The Idiot's Guide To The Matrix Thread, Support for the Matrix-challenged |
The Idiot's Guide To The Matrix Thread, Support for the Matrix-challenged |
Aug 26 2003, 08:15 PM
Target Group: Members Posts: 41 Joined: 18-August 03 From: Manchester, UK Member No.: 5,515 |
Ok, let's assume that I made a 'dodge' test against the Trace IC attacks (Evasion vs IC Rating) and that the Trace IC achieved more net successes... it then disappears as it enters it's hunt cycle.
Meanwhile, I revert to my earlier post at this point, namely: Ignoring the teeth marks in his thigh, the icon reverts back to being a little old man.... He decides to suppress the crashed security icon (another hacking pool dice used for a total of 2 including the suppressed Cutie Probe IC). Leaving all thoughts of chasing the damned dog, he concentrates on getting the file downloaded. Once again, he puts the file in the breast-pocket of his embroidered waist-jacket (Download File)... Testing against a TN# 4 (File Subsystem rating - Read Write 5), I roll 8 dice (Computer 6 + Hacking Pool 2) and achieve 3 successes... All I need to know is the file size and how long it will take to fully download it? |
Aug 26 2003, 08:45 PM
panda! Group: Members Posts: 10,331 Joined: 8-March 02 From: north of central europe Member No.: 2,242 |
just one more small correction about that rewrite of yours synner. if the trace ic get a hit on the first one it does not need to do a second one, it will just do one and then automaticly jump into location sycle...
looks like the old "hacker" classic of jumping from one server to the next exist partialy in the matrix to, the redirect datatrail basicly hooks one matrix number to the next (mutch like call forwarding). hmm, that i guess is the basic diffrence from the net of today and the matrix of sr, the matrix have more in common with the current phone network then it with a decentralised cluster of computers (thats what in theory atleast the net is) with its stacks of ltgs and rtgs... and given this info its easy to see what the redirect datatrail does, it puts in a small change in the connection tables of the ltg its done on giving the icon of the decker a new matrix id and telling the ltg to forward any signal comeing from the old id to the new and allso the other way around. basicly you just set up a virtual proxy/nat :) |
Aug 26 2003, 08:54 PM
Runner Group: Members Posts: 3,314 Joined: 26-February 02 From: Lisbon, Cidade do Pecado Member No.: 185 |
Datasteal Walkthrough
Satcong - Actually I still need to roll the Host's Success Contest to your system operation... The Host, as always, rolls its Security rating (9) against your Detection Factor (7). and gets 3 successes. An equal amount of successes is enough for the System Operation to work and the Data Download begins. The file is 550Mp in size and should take two turns to download at the Renraku Kraftwerk-8's default I/O speed. But... the Host's three successes against you in the System Test add to your Security Tally, raising it from step 12 to step 15 and activating more IC. The GM rolls a secret Sensor Test for the decker and gets 2 successes. The decker's Icon turns in time to see another SecGuard icon, this one apparently an outdated but powerful COProbe 8.0 (old Fuchi software), come in to the Archive Room and take position at the door. Your play... |
Aug 26 2003, 09:14 PM
Target Group: Members Posts: 41 Joined: 18-August 03 From: Manchester, UK Member No.: 5,515 |
Since the 'Download Data' operation is an ongoing action, I shall just leave it running in the background and concentrate on this new Probe IC.....
The old man turns and looks at the Security Guard. Realising that the download is only going to take a short while and that all he needs to do is buy some time, the old man ducks behind one of the filing cabinets and hides.... (Evade Detection) Initiating Cybercombat with the intent of using the 'Evade Detection' combat maneuver, a simple action, I roll for Initiative... My Initiative for the Combat Turn = 4d6+12 = 15+12 = 27 On my initiative I roll Evasion 8 against a TN# equal to the Host's Security Value (9) minus my Cloak rating (4) = 5 Number of successes = 4 Over to you Synner for your Security Test.... I think... |
Aug 26 2003, 09:55 PM
Runner Group: Members Posts: 3,314 Joined: 26-February 02 From: Lisbon, Cidade do Pecado Member No.: 185 |
Datasteal Walkthrough
The IC roles 21 for Initiative so you start. As the decker's Icon ducks behind the filing cabinet for concealment the IC rolls Security rating (9) against your Evasion ( 8 ). The Probe rolls only one success which means you manage to Evade Detection and it will only "reacquire" you in 3 Turns time (as per the rules for the Evade Detection Maneuver in SR3, pages 224 and 225). One Turn later, while the decker is still hiding behind a row of filing cabinets, the computer bleeps "Data Download Complete" in his monocle. Your move... |
Aug 26 2003, 10:11 PM
Target Group: Members Posts: 41 Joined: 18-August 03 From: Manchester, UK Member No.: 5,515 |
Knowing that the download is complete, the little old man now wants out ASAP. However, he wants to do things in style and steps out from behind the filing cabinet that he is currently hiding behind, faces the Security Guard, bows gracefully and disappears (GRACEFUL LOGOFF)....
Rolling for initiative again (4d6+12) my icon scores 10+12=22 On my initiative turn I shall attempt a Graceful Logoff . This is an access test against a TN# 12 (Access rating) - 6 (Deception) = 6. I will roll a number of dice equal to 6 (Computer Skill) + 7 (Hacking Pool, remember that 2 hacking pool dice are being used to suppress IC) = 13 I score 5 successes..... |
Aug 26 2003, 10:19 PM
Moving Target Group: Members Posts: 128 Joined: 19-March 03 Member No.: 4,292 |
Also you can just add 6 dices from hacking pool. |
Aug 26 2003, 10:20 PM
Runner Group: Members Posts: 3,314 Joined: 26-February 02 From: Lisbon, Cidade do Pecado Member No.: 185 |
Datasteal Walkthrough
Actually there's a small but in there... according to the Graceful Logoff system operation description in SR3 (page 217) - reiterated under the Trace IC description in Matrix (page 105 under "Running for it") - you've done everything correctly except that: "A tracking utility" (such as the Trace IC) "in it's Location Cycle" (which it is) "adds it's rating as a target number modifier to any Graceful Logoff attempts." Like the track utility, a trace IC program in its location cycle will add its rating as a target number modifier to any Graceful Logoff attempts (see Trace IC, p. 104). If the Graceful Logoff is successful, any trace programs homing in on the user from the system immediatly fail. What this means is that the Target Number for the Graceful Logoff operation is actually 12 (Access subsystem rating) - 6 (Deception Utility) + 8 (Trace IC rating) = 14 (not nice at all)... (aka you should have taken out the Trace IC before the Scout IC.) [edit] Gorath beat me to it Note - Synner's rule #5 - White IC is even worse than Black IC. Black IC puts an end to your misery, White IC works to ruin your day indefinitely. |
Aug 26 2003, 10:38 PM
Target Group: Members Posts: 41 Joined: 18-August 03 From: Manchester, UK Member No.: 5,515 |
OK.... 'Graceful Logoff' looks like a no-no....
Using a Free Action I can simply 'jack-out' and accept the effects of dump shock - Orange host = Serious Stun Damage? Things are getting way too hot in here for my neophyte decker.... in fact, the little old man is getting a little worried.... Can I jack out please? |
Aug 26 2003, 10:48 PM
Moving Target Group: Members Posts: 128 Joined: 19-March 03 Member No.: 4,292 |
Hope you are a careful decker and did not deck from your home. Even if not you should leave the jackpoint very soon, maybe a team is already on the way. Question: Can you perform a Relocate Trace operation even if you did not locate the trace IC? |
Aug 26 2003, 11:02 PM
Target Group: Members Posts: 41 Joined: 18-August 03 From: Manchester, UK Member No.: 5,515 |
I might be a neophyte decker but I sure ain't stupid.....
I jacked in from an illegal jackpoint - I'm not saying where - but my meat bod is well guarded..... The dump shock may leave me a bit confused, if not outright unconscious, but my buddies know the routine.... just as I kicked ass in the matrix, they'll kick ass if the security goons make a show.... LOL |
Aug 26 2003, 11:05 PM
Moving Target Group: Members Posts: 128 Joined: 19-March 03 Member No.: 4,292 |
Good to be careful. So i see no problems if you jack out.
Aug 27 2003, 12:51 AM
Dragon Group: Members Posts: 4,138 Joined: 10-June 03 From: Tennessee Member No.: 4,706 |
That's one of the reasons satlinks rock so very, very hard. Go in through FreeSat and, with a Deception Factor >=6, you can probably get in without raising more than a point of tally (Decrypt action and Access action). From there, drop onto half a dozen third world RTGs and relocate before going to your target.
Aug 27 2003, 05:30 AM
Moving Target Group: Members Posts: 128 Joined: 19-March 03 Member No.: 4,292 |
After we finished this matrix run we could start one, over a satlink + some Redirect Datatrail operations in some RTGs. As far as i know the description for FreeSat is in Target:Matrix.
Aug 27 2003, 09:22 AM
Runner Group: Members Posts: 3,314 Joined: 26-February 02 From: Lisbon, Cidade do Pecado Member No.: 185 |
Datasteal Walkthrough
Satcong - I see no problems with the Jack Out option either... Starting to sweat a little but having completed his mission the Old Man decides to jack out before his Evade Detection wears off dodging another confrontation with IC. Jerking the jack out of your temple is a sudden shock that send shivers and spasms through your nervous system as the DNI disengages too quickly and muscles clench and lock. (Dumpshock = 9S Stun, per the rules in SR3 page 227). The Jacking Out leaves the Trace IC confused in it's Location Cycle and it takes a further 5 Turns to locate your jackpoint. His fellow runners grab the drooling shellshocked decker under his arms and make good their escape. This run is complete. Gorath - I was thinking of trying some different runs to showcase other situations so your suggestion seems like a good idea to me. |
Aug 27 2003, 09:24 AM
Runner Group: Members Posts: 3,314 Joined: 26-February 02 From: Lisbon, Cidade do Pecado Member No.: 185 |
Datasteal Walkthrough Summary
To help dispel the misconception that Matrix runs are long and break the flow of the game, here is a bare bones breakdown of the Tests the run involved for the decker without all the description and explanations:
Now before going on to other stuff why don't we do a revision of the whole run and hear suggestions from people on how it could have gone better? How could the decker have improved his performance, lowered his target numbers, dodged some IC or done things differently? Let's hear your opinions and comments. |
Aug 27 2003, 11:34 AM
panda! Group: Members Posts: 10,331 Joined: 8-March 02 From: north of central europe Member No.: 2,242 |
maybe time to do a matrix run thats shows a decker doing matrix overwatch?
then you can show of the fact that with a null operation the decker can suspend himself in waiting for the guys inside to run into something (tally have a bad habbit of going haywire if it takes to long tho)... the problem i think most GM's have is that they dont know how to handle both a decker and meat personal at hte same time but info for that is all over the books. null ops, the very fact that diffrent ops take diffrent levels of actions and so on. hell, there is even a way to calculate how manyactions a decker gets whiel the rest of hte team is in combat without the decker actualy rolling for initiative... |
Aug 27 2003, 12:05 PM
Target Group: Members Posts: 41 Joined: 18-August 03 From: Manchester, UK Member No.: 5,515 |
Hobgoblin is absolutely right. Now that we have completed this run I am more confident about being able to integrate matrix activities into a standard meat-bod adventure.
At the end of the day, both involve essentially the same procedures (initiative, declarations, actions etc) and as long as players and GM are well-prepared and knowledgeable about their characters, how they work, and how the mechanics work this should not be as difficult as previously believed. |
Aug 27 2003, 12:12 PM
Target Group: Members Posts: 41 Joined: 18-August 03 From: Manchester, UK Member No.: 5,515 |
Lessons Learned
First, thanks are due to Synner for providing the opportunity to carry out this run. Other thanks are due to contributors who added comments and suggestions. I think the most important thing I learned was that good preparation by the GM, in particular the creation of a credible iconography, is essential to the success of the run. I found that the matrix run felt exactly the same as a standard non-matrix run in that descriptively it was very ‘real’. I began to think of the icons as being physical realities so that, for instance, IC combat in the matrix ‘appeared’ like standard non-matrix combat. In effect, what I am trying to say is that the GM’s ability to graphically describe the iconography allowed me to make the imaginative leap from the real-world to the digital one. This was something I had not been able to grasp previously when I viewed the matrix purely as a set of tests and dice rolls. Having a graphical iconography made me think about my own icon and to present it's actions in a more graphical way also - in effect, I had to role-play the little old man. I also learned that both the GM and Decker need to know, or at least have references close at hand, how the matrix mechanics work. Synner repeatedly stressed the benefits of having Matrix p. 162 – 163 available. About half-way through the run I started to appreciate why he stressed this and in referring to these pages I began to understand the Operation/Test/Utility/Action relationship so that I was able to look at the utilities that I had loaded and then find the necessary target numbers and so forth. This greatly facilitated my enjoyment since I felt as though I was taking responsibility for my decker rather than leaving all calculations to the GM to work out. What became very apparent during the course of the run is that the decker’s preparation for his matrix-run is every bit as important as the preparation carried out by any shadowrunning team/character prior to a mission. Things like data-trails, validated accounts, reconnaissance of the host and so forth. This applies equally to the decker’s consideration of his mission, target and loadout so that he can make appropriate decisions based on his mission plan. There are many other things that I would like to mention but for brevity will leave to others to draw attention to. Suffice to say that I now have a completely different outlook on the matrix and it no longer intimidates me as GM or Player in the way it did before. Thanks Synner, thanks everyone. Let's do some more. |
Aug 27 2003, 12:43 PM
panda! Group: Members Posts: 10,331 Joined: 8-March 02 From: north of central europe Member No.: 2,242 |
gah, new content...
just to give you some easy pointers to how to integrate the deckers on overwatch with the meat world: first of, get the guy a headware radio with a transducer (i think thats the name of the hardware), that way he can just think to speak. the other solution is for the decker to head for the rtg beforehand and set up a conference call with the cellphones of the rest of hte team by using the comcall utility :) sure you can use normal radios and phones to but then you take +8 to all actions on the host and you loose automaticly any initative ties :( one other idea could be someone on hitcher trodes tho alltho that means having someone sitting besides you and being a relay. opps, forget that with the matrix book in hand you can plug in radios and cellphones into the deck tru the FUP :) |
Aug 27 2003, 04:42 PM
Runner Group: Members Posts: 3,314 Joined: 26-February 02 From: Lisbon, Cidade do Pecado Member No.: 185 |
I think a Matrix Overwatch run would go well as the next example, we could also run through the satlink as an introduction to that and cover both aspects.
However before we get into that I'd really like to see suggestions on how satcong could have modified his performance, his deck, his program load out and/or his choices on this run to avoid getting in so much trouble. I'll start with the most obvious one:
Aug 27 2003, 06:25 PM
Target Group: Members Posts: 41 Joined: 18-August 03 From: Manchester, UK Member No.: 5,515 |
I didn't realise that you could purchase utilities at set-up with the options - I thought these were only available if you were programming your own utilities.
Just shows what you can miss if you don't read the material thoroughly. |
Aug 27 2003, 08:57 PM
Dragon Group: Members Posts: 4,138 Joined: 10-June 03 From: Tennessee Member No.: 4,706 |
Here's the original setup from the first page for those who care ;) Things I see immediately are that the decker should change out his evasion and masking ratings. Evasion is good, but masking is better. I'd suggest that Body and Sensor trade, but you might Body your victim when you go into masking mode, and having a 3 wouldn't be as bad as a 2. Otherwise, I'd trade the two. That little change made, in masking mode, you have a Detection factor of 10, which is a profound improvement over 6 (average system success goes from 1/6 to 1/12). Also, the decker has a killer relocate program but didn't take the time to use it. It's worth considering that the medic utility could be replaced with something else. Depending on how urgent the run is, by the time you need it, you should probably just jack out and try later. That, and I'd add in some peripherals, such as a sat link and a radio/cellphone. Cellphones aren't the best thing in the world (because they are so easy to trace), but they're better than nothing. |
Aug 27 2003, 09:09 PM
Target Group: Members Posts: 41 Joined: 18-August 03 From: Manchester, UK Member No.: 5,515 |
Having read up more now on Matrix (a bonus forced upon me by the run itself) I know understand the benefits of Masking over Evasion and also Sensor over Bod. I also now know about Masking Mode. The Medic Utility is pretty redundant (large and expensive) and from recent events would drop that in favour of something else - such as LOCATE. Didn't have a clue really about the benefits of RELOCATE until I actually had the run-in with the Trace IC.... the learning curve can be steep and dangerous in the Matrix. Thanks TinkerGnome. |
Aug 28 2003, 12:38 AM
Dragon Group: Members Posts: 4,138 Joined: 10-June 03 From: Tennessee Member No.: 4,706 |
Also of benefit would be a Commlink utility, Camo, Defuse, Doorstop, Purge, Sniffer, and Validate. The most important of these are Camo and Validate, of course. The others are very useful in fairly common applications, but can probably stay in non-active memory until they are needed.
I was previously confused and thought Relocate and Camo were different things. The decker couldn't have done Redirect Datatrail operations (which I've been erroneously calling relocate actions, I think) but should have tried to relocate his way out of the trace that was following him. When you have a high detection factor, it's worth noting, you should Analyze just about everything before using it (particularly if you suspect your GM of using some nasty tricks). Between virtual machines, databombs, and worms, you'll be glad you did. And never, ever forget to buy a power cord. Decks don't appear to come with them. |
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