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Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > GM/Players Registry
I'm looking (potentially) for both. The GM in a game I play in will be going on vacation for a few weeks starting in November, and I'm looking to run a one-shot adventure in his absense.

The other players aren't quite settled on Shadowrun yet, so we may actually end up playing D&D or something, but I'm going to need a couple of players to replace the GM and another player who's going with him regardless. We play via AIM chatrooms (you don't need AOL, just the free AIM client) on Sundays at 8:00 PM EST.

I'm also looking for an online game to play in. Doesn't matter much if it's a long-running game or just starting out. Feel free to contact me with any details you feel appropriate, but most importantly the schedule (when you play) and rules; I might be talked into trying SR4, but I'm mostly looking for an SR3 game to be honest.

Either way, you can contact me either by leaving a message here or at (note the underscore).
Shadowland always has SR games. I run games on , and I'd love to see more SR GMs and players around (we seem to have more players than GMs right now, though, so it might be tough if you're just looking to play.)
Thanks for the link, but I guess I should have been more specific. I'm only looking for chatroom-based games, not play-by-post or play-by-mail. The game I'm looking for players to potentially play in is chatroom-only as well.

Good luck finding more GMs for games over at RPOL, but I've got no experience in forum-based games so I won't be running one over there at the moment.
Count me in (as a player). My AIM SN is the same as my username (CirclMastr) so drop me a line anytime.
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