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Full Version: Series of mini adventures - All Welcome
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Welcome to the Shadows
Chummers of the world Unite!

Greetings to all 'runners out there. I will be putting together a series of mini adventures set in the Cyberpunk version of near-future Seattle. They will be tightly focused, sometimes interconnecting stories that will form up the backdrop of a greater campaign. The scope is small and is set to enlarge with the game. If all goes well and depending on the quantity and quality of gamers it will attract we might get ourselves a nice little campaign out of it.

But first things first:

I am an experienced DM/GM/Storyteller (you name it - I have done something like it) who spans various formats of games and mediums of delivery. I thoroughly enjoy roleplaying and thus have created my own personal style of gaming over the web. I try to give emphasis to the story depth and setting backdrops so as to make the game come as alive as possible to my players. I care little for dice rolling and rules lawyering. I do care much more about my players enjoying the game though so I always try to mold my style around what the players seem to enjoy most.

What I am offering is a number of mini stories (currently 3 - prolly more on the way) with a clear and definite end to them so as the players can get a feeling of accomplishment. I am offering a relaxed format of gaming that neither requires multiple emails per day nor advances with a rate of a quadriplegic turtle. The stories' concepts themselves will range and thus I am hoping to have something for everybody's different "likes" on Shadowrun. All stories will share the Cyberpunk feeling though, the underground professionalism (or in most cases lack thereof) of Shadowrunning, and the John Woo excitement of its action scenes.

What I am looking for is a big group of people of varied qualities. I will be sorting them out into groups I feel better suited to each other and to each little story. So different types of characters and players will be required. I need dedicated people, with at least moderate storytelling skill and a good spell checker. I don't care if you used to release novels for FASA but I do care if you send moves along the lines of "The orc attack the human with Katana". I am not requiring familiarity with the Shadowrun setting and rules system. I am requiring though that as soon as you dedicate yourself to the game you start searching the huge fountain of knowledge that the internet provides as I will not have time to slowly ease you into it (I will probably drop a couple of links to you and set you off into the unknown to find out about Shadowrun). If you don't know what Cyberpunk is - well you probably need not reply...And what the drek are you doing reading this motha of a message???

So if this picks your interest email me for more info on the game and the character creation phase :
Can a moderator please delete this post - I completely forgot to include the Recruitting : Tag in front of it and recerated it...
Sorry for the hassle cause....
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