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Full Version: Pen and paper games on computer
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > General Gaming
First off, let me say that it's been a *long* time since I actively played Shadowrun, or any RPG. (My Amiga 1000 was state of the art.)

I tried to get a group going last year, but for the various reasons that affect most adults, it failed despite best intentions.

I've done a little (not terribly much) rooting around to find online systems that aid in playing traditional "pen and paper" RPG's. I've been surprised to not really find anything. I see that a lot of the publishing is going to PDF ... but that's just displacing printing costs, not really using the power of today's computers or the `net.

Do I have a point? Yeah, maybe. A question or two I guess:

- Are there (viable/professional/reasonable) online solutions for facilitating "traditional" RPG's ?
- If not, am I crazy in thinking that this would be a popular (if somewhat niche) product if such a thing existed?

OpenRPG is one of the best resources for RPing I've seen thus far. It has your chat rooms, lets you easily store and send char sheets to your GM, send notes, there's a whiteboard for drawing maps, uploading pictures, and most importantly, a dice roller to keep people honest. smile.gif
I'll second the openRPG, on top of everything Whizbang said, it's free, to boot!
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