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Full Version: Orc, dwarf, elf and Troll Miniatures for shadowrun
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Marc Hameleers

Could someone help us find all the best choices for metahuman mini's for use with shadowrun? we want 28mm or close to that mini's as we will be using FOundry's street violence range.

If you could add links


Mr. Man
Iron Wind Metals still sells the official Shadowrun minis. Their site desperately needs an overhaul, but they are for real (I stood in line for SR4 in front of their Gen Con booth which was well stocked with SR minis).

I wish their were pre-painted Shadowrun minis. I hate painting. That's one thing I like that WotC has done, releasing their pre-painted minis. For those of us out here who aren't hobby-painter-wargamers who just want to tell a story and have a collection of stuff for quick and dirty visualization, it sure is helpful.

But instead of minis, WizKids gave us action figures... frown.gif

That beign said, I wish I could get my hands on some of those Shadowrun minis that have already been painted. If I knew people who were selling from their own collections, I would totally buy them.

One word EBAY......
Also if your looking for a pay for paint service I can hook you up.
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