Oct 6 2003, 09:39 AM
It's been a month since our GM made any form of appearance here, so I'm officially dropping out.
So much for the whole "short games WILL work on the board" idea, sigh.
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