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Ol' Scratch
post Apr 6 2010, 01:29 AM
Post #1

Immortal Elf

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I remember reading about a year or two ago that a gaming company was working on a follow-up setting for the Earthdawn/Shadowrun universe that was supposed to be taking place either in the 8th World or at the very end of the 6th. Does anyone know what became of it? I don't think it's Eclipse Phase as that has pretty much nothing to do with the universe despite some similarities. Fading Suns maybe?

And if anyone does know what I'm talking about and has had a chance to look it over, what did you think?
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Ancient History
post Apr 6 2010, 01:38 AM
Post #2

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Ol' Scratch
post Apr 6 2010, 01:40 AM
Post #3

Immortal Elf

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Ah-ha. Thank you kindly. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
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post Apr 6 2010, 01:46 AM
Post #4

Grumpy Old Ork Decker

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It was being worked on by Redbrick Games.


The same company publishes Fading Suns as well, but Equinox is the 8th world game you're thinking of. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

On that note, looks like AGe of Legends is on indefinite hiatus (IMG:style_emoticons/default/frown.gif) That was the Earthdawn setting for D&D 4e. I'm a bit bummed about that, I was really interested to see what they were going to do with it :/

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Ol' Scratch
post Apr 6 2010, 01:58 AM
Post #5

Immortal Elf

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I can't say that I'm a fan of D&D 4e. It's way too MMOy and restrictive for my tastes. It's cool that they tried to incorporate specific party roles into the game; it's not so cool that they tried to force specific party roles into the game. But I do have to admit I love Earthdawn. Both the setting and the rules. They were really original and interesting when they were first released, and it's a shame D&D 4e stole so many of its concepts (healing surges being the biggest of the lot) without giving it even the tiniest of nods.

On a related note, does anyone know how much detail of the past Equinox is due to include? It's kind of a slippery slope. Give away too much or make too big of a leap, and it could directly interfere with the develop of Shadowrun. An extreme example: The Horrors come through en masse in 2078 and begin devouring the world. The opposite is true, too. Say Equinox has FTL technology that was developed in 3215, but next year Shadowrun introduces it in 2073. Was there any communication between the two companies about issues like that?
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Pepsi Jedi
post Apr 6 2010, 02:16 AM
Post #6

Running Target

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Divergent Realities. Sort of like the new Star Trek movie doesn't have to stick with established story lines because the past was changed and things went "a different way" with it? Simple Sci Fi solution.
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Lady Door
post Apr 6 2010, 03:02 AM
Post #7

Dumpshock Widow aka Mrs Fisty

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The idea of this makes me happier then it probably should. I've always been a fan of ED/SR continuity and was sorely disappointed when they began to distance the two from each other.
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post Apr 6 2010, 03:25 AM
Post #8

Neophyte Runner

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In the dark night of a distant future, the shattered remains of Earth drift through the cold void of space. The shadows of the past have been driven away, and the dark clouds at the horizon appear to be man-made. After the Great War, which resulted in the destruction of Earth, mankind is restless, scattered across the void, bereft of its home.

The universe looks vastly different from the one those early pioneers saw when they took to the stars. Thousands of years ago, in the golden age of ancient Earth, mankind managed to tame the mystic cycles that brought magic to their homeworld and colonies. Mankind prospered and excelled at developing their control over the mystical forces, technology, and eventually even a fusion of both.

While it appeared that mankind had outwitted its enemy, their clever manipulations didn't go unnoticed. Billions died when the demons—horrible creatures from beyond hungering after mankind's souls—attacked, raining corrupted death down on the planets, turning every one of them into a living hell, giving way to the overwhelming forces of the demonic armies.

The unexpected attack left Earth and its colonies without a chance. Humanity fled to outer space, and the Sol system was lost entirely, leaving each colony isolated and alone. The mystics were left behind, and mankind watched their greatest achievements fall and their interstellar realm crumble to dust. Their new homes on starships and space stations were the only places safe from the mystical threat.

When the demons and their Shanrazi pawns finally found a way to overcome the void and reached for the stars, the human Consortium mounted a coordinated attack, something thought impossible by the demons and their servants. In this final battle for the cradle of humanity, the incredible energies released also resulted in the destruction of the very reason mankind came back—Earth itself. The Great War was over, humanity had won, but Earth lay shattered to pieces, pieces left strung along its former orbital path.

Now, just over a hundred years later, and twenty years after a civil war of sorts, mankind once again feels in control of its own destiny. Tensions over the legacy of the demons had turned the Sol system into a lawless no-man's-land. Gateway Station, a giant ring structure allowing Earth's remains to pass through it, acts as a shield and portal between the remaining Consortium worlds, a natural and neutral nexus.

The rest of the Sol system became a hive of misfits and lowlifes, drawing in all those people unwanted in other parts of the galaxy. However, it also became the last, safe hideout for the Vagrants, rebels to the oppressive might of the Consortium—a government they deem to be fascistic and corrupted from deep within. True freedom can only be found among the stars, the voices of the galactic underground say.

To them, the Great War isn't over. It has only just begun.

The most interesting parts. This implies that the Seventh world was not actually a down-cycle, and the Horrors returned.
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Ol' Scratch
post Apr 6 2010, 03:29 AM
Post #9

Immortal Elf

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I kinda like the implications of "hybrid ships." I loved the original Spelljammer setting for D&D and, even though their execution was kinda silly, seeing ships "sailing" the astral sea is a great mental image. Especially if they have requirements such as needing living materials on the exterior, encouraging the use of wood and the like. But that's probably just me. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
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Lady Door
post Apr 6 2010, 03:30 AM
Post #10

Dumpshock Widow aka Mrs Fisty

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I saw that too. On the Red Brick Forums they posted an update as of Feb. 2010 stating that they were closer to bringing it to a "cohesive" state. Here's hoping.
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post Apr 6 2010, 03:34 AM
Post #11

The back-up plan

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I thought the 8th World book was Best Ever: BattleRUN!
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post Apr 6 2010, 03:35 AM
Post #12

Grumpy Old Ork Decker

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There's never been any real hard and fast Canon about this, as far as I know, but when we were brainstorming for Year of the Comet, we looked pretty hard at the mana-cycles and Earthdawn, since one thing we were toying with was the idea that the Comet would raise the mana level a bit (Eventually, we decided it was a mostly temporary fluctuation, but still).

One of the theories that was bandied about was that the 3rd age wasn't manaless either. The 3rd age was the age of the Horrors. I'm not real strong on my ED lore, so feel free to correct me, but the Caerns largely represented cities and places that metahumanity fled to, to avoid the Horrors as they scourged the world, and were sealed off from the world for a long time. It's often assumed that ED takes place at the end of the 4th age, but I know that the idea of it being the beginning instead was put forth, at least during the YotC meeting.

For this reason, it makes sense for the 7th age to also not be a down cycle.

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post Apr 6 2010, 03:36 AM
Post #13

Moving Target

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QUOTE (BishopMcQ @ Apr 5 2010, 08:34 PM) *
I thought the 8th World book was Best Ever: BattleRUN!

Same here...I have that one, too...
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Lady Door
post Apr 6 2010, 03:40 AM
Post #14

Dumpshock Widow aka Mrs Fisty

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QUOTE (BishopMcQ @ Apr 5 2010, 11:34 PM) *
I thought the 8th World book was Best Ever: BattleRUN!

What is this "BattleRUN" you speak of?
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Ol' Scratch
post Apr 6 2010, 03:43 AM
Post #15

Immortal Elf

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QUOTE (Bull @ Apr 5 2010, 10:35 PM) *
There's never been any real hard and fast Canon about this, as far as I know, but when we were brainstorming for Year of the Comet, we looked pretty hard at the mana-cycles and Earthdawn, since one thing we were toying with was the idea that the Comet would raise the mana level a bit (Eventually, we decided it was a mostly temporary fluctuation, but still).

One of the theories that was bandied about was that the 3rd age wasn't manaless either. The 3rd age was the age of the Horrors. I'm not real strong on my ED lore, so feel free to correct me, but the Caerns largely represented cities and places that metahumanity fled to, to avoid the Horrors as they scourged the world, and were sealed off from the world for a long time. It's often assumed that ED takes place at the end of the 4th age, but I know that the idea of it being the beginning instead was put forth, at least during the YotC meeting.

I don't have Earthdawn's history memorized or anything, but I distinctly remember that they weren't holed up for that long, maybe a couple thousand years, and we know the active time of the Earthdawn setting was at the very end of the Fourth World. The various races were also already well established (hence the elves being able to perform the blood thorn ritual, and the various other types of racially-specific caerns), and time keeping was certainly detailed by the dwarves if no one else.

Personally I always assumed the Third World was the ice age, which is why you don't hear much about it and why humans aren't really a stronger force in the setting. By the time they were able to settle down again, the Fourth World was upon them and all these races with their superior natural abilities quickly dominated them. I also always assumed the First World was the age of dinosaurs, of which the dragons awoke from. But that has no basis other than my own imagination. I don't think it's ever implied even once that it was the case, but it seemed to make sense to me at the time. 'Course, I was still a teen when I first started playing there, so I had a lot of kooky ideas.

The blurb Musp. quoted above also implies that metahumanity learned how to control the mana tide, implying that without their intervention it would have faded away. They probably did something similar to the orichalcum pillars that were extending the levels of magic at the end of Earthdawn.
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JM Hardy
post Apr 6 2010, 03:48 AM
Post #16

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Lady Door @ Apr 5 2010, 10:40 PM) *
What is this "BattleRUN" you speak of?

Behold the wonder!
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post Apr 6 2010, 03:52 AM
Post #17

Neophyte Runner

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QUOTE (Dr. Funkenstein @ Apr 5 2010, 09:43 PM) *
The blurb Musp. quoted above also implies that metahumanity learned how to control the mana tide, implying that without their intervention it would have faded away.

Precisely the reason I believe the Seventh World was not a down cycle.
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Lady Door
post Apr 6 2010, 03:52 AM
Post #18

Dumpshock Widow aka Mrs Fisty

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QUOTE (JM Hardy @ Apr 5 2010, 11:48 PM) *

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post Apr 6 2010, 03:53 AM
Post #19

Grumpy Old Ork Decker

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Ahh, see? Ignore me, I don;t know ED well.

And to touch on the D&D4 stuff a moment... I like D&D 4e mainly because it's a pretty "Light" RPG. THe card system makes it even moreso. It scratches that tactical miniatures game itch for me, as well as the "Kill shit, take it's suff" itch that I try not to scratch when playing Shadowrun (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) It's not perfect, and it's not for everyone though, and that's cool.

But as you said, they ""borrowed" a few mechanics from Earthdawn (And since ED and Age of Legends was the very first license with the new version of whatever the OGL is, it's entirely possible that they cut a deal there), so I am really interested to see what AoL looks like, since it seems like it would be a pretty good fit. And a completely "New" system would be a good jumping on point for someone interested in checking out the game world and who doesn't want to tackle 15 years and 2-3 companies worth of game history (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

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Lady Door
post Apr 6 2010, 03:57 AM
Post #20

Dumpshock Widow aka Mrs Fisty

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QUOTE (Bull @ Apr 5 2010, 10:53 PM) *
But as you said, they ""borrowed" a few mechanics from Earthdawn (And since ED and Age of Legends was the very first license with the new version of whatever the OGL is, it's entirely possible that they cut a deal there), so I am really interested to see what AoL looks like, since it seems like it would be a pretty good fit. And a completely "New" system would be a good jumping on point for someone interested in checking out the game world and who doesn't want to tackle 15 years and 2-3 companies worth of game history (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

Which would be great if it didn't sound like they were scrapping AoL completely for the time being.
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Kid Chameleon
post Apr 6 2010, 04:19 AM
Post #21

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Lady Door @ Apr 5 2010, 09:52 PM) *

Get the combo pack! (IMG:style_emoticons/default/wink.gif)
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Ol' Scratch
post Apr 6 2010, 04:41 AM
Post #22

Immortal Elf

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QUOTE (Bull @ Apr 5 2010, 10:53 PM) *
Ahh, see? Ignore me, I don;t know ED well.

I'm hardly an expert. I haven't so much as cracked a single book in about a year now I think, let alone read up on it in any detail. I could very well be mistaking.

And to touch on the D&D4 stuff a moment... I like D&D 4e mainly because it's a pretty "Light" RPG. THe card system makes it even moreso. It scratches that tactical miniatures game itch for me, as well as the "Kill shit, take it's suff" itch that I try not to scratch when playing Shadowrun (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) It's not perfect, and it's not for everyone though, and that's cool.

I just kind of outgrew that preference a long time ago. When I do get an urge to just blow the fuck out of things, I'd rather play something like Macho Women with Guns. The few games of 4e I've tried have made me want to stab my eye due to the pedantic obsession with movement and rules lawyering. (I know, ironic since I argue about rules all the time.)

But as you said, they ""borrowed" a few mechanics from Earthdawn (And since ED and Age of Legends was the very first license with the new version of whatever the OGL is, it's entirely possible that they cut a deal there), so I am really interested to see what AoL looks like, since it seems like it would be a pretty good fit. And a completely "New" system would be a good jumping on point for someone interested in checking out the game world and who doesn't want to tackle 15 years and 2-3 companies worth of game history (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

I suppose there's that. Still, I'd just hate to see Earthdawn -- a wonderful fantasy setting first and foremost -- get reduced to grids on a map and worries about which daily or encounter power to use at any given time. Especially since the 4e rules take little, if any, consideration into non-combat activities. What they did with ritual magic alone is ghastly.

As an aside, I still haven't forgiven you for trying to tell everyone that Ghostwalker wasn't Icewing way back when. Oh no, he's an all new dragon who's never been seen before. My ass!
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post Apr 6 2010, 05:44 AM
Post #23

Grumpy Old Ork Decker

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QUOTE (Dr. Funkenstein @ Apr 5 2010, 11:41 PM) *
I'm hardly an expert. I haven't so much as cracked a single book in about a year now I think, let alone read up on it in any detail. I could very well be mistaking.

YOu still have me beat (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) I read the ED core book back in 98 because I was filling in for a missing GM at the Gen Con ED Tourney. I totally faked my way through GMing that (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

I suppose there's that. Still, I'd just hate to see Earthdawn -- a wonderful fantasy setting first and foremost -- get reduced to grids on a map and worries about which daily or encounter power to use at any given time. Especially since the 4e rules take little, if any, consideration into non-combat activities. What they did with ritual magic alone is ghastly.

Well, Red Brick is still producing Earthdawn 3rd edition, and that was never planned to be replaced by Age of Legends.

As an aside, I still haven't forgiven you for trying to tell everyone that Ghostwalker wasn't Icewing way back when. Oh no, he's an all new dragon who's never been seen before. My ass!

To be fair... I don't believe the name Icewing has been mentioned in any Shadowrun book. I don't even think it's ever been stated that he's Dunkie's brother (THough I could be mistaken). The closest that you get is they talk about the resemblance.

Unfortunately, this has to get chalked up to a combination of things, but mainly loose lips and folks breaking NDA. It's even indirectly my fault (Someone that used to be in one of my playtest groups back when wee were playtesting stuff, who had an NDA, ran his mouth to someone else. Who then got on here and asked stupid questions).

The idea was, originally, that yes, it was Icewing. But the intent had been to give the impression it was Dunklezahn reborn somehow. Time and the FASA closing kind of eroded the idea a bit, and loose lips blabbing here managed to make that instant public knowledge. Denial was an attempt at damage control. Plus the fact that, well, as I said... He's still not Icewing, officially (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) Until it sees print somewhere, it's rumor and speculation (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

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post Apr 6 2010, 06:34 AM
Post #24

Moving Target

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Wouldn't Equinox be the 7th world? They do say they took control of the mana cycles, so there are no down cycles.
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post Apr 7 2010, 09:41 AM
Post #25

Great, I'm a Dragon...

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QUOTE (Dr. Funkenstein @ Apr 6 2010, 03:58 AM) *
On a related note, does anyone know how much detail of the past Equinox is due to include? It's kind of a slippery slope. Give away too much or make too big of a leap, and it could directly interfere with the develop of Shadowrun. An extreme example: The Horrors come through en masse in 2078 and begin devouring the world. The opposite is true, too. Say Equinox has FTL technology that was developed in 3215, but next year Shadowrun introduces it in 2073. Was there any communication between the two companies about issues like that?

Equinox won't interfere with the Shadowrun timeline very muhc, especially not about details like the ones you've mentioned, as EX takes places thousands of years in the future. No need to over-detail the history chapter here. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

QUOTE (Bull @ Apr 6 2010, 07:44 AM) *
Well, Red Brick is still producing Earthdawn 3rd edition, and that was never planned to be replaced by Age of Legends.

Exactly. The idea was to bring the Earthdawn setting to D&D4 gamers who won't touch a new system with a 10-foot pole. Once convinced by AoL how great the Earthdawn setting is, they would have to buy all other sourcebooks too. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)
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