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Full Version: Shops in NYC
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Hi chummers !
I am a french shadowrun player. Unfortunatly, this game won't be translated any more in french ...
First of all, sorry for my english smile.gif
I'll soon be in New York City for a week, and I'd like to come back to France with a SR4 source book biggrin.gif
Therefore, I'd like to know where I could find role playing game's shop in NYC. I'll be there from the 18 to the 25

Thank's a lot, and keep running !
Penangol, hopeful
Considering that SR4 won't be released in print until GenCon Indy, which is the 18th-21st of August, chances are you won't find it in stores until September. Sorry.
For what it's worth though, I recall that there's the Compleat Strategist (I recall it's spelled that way) in Manhattan. I think?
You're quite correct, Penta. They have an online store, HERE.

'The Strat', as it's unofficial nickname is, is your best shot for gaming, Penangol. If they don't carry it, they may know who does & give you a good idea where the other store is. But hit them first.
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