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Hocus Pocus
I bought the Computer Gaming World magazine for it's free demos of very intersting games one of which is a free 14 day trial period of WOW. I was going to try it out, anybody here play it so they can help me learn the ropes? in additon to this game is a few other demos

Battlefiend 2
Warhammer 40k: Dawn of War

also has some trailers of various games and some other stuff ta boot, check it out. It's the september issue of CGW
Well I have all three of those. Let me give you some tips.


Play on a PVE server until you learn the ropes. Make one character for each race and class. Level each to 5 or 10. Then you will be in a good place to know what character you want to play.

Play a mage if you like to solo, play a priest if you like to group.

Battlefield 2

Play it a lot. I mean a lot. It is a great game but it takes practice to get good at it.

Dawn of War

Probably the best RTS to come out since Starcraft. Play the tutorials for each race, they do a really good job of teaching you the race. Only play online against the computer. If you play against people the game ends in 5 to 10 minutes. And its more like work than play.
Hunter is also good for Solo on WoW
World of Warcraft. Dont play it. It will eat your soul. See? Look at mine. But yes, Hunters are great solo especally once you get past 10th level. If you can handle the RP (which this being an RPG board, I assume you can) the people on the RP servers are almost always very nice, and you dont get ganked (PvP killed) really at all.

Battlefield 2. Im actually playing the demo and its on my "Buy when the price comes down" list. Very well done game, and I like the commander/squad set up. The Skrimish AI is rather good, but has a tendance to run you over.

Dawn of War. Shadow had it right. Easly the best RTS in a decade. Best games (I have played at least) are 2-3 people vs 3-5 AIs. It still has a few balance issues, but patches are still being released, and the forth comming expansion looks great. And there is a team for everyone.
WoW: Give in to the Darkside. Really it's not that bad. The only thing is, if you're alliance, add Paladin to the list of good for soloing.

Dawn of War: really a great game, although I tend to disagree that games are over in 5-10 minutes if you play a human.

I don't know much about Battlefield 2, it's on my list of buy it, if/when the price drops below $30, but I hear it's good.
QUOTE (paul_HArkonen)
Dawn of War: really a great game, although I tend to disagree that games are over in 5-10 minutes if you play a human.

Well that’s not necessarily true, but I found that when playing online people were more into rushing and winning then actually exploring and playing. I like huge battles with advanced weapons. The 5 or 10 games I played online never got past tech lvl 2.

Playing against the AI you can actually play the game, and the AI is really good at the higher settings.
I guess it comes down to how many you play against at once. The human games I did were always 4 people or more, and we were lucky if we finished in under an hour. But I do know about the "RUSH THE BAD GUYS AND KILL THEM" mentality. Works for some, I personally can't stand it.
Battlefield 2 rules. Dawn of War is great, if you like RTS games. I have it, but only play it occasionally because I'm an action gamer at heart.
Im just old school rts, and DoW makes me very happy in my naughtly places.
I started playing the Eldar the other night. Mainly cause my brother started playing and I wanted to not be Space Marines. (though they rock). And I have to say Prism tanks are choice, I highly recommend them if you have the means.
My favorite strategy is teleporting terminators and dreadnauts in behind enemy lines and taking out their vehicle-producing building, then bring in tanks to wipe out their infantry.
the Prism tanks get an ability that lets them fly over everything and land in a open space. It is an awesome tactic.
Battlefield came out beforeit was ready and it shows. However, a large patch will come out at the end of august, which will adress many of the issues.

For the DEMO, you won't notice any problems though, and it's a fine fine way to waste some hours. Just don't buy it before september.
Digital Heroin
The only issue I have with BF2 is that Spec Ops get screwed out of their rightful demolitions points... oh, and bolt action sniper rifles are annoying... otherwise it's a great game, especially if you enjoy being a Commander... of course when you have a team full of morons who intentionally run into the middle of an artillery strike that they were warned well in advance of, get killed by in, then punish you for TKing, well commanding sucks...
Yeah, I agree. I love the game but it has some serious flaws that need to be addressed. People need an incentive to follow orders, and Spec Ops need to get points for blowing stuff up.
I couldn't get the demo for BF2 to work, even though my computer is powerful enough to play it. The problem I had was shared by many people on the BF2 forum, but no one had an answer to it. Maybe I'll get to play it after a few more patches.
Hocus Pocus
echo that on bf2 I can't get to work...says update driver and stil now frown.gif

well I'm too drunk to post the long thing I wanted to so for now I'll just post one thing

wow messed up my comp something fierce!!!!

took my over 2 days to "fix" it and I still don't know if my comp is ok

was playing and first time something with my card popped up ( I got a geeforce 64mb geeforce4 ti 4200 and I thought it was enough. yet I got kickeds off my offeten than naught. I got comp up the 2nd time and played wow and got kiced of again eventually. I lagge dsomething fiece in game as my lowly 256mb of ram had my taking 10 minutes to get to bridge of stormwind to the weapon trainer. face fascst my comp is old and gotta upgrade but I'm poor so no go on that. in horde was seomwhat less laggy but it was there far worese that city of heros or guild wars. the minimum requiremes of wow says I fit the bill and my comp shoulg be adequate, just like all other online games I play...but evne in goldshire I lag....not fun...even if I could afford it I can't get it unless i but new rig

updating my driver s was another problem as my xp/20000 can't not afford the newseds nvdia update. I'm sad, my only hobby left my wife hasn't taken from me i cannot do frown.gif
Hocus Pocus
well now that I'm sober lemme elucidate my critique on the cd. The demos were ok, save for one london:hellgate...that trailer I really licked alot!

battlefield wasn't playable so no critique about that

warhammer demo I've played the training and probably will play again after wow time is up. It's a good game, though to me it seems like another copy of other stragedy games of this ilk. Still it seems fun so far and once I play it a bit more later maybe it'll appeal to me

Wow. Well the times I was able to play it seemed pretty nice. I was limited to the commands I could do cause I was on a guest account which seemed kinda weird to me. I don't understand how the horde can form an alliance with the undead for any reason. And it seemed that everybody cast spells with their left hand. On the postive side I liked the world itself, kinda cartoonish in nature which seem to add more to the game play for me. I loved the paladin simply because I almost always play the healer in online games and the chance to be kinda like a fighter/healer fit my tastes excellently. The other major toon I played was the troll shaman (casts spells with both hands nyahnyah.gif ) the horde cities in general seemed less laggy compared to alliance and human particulary.

Still I'm a glutton for punishment (been married 6 years nyahnyah.gif ) so I acutally plan on trying to play this game again. I've did a coupla tweaks that I could think of (including defraging) in hopes of being able to play this game. I feel I'm holding on too a cupon that expires soon and I'm not gonna use it and I want to explore the world more to see what I can see.
A random, stupid question that I've not seen answered anywhere:

Does BF2 require a subscription (like UO or WOW), or just the box cost?

I actually walked by a copy of BF2 this weekend (which was a state tax holiday, so not having to pay %5 extra was almost incentive), and almost bought it. Almost. But then I relized that classes start too soon, plus going to Gencon, and WoW... no time.
QUOTE (Penta)
A random, stupid question that I've not seen answered anywhere:

Does BF2 require a subscription (like UO or WOW), or just the box cost?

Box cost only.
Hocus Pocus
well I've had an intersting experience with my comp lately. Namely one of my kids games when she played it froze up my comp after a bit, turns out that she had been playing it and it happened once before I started playing wow. the wife didn't tell me just rebooted it. 2 more times it happend after I started playing wow 2 time I found out 3rd time the mother-in-law let her do it. Did a system restore to a point she didn't play and so far so good.

Conversely I found out wow runs much better with all the special effects turned off. What too me 10 minutes to get from the bridge of stormwind to the weapon master I was able to explore all of the city. I've been sinking all my spare time into this game and have made the arduous decision to buy this game. It hasn't bad like others tell me. Gonna have to increase my work hours to compensate but I don't mind wink.gif i still lag waiting for my ram to catch up at times, but not enough to deter me from the game. I suppose I'll get tired of it, but for now i'ts all good. Paladin and a hunter I play the most, then a mage and druid. Any tips here?

Anybody on greymane?
Hocus, your computer may be overheating.
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