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> Hey guys, in order to finnish my own Char Sheet for SR4 (in English) I need some help about english sentence... ^^;;
So, can you correct me ? As this I'll be able to upload my CarSheet soon...

I need to know if those sentence are good or how must I write them :

1. "Does any element of the Shadowrun history keep particularly his attention?"

2. "Does he already found his own family?"

3. "How does he fall into the shadows?"

4. "If he has one, what is his moral code?"

5. "What is his personality?"

6. "What does the character dislike?"

7. "What does the character like?"

8. "Player Characters met" or "Player Characters meet" ? ^^;;

9. "Number of ID trashed" (I would like to say, Number of ID with bounties on its head or other thing making the ID useless)

10. "Biggest damage inflicted"

11. "Biggest damage resisted"

12. "Betrayal by other "

13. "Betrayal against other "

Thanks !
> Daegann
1. "Does any element of the Shadowrun history keep particularly his attention?"
Is there any History that is in the characters interest?

2. "Does he already found his own family?"
Does he know his family?

3. "How does he fall into the shadows?"
this sentece is fine

4. "If he has one, what is his moral code?"
this sentece is fine

5. "What is his personality?"
this sentece is fine

6. "What does the character dislike?"
this sentece is fine

7. "What does the character like?"
this sentece is fine

you could just put "LIKES" AND "DISLIKES"

8. "Player Characters met" or "Player Characters meet" ? ^^;;
MET just like you have it in the first sentence

9. "Number of ID trashed" (I would like to say, Number of ID with bounties on its head or other thing making the ID useless)
Number of Aliases

10. "Biggest damage inflicted"
Most damge given

11. "Biggest damage resisted"
Most damage defended

12. "Betrayal by other "
Betrayed by:

13. "Betrayal against other "
Has Betrayed:
If it is for a character sheet do you want to shorten these "questions" into section titles, rather then taking up space with a whole question?

For example
1. "Does any element of the Shadowrun history keep particularly his attention?"
History interests

2. "Does he already found his own family?"
Known relatives

3. "How does he fall into the shadows?"
Brief Shadow History

4. "If he has one, what is his moral code?"
Moral Code

5. "What is his personality?"

6. "What does the character dislike?"

7. "What does the character like?"

8. "Player Characters met" or "Player Characters meet" ? ^^;;
Known Characters , or known PC"s

9. "Number of ID trashed" (I would like to say, Number of ID with bounties on its head or other thing making the ID useless)

10. "Biggest damage inflicted"
Most Damage Given

11. "Biggest damage resisted"
Most Damage Recieved

12. "Betrayal by other "
Betrayed by

13. "Betrayal against other "
Has Betrayed
> Ok, thank you for your answer. ^^
My question and sentence arent really clear but your post help anyway.

So, this is the link to the Sheet. Tell me any mistake please.
It's not a beautiful sheet but it's a basis. I hope you find it good.

> Daegann
I see what you are doing now! That is a nice sheet! I thought you were looking for more brief explanations, not a list of questions. Here is my final imput.

How does your character look like?
What is your character's appearance?

Which kind of clothes and gear does your character wear when he isn't on the run?
Which kind of clothes and gear does your character wear when they aren't on the run?

When he meet Mr Johnson?
When did he meet Mr. Johnson?

When he is in operation?
When does the character like to operate?

Where does he born?
Where was he born?

Is there any element of the Shadowrun history that had a great impact on the characters?
Is there any element of the Shadowrun history that had a great impact on the character?
(drop the 's' in character)


What sort of family does the character comes from?

Does he have founded his own family?
Does he have a foundness for anyone in his family?
Does he have any bonds/ ties with his family?

How does he fall into the shadows?
How did he fall into the shadows?

What are his objectives?

What are his political or religious convictions?

If he has one, what is his moral code?

What is his personality?

What does the character dislike?

What does the character like?
> OK, thank you again ^^
I have uploaded a new version.
> Daegann
Daegann, I'd like to host your charactersheet on my site on my downloads page. That a problem for you? I'm doing my best to compile a list of SR4 sheets, tools, etc. on my site for one-stop shopping.
> There is no problem for me if my name appears anywhere ^^
> Daegann
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