Sep 8 2005, 03:23 PM
It's a sad story, I know, but I've recently moved back from Pittsburgh only to find that there is some serious RP-lackage in my area. Well, except for a very poorly run D&D campaign, but that's another story. I'm based anywhere around Short Gap, WV or Cumberland or Frostburg in MD, but I'm more than willing to drive up to 45 mins or an hour for a good Shadowrun group.
You can get me at or on AIM (fang the koala), or here. Please--I'm getting desperate!
hate to get your hopes up with a message, but i just moved from southern somerset county, pa, about 20 minutes from frostburg, and i was looking for a game for a long time.... i dont even know of any decent game stores in the frostburg area...
Sep 9 2005, 08:29 PM
That'd be seriously awesome if you would be interested in playing. There's a great game store down in LaVale in one of the plazas along National Highway, Die Monster Games. The people there are awesome, and if you can't find what you want, they'd probably order it for you. I put up a sign-up sheet for a potential Shadowrun group a long while back, but as far as I know only one other person ever signed it. I do happen to know several people who've said they'd be interested if a game got started, though they've never played.
There, you've done it. Got me all excited....
Sep 13 2005, 02:55 PM
I think Die Monster is running a game on Saturdays, but I vaguely remember being warned away by the owners because it was so slow moving or something.
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