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Full Version: Dial-Up or Broadband?
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This came up in the NSRCG - 4th Edition ? thread, so I figured I'd ask.
broadband at work and home.
Broadband at home static IP, at work 10 meg fibre.
Just got DSL and have a T1 at work.
Many people don't consider anything under 1Mb downstream (i.e., DSL) to be broadband.
In any case, I've got DSL at home, and I voted broadband.
Yeah, but they are wrong from my perspective. I feel speedy!
cable at home, no job to go to....
Broadband, 1.5 down, 512 up.

As a note, here in the land of Aus, there are ADSL plans for 256 down, dependant on what you want to pay. There are also plans that give you a 500 mb limit before the ISP starts charging you for each extra meg.

And sadly, no job frown.gif
What's "dial-up" again?
I rest my case.

DSL Home and Work smile.gif
Hey, who voted for dial-up?? We need someone to point and laugh at.
You can point and laugh at me as well. frown.gif
^ ha ha

darn - that wasn't as satisfying as i'd thought it would be
Ooo, I'm not as pitiful as I thought. Come, my legions of dialup users! Let us retake the cyberworld for our own!
Ooo, I'm not as pitiful as I thought. Come, my legions of dialup users! Let us retake the cyberworld for our own!

Downloading battleplan.... ETA 2.5 weeks.... please wait...
My bands are broad.

Prompted by my earlier comment about broadband being greater than 1M, I checked with Verizon to see if they'd implemented FIOS (fiber) yet in my town. They haven't, but they do have plans to cover most of NJ over the next 5 years. Noting that I was still running on a 768K DSL line, the operator upgraded me to 1.5M (rather than downgrade my monthly fee to the 768K tier). One modem restart later, and I went from an average speed of 640K to 1400K - more than a 2x improvement. Niiiice!
FTTP will be nice, but I'm more looking forward to widespread IPv6 rollout—the day I can turn off NAT on my router for less than $60 extra (the cost of IP addresses for everything I've got running back here), I am throwing a party.

Apparently, I'm on T3 from what I can tell. College network. I use dial up at home.

Edit: I was wrong, my college has fiber optic. I just got 96.5 megabytes per second on one transfer. That translates into 722 Megabits per second. It might be OC-12 and some luck. It is probably OC-48. Certainly, my money is not being wasted.

Edit2: No way it can be an OC-48. I guess my usenet client was just malfunctioning.

Luckily, it's cheaper than stealing the internet from the neighbors.
For those of us living a few miles away from the nearest settlement, Broadband isn't always available... especially if that settlement is a village of less than 800 people. I'm a mile away from any paved surfaces!
Sure, dial-up suXXors, but it beats being off-line.
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