Steel Eyes
Sep 19 2003, 02:17 AM
I am looking for a few players(3 or 4) in Tampa/St. Pete/Clearwater FL, anybody interested?
Sep 22 2003, 07:41 PM
there are a few down there, though they may not be looking for a game currently. I am up in citrus county [inverness] but looking to move to Lecanto, which is right on/near the suncoast Parkway and would make tampa about a 45 minute drive... i may consider a commute for a decent group if you get one going. going to be looking for a job down that way to commute to as well if i do end up moving there. biggest problem right now will be my schedule, i work 2 jobs so it's a pain to get time.
Steel Eyes
Sep 23 2003, 04:34 PM
If I get a decent group I will let you know.
Sep 24 2003, 04:27 AM
I'm in Sarasota, been Jonesin to paly, haven't in a LONG time. Must like odd humor, quirky char ideas, and long walks on the beach (just kidding about that last part). I have a friend or two that might play as well. Timing, however, would be difficult (work work work work work, to the tune of meow-mix), but WOULD love the oppurtunity to play again. Nearly everyone I know wont play and rpg without a controller, 1337 graphics, and about a thousand other players roaming around your screen at the same time. A lot of Ever-crackheads
Steel Eyes
Sep 24 2003, 07:50 PM
How quirky?
Sep 24 2003, 11:46 PM
Well, my last char idea that I'm tryin to get a friend of mine to let me play in an online game is an ex-scatterbrain adept assasin, with delay damage and killing hands, traceless walk and blandness edge (haven't worked out all the details yet). Still wheres the clown make up, and people will remember him but when asked to describe, "he was a clown, ya know, with a white face, big nose, a clown!" Not looking for big advantages with it all, just a char concept. Background story: to put it short, an ex initiate who saw something on his astral quest that made him go crazy, would not stop flippin out, so they just dropped him off bound up and screaming through a gag in the middle of the brawl, who was picked up the 'brains, and through there 'view' on life, was able to calm him down. They used his skill for a few good pranks, but he got caught and was released on the condition he pay a large sum in a certain period of time... gives me some openings for some major flaws, like powerful enemy-Giggles (leader of the 'brains) and dependent type flaw, for paying the money back (has to pay so much a week or something). This, of course, turned him to running, i order to make enough dough. Besides, the clown makeup is tattooed on, so it would be hard to find anything else to do.
And thats a pretty average kinda character for me. If its too damn wierd or anything just let me know. Be honest, it wont hurt
Steel Eyes
Sep 25 2003, 12:10 AM
Does he wear the makeup all the time, even on runs, what about infiltration? What I have in mind will be the full sprectrum of runs, and if he can't "blend in" then he wouldn't be called to go on the run. Other than that it sounds like a good background with stuff for me to use.
How many more do think you can get to play?
Sep 25 2003, 02:20 AM
one to four more. A large number difference, I know. I have a friend who works in tampa, but his days off are tues-thurs, and works nights other days. I'm only off some sats and every sun, so scheduling would be difficult... probably a wed or thurs night would work best if he was to play, as long as it is just one night, I can deal with a late night gaming session(I know how they go). Other than him, he has a friend that has expressed interest before. And my girlfriend and his, maybe, they could play, but THAT doesn't always work out for the best, getting significant others involved. I'm the only one thats played sr before, and it was a few years ago, but I have a few books. The one guy has played a little d&d, but its pretty much a bunch of newbies to tabletop rpgs altogether. Like I said, my biggest concern is the scheduling. I'll play for sure, if you round up some others in case it doesn't work out for me and my friends. As long as nobody takes it too seriously, I've played with hard core rule mongers and shit before, and I don't like that. To me, its all about the fun. You can email me at to make conversing a little easier here... And the char, I don't think I would play that one until I was more comfortable with everybody. Would use a pretty standard char to flesh things out with.
Steel Eyes
Sep 25 2003, 11:41 PM
Game mechanics are general guidelines as far as I'm concerned. If you want to try something outragous but is fun or completely in character I'll set whatever TN I feel is appropriate. As far as what day probably Sat night. I have not heard from anybody else so I will probably just wait a while before trying to start a game.
Which sucks, I had a great campaign going with all of these ideas and then my players started to dwindle away, all for legitimate reasons, until I only had a few left. The rest decided they wanted to wait for some of the others to return as I had made some of those that left a big part of the story.
Ancient History
Sep 25 2003, 11:57 PM
I'm at USF, but not really looking for a game at the moment. If ye ever need to look something up, gimme a holler.
Steel Eyes
Sep 26 2003, 01:10 AM
Thanks for the offer, and I love your site, I go there all the time. I used your infected page to scare the hell out of my players(when I had players).
Ancient History
Sep 26 2003, 01:11 AM
Good to know some of it went to good use. Like I said, if you need anything, I've got just about everything.
Sep 28 2003, 08:33 PM
I'm in Pasco county and definitely looking for a good group to join
Sep 29 2003, 04:40 AM
Lets Game then! I'm not ALL bad once ya get to know me, although I may still be as annoying...
Steel Eyes
Sep 29 2003, 09:24 PM
Thanks for the interest, where are you at?
Sep 30 2003, 01:05 PM
Azryl -- Where in Pasco county? that isn't too far from me [Inverness, Citrus county]
Oct 1 2003, 12:04 AM
New Port Richey area, about an hour from inverness
Steel Eyes
Oct 1 2003, 03:02 AM
Miststlker, you looking for a game too?
Oct 1 2003, 01:16 PM
Azryl -- Yeah, i know where NPR is. I'm looking at moving to Spring Hill, even closer
Steel Eyes -- I would love to, but I am going to have tohold off till Nov at best, I am changing jobs and most likely houses as well at the end of this month so I am not sure what my schedule is going to be looking like, i don't want to get into a game then have to bail in a month.
Oct 1 2003, 03:07 PM
Miststlkr- Does that mean you aren't looking for a group to play?
Oct 1 2003, 07:12 PM
i want to, but i can't commit to anything in the immediate future since I don't know where i'll even be living a month from now. i wish this had come up earlier, i've been trying to find a group here for 2 years now
Oct 2 2003, 03:32 PM
So the search continues......LOL
Steel Eyes
Oct 2 2003, 10:20 PM
What about you Azryl and Danbot. Interested?
Oct 2 2003, 10:37 PM
Sure, Just let me know whatcha want to do.
Oct 2 2003, 10:49 PM
Let me know, if I can schedule it out, I'll gladly come.
Oct 3 2003, 01:21 AM
I work monday thru friday 9-5(yeah me! lol), so weekend nights work great for me but i'm open to any night. I can also host if we need it. I've been playing SR since....geez..1990 but stopped playing about 2 years ago. I guess we have myself and steel eyes for sure and maybe danbot37, 2 more players and we would be perfect.
Steel Eyes
Oct 3 2003, 02:39 AM
I'm with you M-F, only the weekends to play. My girlfriend is one(played a little with the old group) and Danbot said he had some friends who wanted to play. If you could host Azryl that would be great. My email is, let me know when you guys want to meet We can save a place for Miststlker, and once he gets things sorted out, he can join us.
Oct 3 2003, 12:19 PM
Ok cool. So just so i get it we have myself,steel eyes, SE's GF, danbot, and maybe a friend or twos of danbot.....4 maybe 5 players without Miststlker. Sounds like a perfect number. Steel Eyes, i know you started this topic, so i would guess you wanted to GM,right? WE need to figure out what day we want to play. Friday or Sat nights? Time? I'll host if thats ok with everyone. Lets get rolling people!! LOL joking
Steel Eyes
Oct 3 2003, 12:31 PM
Saturday night, my g gets off work at 6pm so it would a little late of a start time, maybe 7:30 or 8 and play till Azryl kicks us out or we can decide upon a finish time. Sound good to all?
Oct 3 2003, 01:06 PM
Sat night will work, 8pm to whenever....caffeine does wonders. Just shoot me an e-mail so we can get things rolling. How does a start date of 10/18/03 sound? It gives eveyone 2 weeks to get things together. I would like to talk to a few of the group before we get together, just making sure no one is too crazy. LOL
Oct 3 2003, 01:27 PM
TOO crazy
i appreciate you "leaving a spot" for me though it sounds like you'll have a full group as is. beginning of Nov i should have things more or less settled, but you never know.
Oct 3 2003, 01:32 PM
Too crazy would be coming to the game dress up as your charater with weapons and all.
Oct 3 2003, 04:39 PM
well then i guess i safe.. i just can't find that darn Panther anywhere.. musta left it at the last gaming session
Oct 3 2003, 08:02 PM
Hey I don't live there anymore , but I can tell you to look up Shawn Thompsin and Carl Zoler . I know they both play SR , and are in the area .
Oct 3 2003, 08:45 PM
you only gave us names? Dang, looks like i have to do the legwork. Time to call my decker to see if he can find them. LOL
Oct 4 2003, 06:04 AM
Sorry Dude I don't live there anymore , and I know any contact info I have is really old , But still I know they both played , but don't invite them to the same game because they had a falling out .
Oct 4 2003, 02:01 PM
Thats cool, thanks for the help
Oct 4 2003, 07:53 PM
Saturday nights work great for me, I'll try to get in touch with my friends and see if I they can paly. I might be able to get my girlfreind to play, but I might hold off on that, cause I don't know how well that would work out... lol Lets play!
Oct 11 2003, 02:10 AM
In St pete area and looking for a group right now available after 60 or so and any weekend. If you need one more email me at and Ill email y ou more info I do have several questions however... what edition sr? and are you seting it in the tampa area?
thanks looking forward to playing with you
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